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Mr Lowkey

Why can Rob not shut up about Saber? Does he really feel like he has to be contrarian to feel like he's contributing?


Lancer in fate zero died the same way because of kiritsugu

Quincy Jones

He's one of those pro-feminist weirdoes who is deep down genuinely a creep. His bashing of saber when in every other arthur like character who was male he couldn't help but dick ride kinda proves it.


I mean he aint wrong saber be low key annoying and retarded sometimes


i think its definitely the fact that emiya finding out about who archer is that will ultimately not turn him into archer because now he knows what to avoid

Raw power

Yall doin heavens feel after the series?


no please no there gonna drag it out for no reason

chou sion

shiro's a bitch, fuck him, all my homies hate shiro. Archer should have one tapped the bozo and his plot armor