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Light Yagami

Of course this is in 2 parts


Moment of silence for everyone who wasted all their money and time invested in this Patreon channel only for 1 dude to completely disregard that generosity and shit all over every Office and most of the Community reactions by acting completely disinterested and lethargic/high. As if we are so clamoring to see his dumb face that we would rather see his garbage antagonistic behavior on screen rather than sitting out the reactions on shows he clearly doesn't want to watch. As if every asinine comment that comes stumbling out of his Xanned out brain is so incredibly witty and brilliant that we must hear it over the dialogue of a script written by a team of talented writers. Remember guys...never again. There are literally countless other reactors out there giving great reactions to The Office, It's Always Sunny, Community, etc. Tons of reactors who understand the gift that is 10 or 15 dollars a month from anyone in this economy. Reactors that don't fall asleep during reviews, make fun of the lead actor, or mumble moronic comments and laugh at themselves. I canceled almost immediately this month after forgetting how annoying Rob was. I'm just here to warn others and spread this message before the end of the month. Free yourselves from the negative vibes you feel when you watch these reactions. Let us take our money next month and give it to reactors who respect us, read and interact with comments, and accept and adapt to feedback from the audience. Enough is enough. Stop giving this disrespectful clown your hard earned money. If they get rid of Rob, then maybe we come back.


@Monkey D. Lucci I'm great actually. Knowing I'll never give RTTV another dime. How are you this beautiful Saturday?


@saul How one dude is single-handedly destroying what could have been RTTV's best and most re-watched series of reactions by being disrespectful. Instead, very few people will re-watch or even finish these reactions because he's such a bummer.


Glad to hear it, hope you have a good rest of your weekend, as well.

Lexi Browning

You chose to react to a reaction to a tv show that was made simply to make people laugh. It is not that serious. Are you living by other people's reactions or something? Feeling this strongly about this particular thing is embarrassing.


lol office is the most mid show they are watching rn. and if you wanna clown rob on sleeping then throw your boi jerry in there hypocrite since he be sleeping every other series


@Lexi Browning they are charging 10/15 dollars a month to "simply make people laugh". It deserves to be critiqued. If you don't care about the quality of what you spend your money on, why don't you go flush 10 dollars down the toilet right now? Not reacting to a TV Show because it doesn't interest you is one thing. Actively speaking over dialogue, comparing the lead actor to someone else (for 7 seasons), and falling asleep is another. I'm not upset, I'm trying to help others save money and watch something they actually enjoy. If that's embarrassing than I accept it.


@Mckenzie Absolutely. I'm just saying his reactions are detrimental to the overall entertainment factor of RTTV. If every single member of RTTV slept through an episode of a show, that is their right to do so. Its my right to cancel my membership and tell others to do the same.


@ExrialHD That sucks lol. Sleeping through anything while accepting money from subscribers sucks, unless its what you advertise.

House Targaryen

Imagine being mad over a person reacting to tv show and hating on Robby just because his opinion is different from yours dude get a life and again stop being soft


Come on, bruh. How do you not release both parts of these episodes at once?

Lexi Browning

@Brian You chose to spend 10/15 dollars on their reactions for a reason. You're not losing money unless you hate the content while still paying for it. And that's not on them; that's on you. Patreon is a subscription based platform and you can stop paying anytime you want. "I'm not upset, I'm trying to help others save money and watch something they actually enjoy." Let's call that quote what it is... cancelling. We don't need your help to press the unsubscribe button if we want to. Like I stated, we spend money for a reason, and I do it because their reactions are fantastic to me. Only crazy people try to mask their personal opinions under the guise of holistic betterment. And yeah, anything can be critiqued. "Let us take our money next month and give it to reactors who respect us..." That's not critiquing. That's cancelling. Big difference


The missed fate reaction ?


This will never change unfortunately. Best way is to leave and forget. At their best they do fire reactions but I understand where u are coming from. It sucks


@Haws You T Imagine being mad that somebody speaks facts about a reaction channel that costs 10/15 dollars a month, and telling them that they are soft because their opinion is different than yours. Imagine hating on someone for critiquing something that costs money. I hope you have a good day and weekend, and if you want to spend money on this, that is 100% your right as a consumer. Don't worry you wont see any more of my "soft" comments on March 1st because I wont ever be back lol. If I can save one person from making the mistake of wasting their money, than I will. Imagine blindly spending money on something without criticizing it at all. Patreon gives me the opportunity to "comment" on the video, so that's what I'm doing.


man wish yall released this two parter at once


@Lexi Browning I'm not speaking to people who enjoy the episodes. Do you read the comments on nearly every Office reaction? You seeing the same complaints over and over again? Why don't people cancel their memberships then? Because they are complacent. The same reason you keep your Netflix subscription for years and years even though you open it up and find nothing interesting to watch. I'm here to give people that extra motivation and to say "Hey, I did it, so can you." I'm speaking to people here to watch The Office and Community, and to let them know that there are tons of other reactors who pay attention to the show and treat it with some respect. You can put whatever name on that you want, cancel, persuade, motivate, sway, convince. Pick whatever one that works for you. And if you like RTTV's reactions of the Office and truly think there is nothing to complain about, power to you and enjoy the last 2 seasons.

House Targaryen

Good thank God no one need you toxicity in the comments sections and also most of these people group ass men or women you don’t need tell them how to spend there money

Haws You t (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-13 10:24:04 You also got personal It’s different hating Robby the react but your calling out Robby personally who you don’t Know and you won’t say to his face you keyboard warrior
2023-02-18 23:42:43 You also got personal It’s different hating Robby the react but your calling out Robby personally who you don’t Know and you won’t say to his face you keyboard warrior

You also got personal It’s different hating Robby the react but your calling out Robby personally who you don’t Know and you won’t say to his face you keyboard warrior

Jonathan baez

Pat trying to hold back his laugh now and rob laughing at everything will says lol cant wait to see him bitch and complain when hes off the show


Rob is lucky he became friends with Wellz because he just be getting free money off him


This should not be two parts

Myles Xavier (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-13 10:24:04 Jerry is still right that's all imma say, Michael only cares about holy and leaving his friends. yes hes prolly a little worried about the change. but holly even said jokingly "ill pay the bills" which is prolly true. so he doesn't really have to worry about money. he hung up on Wallace bc he knew that's what he thought David thought he was concerned about. and then the show showed his list of names for him to say goodbye and then Michael going around even tryna make toby happy got him thinking hell like his cousin or whatever. jerry is right, u make think a normal person would be worried rob but not Michael and even many other people
2023-02-19 01:49:47 Jerry is still right that's all imma say, Michael only cares about holy and leaving his friends. yes hes prolly a little worried about the change. but holly even said jokingly "ill pay the bills" which is prolly true. so he doesn't really have to worry about money. he hung up on Wallace bc he knew that's what he thought David thought he was concerned about. and then the show showed his list of names for him to say goodbye and then Michael going around even tryna make toby happy got him thinking hell like his cousin or whatever. jerry is right, u make think a normal person would be worried rob but not Michael and even many other people

Jerry is still right that's all imma say, Michael only cares about holy and leaving his friends. yes hes prolly a little worried about the change. but holly even said jokingly "ill pay the bills" which is prolly true. so he doesn't really have to worry about money. he hung up on Wallace bc he knew that's what he thought David thought he was concerned about. and then the show showed his list of names for him to say goodbye and then Michael going around even tryna make toby happy got him thinking hell like his cousin or whatever. jerry is right, u make think a normal person would be worried rob but not Michael and even many other people

Dustin Smith

Rob gotta be the dumbest dude in the world.


Do you morons ever shut up to actually listen to the scenes? Stop yapping about irrelevant bullshit. You never even talk about the show.


Rob, just shut the fuck up. Honestly. You're the literal dummy of the squad and every time you open your mouth, you just raise the bar on how stupid you can be. Do you not realize the irony that you are actually dumber than Michael? The least you could do is just have been quiet for his one last episode but no, Robbie's Clown Show is more important.


Ew lol you’re paying to be on his channel, get off his dick 💀


He's right though. How about you get Robby's chode out your mouth 💀


Rob this show is cringe comedy, those were like the only jokes in the first 3 seasons when it was at it's peak. Saying Michael is the most cringe is exactly the point, that's why he's the funniest.

_ FlusterCluck

The after conversation is crazy


Man these are two of the episodes you wait the whole show to see people react to. I should have known they'd argue through half of it


Or atleast save it so they get released in the same week instead of having to wait a week for part 2.....they gotta be trolling cuz I saw so many people asking to just make it one vid and they completely ignored it lmao


Exactly lol, it's kinda mind blowing that people don't understand the office isn't really that clever/witty of a show, most of the humor is cringe humor and it's great


shewart your brain is backwards, how does paying a group of people to watch their content make it so he cant criticize one member who they dont like when they wild out? If anything that means they have more reason to be mad at him since they are paying money to watch the content....clown. Usually I dont mind Rob but he has been trippin about Michael since they said he was better than Ben stiller. He even somehow used that Mike is the most cringe character as a negative when thats the point, the entire shows humor is cringe humor bruh which would mean hes the best by any chain of logic.