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WOW! This is one of my favorie plot twists! How didnt we see this coming!?? Did you guys catch it before this episode when watching ? 


Maroki R6

okay atleast they got it in the end ya know lol


Are y’all serious? Once again you didn’t catch anything this episode, Archer is clearly Uzumaki D. Goku from One Bleach Z

Devin B

I think most people caught the hints before this episode especially when Archer said trace on last episode


Peak reaction


Nah Archer is Gilgamesh clone thats why he called him a Faker.


Yeah but I feel like no one could 100% know they were the same person off first watch since based off what we’ve seen till now all the servants were people from the past like they never made it known servants could be from any point in time

Daniel Gotenks

This plot twist is the only good thing about the fate stay night series.

Devin B

@Brad the thing is I was in that mindset of servants coming from the past my first watch too but the last episode when Archer said trace on made it all clicked for me. You're definitely not going to notice the early hints the first time through but if you pay attention to the hints just before the reveal you should put two and two together.


if you mean story wise then yeah i agree with you


Wellz really saved the entire reaction cause if he didn't say anything the rest of them wasn't gonna get it.


Guess there not gonna watch boruto

Kade Wilson

y’all miss most details so it’s not surprising lol


Foreshadowed since episode 1 btw LMFAO


Bruh they would've missed it if Wellz didn't say that LOL


I only really caught stuff second time watching so when Rin summoned him she didn’t have a catalyst but the old clock signifying time I think that’s why she pulled him from the future


Crazy thing is every since the episode when Archer said "trace on" I knew what time it was.


She did not but Archer did. Remember the Amulet and how she was confused that there were two? It was a reverse catalyst that had meaning to Rin.