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Damn this one was heartbreaking! Drop a like for the GOAT Dumbledore! 

Reaction starts at 00:42 seconds in. 


Oda Dam

Gonna throw a Kung Fu Hustle request whenever I see a movie react upload. Respectfully


I think Lord of the Rings is the play after HP is done

Darren Stewart

I second the Lord of the rings request. Especially if y'all like GoT


Lord of the rings is TRASH! They’d be falling asleep

Natali (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-08 01:44:47
2024-01-08 01:44:47
2024-01-08 01:44:47
2024-01-08 01:44:47
2024-01-08 01:44:47
2023-03-22 15:33:41


dean thomas is the black kid from all the movies


They just aren't like that. Sometimes they will but there are 5 very talkative and argumentative people all trying to get a word in. Shit's gonna get talked over regardless. Iirc wellz was saying they do use subtitles(but i could be wrong) but also at this point they all have learned to tune each other out to some extent as well(also from wellz stream).

Enrique Magdaleno

Here we go with more of Rob praising the racists lol

Armani Garcia

This one was so gangsta


Dude 80% of the movie is 2 midgets struggling to climb up a hill….TRASH


best fantasy adaptation ever made and its not close. stay mad

Paul-Mihail Draghioiu

Harry and Jinny's chemistry works way better in the books. The movies, especially this one, screwed up quite a few characters tbh. Ron's also far more capable and not as much of a comic relief in the books. Also out of all the movies, this one's the worse in terms of adaptations. Omits a lot of important plots and background info on Riddle that are essential for the next movies. Heck even book 7(the movie adaptation that is) omits a lot and that one was split into 2 movies. This one should have been a 2 parter too

Darrell Henry

It’s not trash but I would recommend the theatrical release not the extended cut.

Paul-Mihail Draghioiu

The potion Dumbledore drinks forces him to relive his greatest regrets and shames and failures in life over and over. You learn what these are in the next book(the movies sadly don't go into much detail)

Nelson Kelso Martinez

“He had him lookin like Owen Wilson” Wellz LOL 😆

_ FlusterCluck

they would definitely fall asleep, but not because its trash because its not for them.


Lord of the flies is a better film to watch

_ FlusterCluck

In the case of Harry getting with Rons sister I'm not mad at it and I don't think it's weird, mostly because I know Harry's a good guy and wouldn't try to play Jenny or anything like that. I always look at situations like the through the lens of the paid in full movie; if you've seen it you know Mitch the drug dealer is best friends with Ace the square who ends up with his sister, Mitch can see and knows what's going on between them and is happy for them. Mitch knows Ace is a stand-up guy and if it was just some random he probably would've taken a different approach.

Peter Keogh-Lynn

So there seems to be a misunderstanding.. Bellatrix didn't kill Neville's parents. She used the cruciato curse on them in order to get Intel. They didn't give anything up. And she kept the curse up until they were mentally broken. They are at a wizard hospital.


I think they do have subtitles on because Evan said "I'm the half-blood prince" right before Snape said the words.

William Tippen

Pat can’t help but dick ride Rob every chance he gets it’s weird af. They


this movie and part 1 deathly hollows def my top 2


Lol you sound like you never had a friend b4


Lololol they are not racist if they are CHOOSING to respect & fear a half-blood as their “Dark Lord”. No, they are ambitious & they want to be able to live freely without muggles getting in the way of their magic. I personally can’t imagine being forced to live in a “secret hidden society” just bc we are different. Slytherin house is top tier. Gryffindors are just as racist as cops, in fact don’t most of them turn into cops in the actual series?? Lmfaooo I’d rather be ambitious than a rambunctious future-cop


I can't believe yall are almost done with this story. Your heads will be spinning by the end trust me

Emily Poots

This guy truly sitting here saying hey, I’d be on the white supremacists side 😰

Lalisa Truong

What's funny is I recently rewatched GoF and when the Death Eaters attacked the world cup, it did not escape me this time around that the way they were dressed looked a lot like the KKK 😅

Lalisa Truong

And yet the way they act and talk sounds pretty much how a racist would...cherry on top, they even throw around slurs at times lol

Enrique Magdaleno

The mental gymnastics this guy had to do LOL. I’m not passionate enough abt HP to cuck myself like he just did.

Master Oogway

R.A.B is the Black family kid forgot his name I know it was R.Black


Rob wanna be different so bad the nigga slow😂😂😂

William Tippen

I didn’t know having a friend means agree with everything they say especially when for the last few movies he was on the opposite side of the malfoy stuff. But ok fam you got it.


deadass lmao i normally dont mind his antics, but him hyping up draco and yellin over the movie at peak moments is WILD bro


I mean the movies barely touch on it anyway, it isn't a big spoiler.

Malachi Davis

Nah fr lol like he’s just doing too much for no reason it’s mad annoying fr

Breanna Slender

I love how In almost every quiet scene where they give you important information everyone be yelling over it and talking shit, like Draco saying he has to finish his task cause Voldemort threatened to kill him if he didn’t but everyone talkin over him. Like bro he is a 16 year old child being forced to kill one of the most powerful wizards out there. Of course he would be scared, anyone would.

Marcus Webster

Not gonna lie. I like the obsessive type


…Rob does know that Death Eaters are racist right?


And Harry doesn’t go for it without Ron’s permission. In the books she’s pretty and gets attention from a lot of guys, and Ron would rather her be with Harry who he knows and trusts.


Voldemort kills his Muggle father and grandparents when he’s a teenager. He also changes his name to disown his muggle father. He takes on his slytherin heritage and is all about the pure blood ideology. I don’t think his followers care because he’spowerful and is about their ideology, and he disowned and murdered the muggle side of his family. Also it wasn’t covered inthis movie but his mom used a love potion to get with his dad.


And Voldemort gave Draco the task to get back at his dad for failing to get the prophecy in the 5th book. Voldemort never expected Draco to succeed and thought he would die from it. That’s why Draco’s mom does the vow with Snape because she knows Voldemort put Draco on a suicide mission out of anger at Lucius.


I think Rob likes the villains because they are strong and there are real consequences in the series and characters die. But yeah their ideology is Nazi Germany with Voldemort as the dictator who wants to take over the world.

Michael Diaz

-Dumbledore and kid Tom Riddle talking for the first time in a flashback, showing how they met and where Tom came from and why he went to Hogwarts, and what he was like- RT crew: So is Dumbledore's actor Magneto? ARE YOU SURE? It looks like him. Fuck this shit. lol Y'all are thinking of motherfucking Gandalf from Lord of the Rings, btw. lol

C Nichole

That's because his followers did not know he was half blood.....Dumbledore knew and Harry found out through Dumbledore n of course told Ron and Hermoine. It wasn't common knowledge

Joseph LeRoy

I don't know how you guys deal with Rob. I would've pushed his dumb ass down some stairs a long time ago. Crazy how he is always preaching but is arguing and defending the Death Easters who are basically the Nazis of Harry Potter.

C Nichole

Damn its getting worse each movie

Jude G

Rob was literally calling the death eaters racist because they were outfits that looked like the kkk but is still somehow on their side..


Rob gonna dress up as Uncle Ruckus one of these Halloweens. I got 5 on it.


They are also blatant racial supremacists and want racial purification, only "pure bloods" and no "mud bloods". Nazism of the magical world.

Peter Keogh-Lynn

the movies dont show it at all, but in the books, Dumbledore casts an immobiling spell on Harry Potter when he is under the stairs. thats why he doesnt do anything. Dumbledore told him, but then also cursed him to make sure he wouldnt interfere.. Also Snape is a half-blood. its said in the book, or at least implied

Michael Diaz

Ay the dumb side picking and rallying is funny and all but why Rob and Pat gotta ruin big moments in the movie? I mean I get Rob is siding with the bad guys KNOWING they're meant to lose in the story. But kinda fucked up ruining the vibe of scenes like Dumbledore's death. Shout out to Joel for carrying these reactions on his back. And special disappointment for Patrick because he's usually my favorite reactor but keeps undercutting deep moments in the movie by making cheesy ass jokes really loudly and staring at the screen with this unimpressed expression. lol

Michael Diaz

The name Half-Blood Prince comes from Professor Slughorn. Slughorn referred to Harry as a prince of potions. If Snape is the Half-Blood Prince, that means he's not a pure blood, which I'm sure is a secret since he's a Death Eater.


jerry the most brain dead mofo in this movie reaction always saying shit and getting it wrong every time


pat still loves wearing diapers

Lalisa Truong

Lol why is Rob so against Harry asking questions with Slughorn? Do you not want the story to progress or something....and then just talking over the scene when it was a pretty beautiful moment on Harry's part, emphasizing his mother's love and sacrifice and how it shouldn't be in vain.

Lauren Flack

oh god why did i read the comments before watching. can see a lot of important scenes are glossed over and information is missed. ik the movie adaptation isn't GREAT but its pretty integral stuff to the next 2 movies lol. GUYS IF UR READING PLS BE SUPER FOCUSED FOR DEALTHY HALLOWS PART 1 AND 2 so much happens

Natali (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-28 11:03:16 Yall need to either listen during the important parts or put subtitles. That way you can still talk about stuff while read what they’re saying
2023-04-28 11:03:16 Yall need to either listen during the important parts or put subtitles. That way you can still talk about stuff while read what they’re saying
2023-04-28 11:03:16 Yall need to either listen during the important parts or put subtitles. That way you can still talk about stuff while read what they’re saying
2023-04-28 11:03:16 Yall need to either listen during the important parts or put subtitles. That way you can still talk about stuff while read what they’re saying
2023-04-28 11:03:16 Yall need to either listen during the important parts or put subtitles. That way you can still talk about stuff while read what they’re saying
2023-03-23 18:27:54 Yall need to either listen during the important parts or put subtitles. That way you can still talk about stuff while read what they’re saying

Yall need to either listen during the important parts or put subtitles. That way you can still talk about stuff while read what they’re saying


Yeah there's literally no downside in having subtitles on the video yet we go countless reactions without it. It kinda shows how little they care about their audience yet people still dickride them. It's sad cause I do like their commentary but I hate not understanding what the characters are saying or them being confused on whats going on.

Natali (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-28 11:03:16 Please pay more attention in deathly hallows. I know it can be hard with 5 people but there is no way yall talking about gangsters crying while a pretty important scene is going on lmao
2023-04-28 11:03:16 Please pay more attention in deathly hallows. I know it can be hard with 5 people but there is no way yall talking about gangsters crying while a pretty important scene is going on lmao
2023-04-28 11:03:16 Please pay more attention in deathly hallows. I know it can be hard with 5 people but there is no way yall talking about gangsters crying while a pretty important scene is going on lmao
2023-04-28 11:03:16 Please pay more attention in deathly hallows. I know it can be hard with 5 people but there is no way yall talking about gangsters crying while a pretty important scene is going on lmao
2023-04-28 11:03:16 Please pay more attention in deathly hallows. I know it can be hard with 5 people but there is no way yall talking about gangsters crying while a pretty important scene is going on lmao
2023-03-23 19:57:36 Please pay more attention in deathly hallows. I know it can be hard with 5 people but there is no way yall talking about gangsters crying while a pretty important scene is going on lmao

Please pay more attention in deathly hallows. I know it can be hard with 5 people but there is no way yall talking about gangsters crying while a pretty important scene is going on lmao

Natali (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-08 01:44:47 They will probably talk over the important parts and the act confused when something happens lmao
2024-01-08 01:44:47 They will probably talk over the important parts and the act confused when something happens lmao
2024-01-08 01:44:47 They will probably talk over the important parts and the act confused when something happens lmao
2024-01-08 01:44:47 They will probably talk over the important parts and the act confused when something happens lmao
2024-01-08 01:44:47 They will probably talk over the important parts and the act confused when something happens lmao
2023-03-23 20:01:17 They will probably talk over the important parts and the act confused when something happens lmao

They will probably talk over the important parts and the act confused when something happens lmao

Socorro Viernes

Nahh I've never seen someone react like that to Dumbledore's death, Pat and Rob red flags for sure

Socorro Viernes

Also the double standards between Harry and Draco like you wanna say Draco was only 17 yes old having to do this but Harry's literally the same age and you keep wanting high expectations from him like make it make sense (ノ-_-)ノ~┻━┻


Talk yo shit jerry!!!! Fuck da oops

S.W. (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-28 11:03:17 Nobody expects Harry to kill ppl lol that’s the difference & Dumbledore is a whole grown ass man who allowed children to risk their lives doing things they had no business doing. He is just as bad as Voldemort lol the only difference is he gave his life to the cause. Ruined Snape’s reputation & made another ghastly mark on the Slytherin name. Gryffindors always want to do some reckless sh*t & blame it on Slytherins smh.
2023-03-24 01:47:22 Nobody expects Harry to kill ppl lol that’s the difference & Dumbledore is a whole grown ass man who allowed children to risk their lives doing things they had no business doing. He is just as bad as Voldemort lol the only difference is he gave his life to the cause. Ruined Snape’s reputation & made another ghastly mark on the Slytherin name. Gryffindors always want to do some reckless sh*t & blame it on Slytherins smh.

Nobody expects Harry to kill ppl lol that’s the difference & Dumbledore is a whole grown ass man who allowed children to risk their lives doing things they had no business doing. He is just as bad as Voldemort lol the only difference is he gave his life to the cause. Ruined Snape’s reputation & made another ghastly mark on the Slytherin name. Gryffindors always want to do some reckless sh*t & blame it on Slytherins smh.


I been team Draco since this movie. Fanfiction is where it’s at w/ the Draco fanbase lololol


Rob is the definition of the edgelord who says controversial shit to get attention


This dick riding is crazy 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


I think they have subtitles on while they're watching but we're just seeing an edited version without

Fidel Atkinson

Lol Jerry really has the will power to be on that yamato type flex when it comes to mostly malfoy....

Nyeisha Melvina Clark

Yea I heard it’s better in the books, but judging based solely on the movies, their entire relationship was terrible and not just because She is Ron’s sister but also because Harry literally never acknowledged Ginny’s existence until this movie, and even in the beginning of this movie he was trying to hit on another girl and then when he got to Hogwarts just randomly decided he was in love with her and it hurts to see her with another guy, and apparently Hermione can tell because it’s “so obvious” even though it just happened. It was all just very forced, plus the fact that the two actors literally had NO chemistry together and were just awkward to watch. I know book readers had issues with these movies because things were taken out that were in the book, but I honestly would have rather them scrapping that entire relationship, like he legit had more chemistry in those 5 seconds with the girl in the beginning AND more chemistry with Luna than Ginny the rest of the movie.


I never read past the 4 book but this is interesting to know there is more detail about it. I might have to pick it back up.


I would love nothing more than that but tbh I can’t help but feel that somehow rob will single-handedly ruin the best fantasy adaption but spouting off dumb shit constantly.

Sarah Wevers

I love y’all but Rob is so annoying 🤣


when is he not lol He tries to piss people off I just glad he isn't going so on Evan anymore he threw a couple of shots but before literally every time Evan opened his mouth he would diss him. I wish the team would call him out when he acts like that because he ruins the whole reaction with his pettiness.


I would recommend it tbh, i found the audiobooks on YouTube like 6 months ago and realized that most of my memories were from the movies, and the books are so much better like holy shit. Don’t get me wrong the movies are great but for example Ron’s brother Percy isn’t even a character I. The movies and he has a whole overarching story lmao


Sectum Sempra: happens Evan - “All I know is murder” Rob - “But he’s not dead” Rob is annoying, and just generally when he speaks I don’t have fun, but that’s the funniest shit I’ve ever heard. He had that shit locked an loaded like he knew Evan was gonna say that shit

Emma Schragel

This movie fails to convey so much of the important information. 1) NO MENTION OF THE GAUNT FAMILY. This one is pretty appalling they make it seem like it's just a random ring riddle wore. 2) no memory of him getting the cup from the lady, 3) no memory of him returning to ask for a job so how did he hide the diadem 4) Prince is snape's mother's maiden name and snape's father was an abusive muggle, he chose to identify with his magic side (just like riddle) 5) Harry wasn't supposed to know that it was a vanishing cabinet until draco explains it to dumbledore, but he WAS supposed to know that malfoy was making regular visits to the room of requirement. And lastly, HARRY WAS SUPPOSED TO BE IN A BODY BIND CURSE and under his invisibility cloak. This is the worst because in the movie they make it seem like harry was able to move and just chose to watch dumbledore die?!? AND like the reason draco was able to disarm albus in the book is because albus was using that split second to use petrificus totalus on harry. so he wouldnt save him as that would mess with the plan. This movie makes it seem like draco could just disarm albus because he is quicker. Oh yeah and the missing battle of the astronomy tower. Worst adaptation of all besides goblet

Joe Hastings

I’ve never seen a reaction this bad for Harry Potter really sucks wellz had to hear all them fighting a couldn’t enjoy the movie !! Rob really might be the reason I stop watching the movie reactions


Rob you were incredibly obnoxious and unnecessary in this reaction. I get you were trying to be entertaining, but this wasn't it at all. You ruined the reaction with your cringe behavior. That's regardless of your weird support for the racist KKK wizards btw. Just your basic reaction was insanely annoying, everyone else in the comments seems to be annoyed as fuck. I'm stopping this here and watching the rest of my own, this crap is actually intolerable.


The word gangster and Harry Potter franchise just doesn’t sit well in a reaction, spoils it 🤣

Dorje Tobjur

lol guy on the right falling asleep 😂


They both been liking Draco since the beginning though. It’s just a joke that they hype him up together that you aren’t in on lol

Brent Sully

Trust me, youd probably be a lot cooler with the dynamic in the books. Yeah its still his boys sister, but Ginnys character is so much more developed in the book youd probably be able to see the connection between them


I'm sorry but ya'll are annoying as FUCK! You literally have to YELL over the best scenes in the movie and miss out on key dialogue. I just can't with ya'll niggas.