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Tamura reveals Parasites can indeed survive without cannibalizing humans, theorizing that both species belong to the same "family". The detectives arrive on scene and open fire on Tamura, who does not retaliate, but chooses to protect her baby. She slowly staggers toward Shinichi, pleading him in earnest to listen to what she has to say. 

After witnessing someone like Tamura do this, would you feel more empathetic towards Parasites? 

Should Shinichi be fighting to protect parasite and human fused people?



And this is where Parasyte became a certified masterpiece. Shinichi after losing his heart and becoming more and more like a parasite is finally able to feel human again due to the actions of a parasitic mother with a human baby that was able to humanize her without even realizing it, and yet a group of government official humans are seen as the monsters by needlessly killing said mother, assuming her to be a threat to society just for killing the man that attempted to kill her baby, extremely well written and complex stuff right here, it especially helps with the serious tone and atmosphere that although certain other main stream and big animes have done this, they are not able to capture that distinct dark and grounded feeling.. Now can’t say I would feel more empathetic towards all parasites since it’s the same way all humans aren’t the same, however I would definitely be more open minded to the idea of protecting para human fused people.

Justus A

Great episodes, the way they been roasting Murano this whole series is hilarious tho

Devin B

Fr it's giving me flashbacks of when they used to roast Sakura back in Shippuden


I know. What's crazy is when I watched this by myself, I was completely indifferent towards Murano. She was sort of just there. But after watching their reactions, I honestly did not realize how annoying she was. Damn. One of those things where watching a reactor changes certain aspects of a show for you.


@Femto Hopefully that wasn’t the case for you or anyone else here with a certain other final part of a long-running series they just finished.


what happened to the subtilities?

Robert Johnson

21:20 DAMN Evan with the Futuresight Haki. Put respect on my boy.


Reiko best character MVP


inuyashiki is kinda like this good watch


the problem is that the woman killed other people and will kill more people

Chance Lee

You guys should watch inuyashiki it's only 12 episodes it's dark, Gore, AND about being human on some deep shit