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Peter Keogh-Lynn

In the script Hermione was actually supposed to hug both Harry and Ron. But in the shoot she was too nervous to do it. So they had an awkward handshake. It was unscripted


57:27 😂😭 pat and evan looking at each other has me crying

C Nichole

It's funny u say that Pat, because here is a little HP trivia.....J.K. Rowling said herself that The Azkaban prison was directly inspired by the real Alcatraz.....she also mashed up the name Alcatraz and the Hebrew word "Abaddon",which means "hell" to create Azkaban.

Kamilya Freshwater

Filch the caretaker is a squib which is a person who is born to two magical parents but have no magic themselves. Basically the opposite of a muggleborn witch like hermione (two muggle parents). That letter Harry picked up is called kwikspell (a wizard company that teaches spells kinda like Rosetta Stone for wizards) and filch was using it to try and learn magic. He was embarrassed because there is a big stigma around squibs. Most are ostracized in the wizard world and either take menial jobs or live among muggles.

Hank Scorpio

Since youre watching Community. The Quidditch announcer for the first 2 movies is the same actor that plays Magnitude in Community.


It’s crazy how I have watched this so many times and still never seen some of these deleted clips lol


There are so many deleted scenes straight out of the book that I'd never seen before


yeah this one had alot you can find some deleted scenes on youtube a compilation


At the end of the movie Lucius was about to kill Harry with the killing curse. Forgot all about that.😂

Justin Smith

Same, somehow nowadays whenver im watching I somehow manage to see a scene ive never seen before and im like tf? But always pleasantly surprised. Keep em coming!

Jamaal Ellison

Ron Weasley's dad ain't no bitch. He didn't back down to Lucius at all respect. 👏

Jamaal Ellison

Ron can't afford a new wand?! Why exactly are the Weasley's so poor his father has a government job. 🤔

Thine Tiny Equine

I always forget that the Potters were historically potion makers. Skele-Gro and a few others were invented by them.

Thine Tiny Equine

7 children with expenses, all of whom are accepted into Hogwarts. The good news: I expect their finances turned around a bit towards the end of the books

Jamaal Ellison

Man I totally forgot the Weasley's had all them damn kids sevenin total. Maybe Mister Weasley needs to research how muggels use condoms. Or at the very least the muggle invented pull-out method. 🤔 😅


They had them on purpose tho. They were gonna stop before Ron but wanted a girl. They tried, got Ron, were disappointed and decided to try again immediately after and then got Jenny.

Brent Sully

Ive never once heard Pat say a name right, especially in anime, that man would be fucked tryna use Floo Powder 😂

Brent Sully

This my fourth comment, but damn im not surprised Rob loves the Malfoys, corny ass mfs. Theyre bitches too, just wait till they have less money and power than rn