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We need to hear your first impressions on this episode! How do you feel about the story completely moving away from the video game? Was it the best episode so far? Did you want Bill to survive? 



Let’s gooo 🔥🔥🔥 y’all had a week vacation so we betta not see no sleeping 😂

Clrissa young

The song is sooo good. It’s heart warming tbh


They don’t wanna be canceled on their opinion 💀


I hate that so many ppl are hating on this ep cause it’s a completely different Route of how the game went but I feel like you got the backstory of bill that wasn’t shown in the game,I thought that people would already loved bill in the game and would appreciate this backstory more. It’s an amazing episode either way,ppl just hate to be different,cause there’s no way you thought this episode was BAD like really?????? It’s beautiful

Adolfo Moreno

I didn’t play the games so I’m completely blind but I enjoyed the episode. Comedic actors always have a good touch on more serious characters which we got here. Kinda random but pretty wholesome and sad.🥲 Kinda don’t really mind them diverging from the game so my brother and I sometimes are on equal playing fields as far as wtf is going on or happen next. 😂


Kind of sucks that people are scared to criticize this episode because they will get labeled something. I like they went completely different from the game with Bill and Frank but it is a slow episode. I do wish they kept Bill alive, Joel and Ellie's interaction with him in the game is funny. I guess they didn't have the budget to do the school mission like in the game which makes sense.

Daniel Peedah

lol people aren't scared and it deffo aint about the budget, TV shows HAVE to rovide sacrifice certain scenes, I get you though . But i like it because it deviated from the game. I respect that they stick close to it but if it was all 1:1 with the game I don't think there's a point making it a show ygm? I agree I like bill in the game but you still have that...if anything this is the story of what would've happened if their relationship was smoother


Its a great episode and I'm glad they did something different with it. Bill in the game was cool but he's only in the story to help you get the car. Instead they gave him a complete story of his own and Joel still gets the car, so it has no impact on the overall narrative.


I agree, i don't understand why people just want them to just act out the game. When we talking about still images and words come to life with manga/comics/novels, i get it. But this is already one of the most realistic videogames with top notch acting, 1:1 adaption of that would be pointless.


You can just tell Jerry was not trying to look at this shit 🤣🤣🤣


Jesus, do you know the guy personally? Quit acting like ya'll are boys and leave them be.

Nem Kos

I mean I don't mind change in an adaptation but this felt both really pointless and a little cliche too. I would have prefered if Bill survived and it lead to what we know in the game while giving us a little more backstory on the character. Now they follow along The Last of Us 2 propaganda where they become more interested in conveying a political message rather than actually telling a story. Personally I loved the first game because of the Joel and Ellie relationship, not because of some poorly written lgbt character with the sole purpose of being lgbt and not bringing anything to the story. Anyways if you're interested in the actual Bill and Frank backstory in the game : they get in an argument, Frank leaves and tries to sneak into a quarantine zone, but gets bitten on his way and then leaves a letter to Bill basically telling him that he hates him, then hangs himself. 😂

Daniel Peedah

so you have the game but you'remad they switched things up for the TV show? Weird. Bill is gay in the game as well... soidk what you mean by poorly written? Wierdo


yeah I think a lot of people were disappointed that they changed things up the way they did. My issue was that they spent the entirety of the episode developing their realtionship, its nice and all, but when it isnt even accurate to the game it is frustrating.


you guys are retarded, and i mean that with no offense. why do you think the show will be 100% game accurate? If this frustrates you drop the show cuz a lot of it will not be and the story si still good and the same overall.


Nah you niggas had me dead 😭😭😭

Marlo Stockinger

Rob is always lost on the story. no wonder his opinions are nonsense sometimes. He knows Tess is dead *sees tess on a flashback* "is this now?" Lol


I personally would have loved if they gave this full story to dive into Bills past but ended it with Bills attempt of joining the suicide failing.... thus giving us the asshole Bill we meet in the game.


Doubt it had to do with a budget, since it’s an HBO show. I’m sure it was more like they didn’t want to have a scene with a school or any other residential area getting shot up due to all the shootings the last couple of years…


lol i been watching too much horror lately cause i was on high alert just waiting for something anything after bill and frank's front door shut

Tyquez Campbell



It took one kiss and Frank already ordering Bill to do things for him lol


It's crazy how much Rob talked about Evan in THIS reaction alone.




Yes bro Rob adds nothing to any discussion. Just childish bs. Easily the worst part of most reactions smh

Myles Xavier

Im pretty sure the song long long time is how the same melody was created for the song for the second game. I loved the Relationship with frank and bill, the jokes about frank tryna stay to were funny lol cuz thats lowkey real lmaooo

Myles Xavier

if they do the second season or whenever i wonder if they'll re-use Bills house for a certain house from the second game too

Myles Xavier

jerry im pretty sure frank had cancer.

arr f

i aint afraid to criticize this sht... this was garbage because it was FILLER. This would be fine in a show like walking dead ... when there is fucking 11 thousand seasons.. but like bruhh 3rd episode u turn into Filler already??? ... we really finna watch the real housedads of massachusetts with that LGBTtalk-no-jutsu for 50 min...fuck outta here... As a filler the episode was well written but we ain't got time for that ... there's only 9 episodes.


this episode was so beautiful and made me sob, bro this gotta be one of my favorite episodes in all of tv.


Rob be goin in on Evan lately