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Danny tries to be steps ahead of Silver but it fully back fires. Like this post if you feel Danny is to blame for Barnes store being burned down. If you were Barnes how would you have responded?



Both Danny and Silver mainly were the cause for the fire. Lol Danny's part was getting Mike involved and setting Terry off even more, and bringing Mike back into this Karate shit. Terry's fault obviously lies within just burning his shit down. A small fraction of it, is Mike's fault cause he should of never gave Daniel that attorneys name. Lol like if you come to me, saying an old crazy psychopathic dude is on your ass again, the last thing I wanna do is get involved. Especially if I was chillian and living good with my wife and furniture store 🤣. But this season is the disholved/off the rails Danny season.

Devin B

If I was Barnes I would blame Daniel at first cause nothing happened until he came into the mix but ultimately Silver is the one who decided to burn the store down so he's definitely getting the full blame. Plus Barnes willingly gave information to Daniel to use against Silver so it's not like Daniel involved Barnes without telling him what was going on. He helped play a part knowing the kind of man Silver is and unfortunately he paid the price.


Larusso been had everything, money, a loving family, a good job, respect, etc and still obsessed with this nigga silver. Silver even gave him a warning.

Devin B

They really had Miguel walking away crying back to back episodes.

Myles Xavier

Sliver is tapped bro lol when i heard the flames i said no way just like wellz

Myles Xavier

im glad they having a kid tbh, it makes sense. but its not really Johnny's time to shine i don't think with being a new dad bc he just accepted it this ep. i think when robby and miguel find out its gonna make them feel obligated to make up bc of how miguels mom and Johnny feel. idk if miguel will be to happy but i think but idk

Justin C Jordan

You guys are thinking of Ayahuasca when you were talking about the drug, I had to learn about it when I was a religious studies major

The High Score

I’m glad cobra Kai is nearly finished time for something actually good

Devin B

He's probably gonna be happy for his mom and Johnny but it's definitely gonna be awkward cause now he's forced to have some relationship with Robby.


this baby shit is fucking trash why do this shit bow when jhonny has not even mend the ties with robby. omg and i dont give a fuck about that whore sams relation ships knew they wouldbreak up eventually. and migiel cries like a bitch this entire season.

Myles Xavier

yea fr, this was honestly the last thing i was expecting but i’m tired of seeing robby and miguel fight and i feel like the common sibling will do like you said and force them hopefully to not be like larusso and Johnny

Myles Xavier

i mean it’s realistic to me i bet there are situations in real life that’s happened like this. but johnny was already starting to mens his relationship with robby and he knows he’s with miguel’s mom. i feel like miguel will be the one most having a hard time tbh

Mal ?

Jesus man Sam is the WORST

tammy kolu

that baby thing was so bullshit nobody cares about it