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Get this to 40 likes if Man Shirou is becoming annoying! Anyone agree !? lol 


james Weller

I can't want till they get THERE and then see their opinion on Shirou


next two episodes Pog

Devin B

True but until then it's understandable to be annoyed with him

james Weller

No I feel that which is why I didn't say I disagreed with them, just looking forward to that opinion flip lol


Fate apocrypha and Babylonia are way better then this


man, i wish we got 2 eps every week

Devin B

I'm calling cap on apocrypha. The servant roster and the fighting was dope but everything else imo was subpar, especially the MC. I haven't watched Babylonia so I can't say anything on it.


None of those even hold a candle to UBW 😂😂😂

Michael Armstead

Damn y’all don’t pay attention 😭


damn where is boruto. Its back to canon

Maroki R6

yeah, they were both insane but UBW is just superior, especially in writing.


Give Babylonia a shot I think you would mess with it and I only say apocrypha for them in particular cause they are “fight heads” they always looking for the next battle. That show had more fights in a 25 episode time span then I think I’ve ever seen in anything else. All crazy and diff in their own way. I agree the story is superior here but those are spin offs so it should be. Idk I just forgot how much UBW can drag at times. It’s been years since I’ve finished it originally


I was kinda shocked how good apocrypha was not gonna lie I need to watch that again

Jesse B

That’s asking a lot out of these dudes 😂😂😂 they don’t pay attention to shit in their faces lol


Why do you guys keep correlating servants from the previous war to the current war? They're not the same effing people, only King Arthur and Gilgamesh are back from the previous war. Terms like Berserker or Lancer are just the name of the class the servant got assigned to. I swear these Fate reactions are so frustrating to watch, how the fuck do you guys not get it by now?


They said they’ll get to it once they finish the last of us.

Darrin Davenport

The switch up for Shirou is gonna be crazy😂


Shirou is the worst mc of all time imo. I 100% agree with you guys

Jaime Adam

Pat nd wellz carry


Please watch the 3 heavens feel movies after UBW


I’m surprised they haven’t put two and two together yet.


this bitch luhbabytay still sucking rttv's dicks after like 2 years? damn!


That they biggest fault, i can't understand How 5 people can miss something so important which would have changed the end discussion, but what do you expect🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Nguyen Vinh

Lancer was right when he said he didn’t want to go 1 on 1 with assassin Cus assassin whopped saber ass last time lmao

Redding Tier

tbh he is a better protagonist than Naruto and Sasuke. They're really flat as characters. Sasuke lacks a personality and Naruto has a very basic shonen protagonist personality than you've seen several times over in other shows and better


You see... the issue is... Fate/Zero is just x10 better than the rest of the series and it's just a slippery slope from Great to Meh, the further you go along.


Whoa... The Gall to try and say Shirou isn't trash is one thing... but to actually try and make it sound like he's better than NARUTO!?!?!?! Stop it 😂