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GET THIS TO 100 LIKES FOR US FINISHING THE SEASON!! Let us know what you guys think of the season finale!



https://twitter.com/corybarlog/status/1633284752571793408?s=61&t=1VigzxkX26iJZItobY59WA All I can say is I hope GΩW does better, it must do better. Anyways, looking forward to you guys getting back into Boruto starting with Ep 283. The final episode of part 1 is the 26th with EP 293, so only about 10 episodes for now to see.


I hope Im wrong, but I'm not expecting GOW will be better. It'd have to be the most expensive TV series in history x2 to do it justice.


It’s not about the budget, it’s about having the right people work on it. Granted I might have to agree with you considering I recently find out they’re not even covering the original Greek saga which is essential, only the Norse Saga. Not surprising with this overly sensitive world we live in.


No way do the Fireflies have the capability to mass produce and mass distribute a cure across America let alone save the world. They weren't gonna save humanity they were gonna save whatever small community of Fireflies they would end up creating.


Nah it’ll need crazy budget too, especially for all of those cool special effects

John Lacrete

IMO Joel wasnt wrong but he damn sure wasnt right, he made a decision based on the situation at hand which i blame the fireflies for. Imagine if they didn knock them out and basically throw ellie on a operating table before joel even woke up they could've talked out methods and came to a conclusion. instead joel woke up on hella violence mode cuz he and ellie basically got kidnapped and now he gotta hear "yea so we're basically gonna remove this kid you care about's brain, sorry" i woulda killed the whole hospital too, like damn mf do WE get a vote?


that what i am saying ellie would of died for no reason, no way they can mass produce a cure with only one person its not logical


You need good people, but budget is also definitely a key component no matter which saga they're adapting. GoW is a story about gods, monsters, giants, and magic.. its going to take a lot of money to do that world justice.


I’m honestly not worried about their budget money for it considering how much the franchise has made.


How is that not logical, yeah she probably can’t cure the whole world but with 50 to 100. The saves future generations. Now you have multiple lines immune and from their immune offspring’s you make more cure for the rest of the world. I see it making perfect sense.


Well we don't even know if the cure will also make the offspring immune, but either way we already saw Joel going on a rampage for his newfound daughter figure in his life. Do you think these future parents are gonna let their actual children be killed to be used as a cure. They might not want the cure at all if they know it means their future children basically have a death sentence and they'll just decide to stay put in a settlement they deem safe instead.

Lexi Browning

Ellie became his daughter. He loved her more than the world. It is what it is. Marlene picked the wrong person to deliver her there.

Jermaine Seifert

Cordyceps is a fungus it cannot be vaccinated against. So no matter what, Ellie would have died for nothing. so Joel made the better choice.


This final episode was really good, and the Woman who played Ellie‘s Mom was the same Woman who played Ellie in the games her name is Ashley Johnson.And last episode we have Troy Baker als James who played Joel in the games.

A. P.

Exactly, so many things would have to go right for the Fireflies' plan to have worked. Properly extracting the cordyceps from Ellie's brain, synthesizing the cure from it, keeping it stable and from expiring, transporting it safely, finding the right delivery method, getting people to actually take it, keeping those people alive long enough for it to matter. It was the best shot they had, but a pipe dream all the same, one that probably wouldn't have worked.

Michael Armstead

They were together for about 9 months and idc I don’t mind what Joel did but he should’ve told her the truth after, plus yea Ellie did say after she’s done there that she would follow him everywhere he goes so she definitely didn’t have the intention to go die and I think Joel also thought of that and they literally didn’t give her a choice


boruto still kinda lame lol. what is going on with the animation most recent fight was just still frames like do these guys need a vaction or something.


It doesn’t matter if the quality is good or not, they have to finish what they started and it’s part of the main story.

Amoni Finau

All I’m thinking is, we really going to rely on the doctor who picked up a scalpel vs a gun tho?🤣🤣 Na fam I’d rather have Ellie thug it out with Joel hahaha


I don't understand why Rob is looking away from the birthing scene... I thought he respected the science of it. 🤔 I was wondering why the mom sounded so much like Ellie from the game lol that's Ashley Johnson the VA. 26:12 Geez... Pat gave me a heart attack. The thing with RT TV's audio is that I have to put it at 100 to hear them normally... so Pat screaming definitely busted my ear drum. It's funny how RT TV understood the consequence of Joel's actions better than the angry mob who hated Last of Us 2 😂

Jesse B

Actress playing Ellie’s mom is Ellie’s VA Ashley Johnson


just because you respect the science of giving birth doesn't mean it's a pleasant thing to watch.

Myles Xavier

the argument ill make for Ellie living is in another reality they come to an agreement that she gets to experience life a bit bc she is 14, even if that life is shit, its sitll life and we all will meet death. so if she told them let me live a while and then do the surgery to save everyone. This is a theory. Another thing Ellie's mom/Ellies VA gave the process and there could be another Ellie if you know, but again that would cost a life. Ellies mom was bit and then Ellie came out, then she looked at it, so by the time she was bit and cut the ambilocal cord Ellie had some cordyceps in her, since birth and didn't turn. she basically built an "immune" from birth to 14 like Marlene said. if you know the process you can do it, but doing that would cost 2 lives. the mom, and the child that grows up to have built a strong immune probably when older. but still the doctor said he thinks it could work, but what if it didn't. then they would they think they need more research, and keep doing it, killing more. a crazy ass process if came true. and if it never worked then these writers are insane and it would truly be "Last of us" deadass on Aot lvl story

Myles Xavier

the fact that u said that show ur coping. no other anime get this kinda treatment


and with this joel is a true insane person deluded himself to think ellie is his daughter and doomed the world this man is a fukn psycho 10/10


She also VAs pike in Vox atm too. She goated


Just like with the brothers from before, you can call me a demon, you can say what i did was wrong cuz it def would be, but i would 100% do what joel did. While im breathing im doing what i can to stop all this. Now maybe if it was a decision ellie had made prior to me being locked up in a hospital and her already being put on an op table. And i had a chance to talk to her, while she had time to make a decision. That shit would be differnt imo.


Pedro Pascal is 47 but close enough ig

C Nichole

Yall not thinking logically.......there is literally no guarantee of this" cure" working......Marlene didn't even guarantee it when she was talking to Joel....if I'm not mistaken she even used the word "probably". So the fact that they didn't even AT LEAST give her the choice and let Joel see her so she can tell him her decision is CRAZY on their part. Any major surgery you have to be told what the stakes are.....they took that from her without the guarantee it would work. Also the fireflies are not innocent either.....how did yall forget these are the same ppl that been going back and forth with FEDRA?? who knows what they have done. It was selfish on all parts

C Nichole

ON TOP OF THAT we trust this one Doctor that we don't even know what kind of doctor he specializes as, will be able to perform the surgery successfully, and develop a cure? That's not even how that works in real life....who was gunna do all of that with the lack of knowledge and resources they have? PLUS if u are right about them not knowing the extent of how they would have to operate on Ellie until they got to the hospital, why would u believe they had the knowledge to perform all of this in enough time? It takes years of research.....and we learned in the first episode that there is no cure, so how would they know how to make a cure off of Ellie?


Rob LITERALLY said last episode that Joel was her daughter💀💀💀