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In the words of Jerry "ITS DEKU SEASON!"



How is it now deku season lol, shouldn’t every season be deku season since he is the main character.


please someone call him vigilante deku before another DARK DEKU argument melts my fucking brain


like that man rob really said "it could be far in the future" RIGHT after the note says he's leaving U.A. cmon bruh

Stephen Walker

Bless Rob's heart. Deku literally wrote that in the letter. You know, the whole I am leaving UA to protect everyone letter. Bruh.

Stephen Walker

What is Rob talking about...lmbo....Deku suited up and put his mask on at the end saying he sensed a big villian. I have read the manga so I wont spoil it but IDK what Rob is getting at...

JoJo Ro

I kinda get at what Rob was getting at for his hypothetical point of discussion, if you stop and think why is asking the question. The way the topic is worded probably led to the confusion. Of how far is too far/what are you actually rooting for in a antihero/kill to stop a villain. As it is deeper and more complicated than we just cheer people on to get revenge at what ever it costs, for the greater good. Are you rooting for an anti-hero or a villain doing out of pocket/dirty moves and give props like jerry said. Are you actually cheering on the character loosing their way? Are you cheering on the character for their journey towards development, vs rooting for the character to loose their humanity, or to achieve what they were seeking. As rooting for someone to lose themselves/do the worst thing possible 'for the greater good anything goes' you are mainly cheering on the end result not what the character is doing. IE best example I can think of as he suffers during the entire development more than any other, Thornfinn, and how much everyone called out how stupid he was as it was made plain as day how losing yourself for self-righteous reasoning, bro you ain't rooting for him to come out on top the way he is going about looking for a solution. Much deeper discussion, would take less emotion to actually breakdown, but yeah that sounds what he was trying to get across, which Jerry didn't grasp as the hypothetical clearly. Instead we got Jerry, "Deku would do out of pocket things, but I'd still cheer for him." Robert you dont get what I'm saying." *repeats question ver batum* Pat, "I rooted for every aspect of Sasuke's decent and we do that for characters going dark damn Sasuke's soul to hell." 20 minutes later XD

JoJo Ro

lemme guess because it's the vigilante arc in the manga? They anime only, bound to be mad speculation with a cliffhanger like that and not being spoiled lol

JoJo Ro

to be fair this entire series is a prologue of how he became the greatest hero. Similar to boruto people came up with mad speculations on who was evil/what time skip shenanigans would ensue off of a single frame. That Deku could have been potentially a scene from an upcoming arc where doing things the right way doesn't work out and he goes a dark anakin route cause somebody. Not saying signs point to this, but it is a valid theory if you are blind watching.


how do they fall into the Rob trap everytime


attack of the Rob

Otito Ekwueme

ROB doesnt know when to shut the fuck up. hES A HYPOCRITE AND A BITCH

Pretty PINK

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