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Apologies on the late post! 


Lucas Veloso

<3 All love guys

Otito Ekwueme

Apology accepted. U guys are great for the consistency

Daas Nahk

Its funny because as soon as the crew left the prison something felt different with the reactions, Jerry asking why they are talking instead of doing things again, missing character motivations, weird design complaints, the comments about the heart and Mobius strip, lmao we somehow devolved to how they were acting before watching jojo.


They forgot she is literally made of thread! so her heart is basically the blue infinity strip you see on her chest at all times! Her whole body is made of thread and that includes her heart!

Nem Kos

When it's not Jotaro going ora ora for 15 minutes these guys be completely lost 😂😂😂


Rikkiel foreshadowed that Pucci needed the Joestar's extraordinary luck/fate for a coincidence to happen that would help Pucci achieve his goal. Also, Pucci rose to find the equivalent gravity of the new moon, rather than waiting for it at ground level.


“Disclaimer guys if you’re having heart problems you cannot replace it with an Infinity heart sign” well no shit jerry it’s an anime, out of all the bizarre shit y’all have seen on jojos, the mobius strip crossed the line💀💀

Desto Samuels

Question, this is unusual to, but do none of yall have a brain of your own besides Rob(even if he's trolling he has his own opinions)? It's hard for me to believe you all moved exactly in sync with almost the same exact opinions towards the end of the series. Jerry himself explained how the mobius strip worked then when he got the actual explanation 2 seconds after all of a sudden it didn't make sense to him then to the whole crew. Lmao This shit is almost comedic. All these niggas be actin sped


To think the mobius strip is probably Jolyne’s coolest moment


You wonder why they watch nothing but action animes 🤣🤣🤣


And yet contrary to what they say “where we react to everything!” What a load of Capparoni Macaroni


The irony this is why I knew these niggas would not rock wit this season since it’s too complex for these bozos


These niggas just call shit dumb because they don’t understand it, Jerry was the same bozo who said anything is possible but tryna dismiss the morbius strip lol, you can’t make this up 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Even on my first watch the explanation for Jolyne’s Morbius strip and Pucci’s explanation of how place himself at the right location to rise made sense. I’m confused at where everyone got lost at.


Pt6 is full of goofy crazy bullshit, but yall act up when they dont understand something, the only morbius they kno is jared leto prolly lol everyone is diff, not every1 will understand all the nonsense araki cooks up chill u spoiled jojo fanbois lets enjoy the return of GOATaro

Desto Samuels

Not everyone has one braincell man... So it's Def a bit jarring to alot of the audience when they go low iq mode after constantly calling the writers room smart (multiple times this season) but now its an issue. Cut the audience some slack. Remember an audience is a reflection of reactors. And these guys are helluh toxic. Also Jotaro let us down he's not the goat anymore


I'm sorry that Jerry is too stupid to understand how the Morbius strip worked, when I first saw that, I was knocked off my feet with how clever it was. And it was something that was foreshadowed all they way back when Jolene first unraveled herself with her power.


It's ok to not immediately understand something, simply apply yourself through inquiry. But to say that it's dumb or doesn't make sense when you clearly lack the knowledge of it, shows a lack of intellectual honesty


they always be talking about wanting to get a breakdown on how things work but never search anything up between reactions 😭