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Avengers level wizardly fighting right here! 



Rob the typa guy to side with the Nazi's in Schindler's List


You’re so right. He has really trash opinions.. Like Wdym “harry should turn into the next tom riddle”.. The whole point is that harry is NOT like him

_ FlusterCluck

I love that Voldemort has made a name for himself, turned himself unrecognizable, and Dumbledore is still like "Tom take that stuff off your face and stop playing".


Rob wanna be different so bad it’s crazy


rob tries to be different so bad it’s embarrassing 😭


neville's parents are still alive. bellatrix tortured them beyond sanity so now they just live the rest of their days in a mental institute which is why he was raised by his grandma since he was a baby when this happened. his parents don't even recognize him


I could have sworn they said that jr kill nevilles parents in the last movie, but I could be wrong.


nope, in this movie, sirius says they "suffered a fate worse than death," which is being a hallowed shell of their old selves as patients at the hospital. so they're alive...but are they really? y'know

Amber Wilmot

Lmfao you guys the 1st and 2nd Harry Potter movies it was a diff Dumbledore. Then that actor died and passed away then starting with the 3rd Harry Potter movie it was diff Dumbledore so now it’s been the same actor since the 3rd one lmfao surprised no one’s mentioned this already. Normally the Harry Potter fans are on top of that and tell reactors right away. So yea lol.


this one use to be my favorite for the longest cause of that fight alone lmao


This used to be my favorite movie out of the entire series but Prisoner of Azkaban replaced it a few yrs ago😩


snape couldve been the school threats of all threats


Yeah the OG Dumbledoor from the first 2 movies passed away. The new one is Michael Gambon

Michael Diaz

More surprised they didn't notice the first one was all soft spoken and really old sounding while the new one is far more loud and uppity, and not to mention aggressive. His outfit was also significantly different and remained mostly the same since. So it almost looks like 2 totally different characters.


Can we please get subtitles next time. No point in having the video there if you can't hear half the dialogue with you guys talking or yelling over it (this part is fine, that's what you're supposed to do in a reaction but it's just that it's inaudible a lot of the time).

Michael Diaz

Neville's parents probably got tortured with one of the 3 unforgivable curses we saw in Goblet of Fire, which would explain why he was so uncomfortable when the curse was demonstrated on that bug. And why he knew about the curse in the first place to mention it to the fake Moody.

Darren Stewart

is that purple haired girl osha who helps bran in GoT?


Damn, I knew Marva from Andor was from Harry Potter, but I never knew Karn's Mom was is this shit too 😆 (25 minutes in, she's the witness)

Josetta Wootson

The time period for these movies is the mid to late 90's. Thats why they are dressed so crazy.

Jason Charles

Jerry when they start these movies-"I reallyy dont remember much" Jerry Right after Umbridge says not even one word-"I Hate this Lady"

Myles Xavier

i hated the pink lady some much first time seeing this and i always do.


nah if you would of told harry potter was this cold i would of watched it ages ago. Franchise is a amazing


Funny how y’all never noticed the dumbledore change but the OG actor past away after the second film

Justin Smith

I did too, at first. But I still very much hate the part when her and Harry are in her office. Other than that i lowkey live for her antics lol

Justin Smith

Not "probably" they were most definitely tortured w an unforgivable curse to the point where their brains were almost mush

Bonnie Jax

Crazy that I'm just realizing the prophecy was referring to the piece of Tom'ssoul inside of Harry. And Dumbledore knew but left that out when he was talking to Harry at the end.

Jamaal Ellison

Boy you know Harry's a whole gangsta talking spicy about someone's mother knowing full well his mother's dead 🤣 also Sheamus has always been an idiot.🙄

Jamaal Ellison

Nothings changed even in the Wizarding world of Harry Potter whenever bad shit happens they blame it all on Black. SMH

Lavicrep Ris

I read somewhere that Neville is has more potential than harry Potter

Kristine Olonan

The prophecy just refers to a boy born in July. and both Harry and Neville's parents were pregnant at the same time.

Kristine Olonan

You guys missed Neville's bad ass clap back to Bellatrix when she asked him How's mom and dad. lmfao!

Markus Bryant

The person who made the prophecy was Professor Trelawny. She actually has the gift of prophecy, but doesn't really control it. The spirit just takes her over. During her interview, Dumbledore thought she was a fraud until she was possessed and made the prophecy about a boy being born at the end of July defeating Voldemort. The prophecy could have either referred to Harry or Neville, but since Voldemort decided to try to kill Harry, it ended up referring to Harry. Instead, he sent Bellatrix after the Longbottom family. So Neville and Harry's roles could have been reversed.