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fuck i wish patreon wasnt fuckin up lmao cant even watch the hype but hope yall enjoy and HOPE PATREON FIXES THIS ISSUE SOON

Renni .



The cgi was good but not the best

Slim jimmy

Spamming the comments waiting for this one




Kumaaaa (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-19 03:34:48 W
2022-10-12 00:40:33 W



It looks like Bleach taking over the season.🔥 Rob u almost called it but backed down lol. This was good tho.


his dad owed 700k a month, probably 38mil total

logum bogum

Apparently every ending is gonna be a different song it sucks they not gonna experience that 😤


Eh there were a couple parts where I really did not like the movement at all and seemed real stiff


Anime of the century.


Don't know where you're getting your information, but Chainsaw Man is getting more numbers than Bleach on the anime subreddit alone.


They know it’s not a dog right? They said a couple times that it’s a devil


6500 Upvotes for Bleach, 14,000 upvotes for Chainsaw Man for both of their episode 1 discussion threads. Bleach has been out for over 24 hours, Chainsaw Man has been out for 10. Being a little misleading by comparing the numbers.


I had high hopes because of all the hype I have been seeing but this first episode was good not as hype as I thought it was going to be imo


Bro a subreddit with over 5 million subscribers? Crazy metric to use. I can also include Twitter trends and Google trends as well if you would like those numbers.


Didn’t expect you of all people to be in favor of Bleach missy…. What’s with the switch up? I thought you were an OP fangirl and Bleach hater/naysayer.


IMDb as a credible source and even effing MAL both have Bleach TYBW EP 1 higher rated than CSM EP 1 here, not to mention that CSM was never trending #1 worldwide for a couple to a few hours. The best it did was trending in the U.S in the top 3-5 but that was it. Can’t speak on Reddit and I genuinely don’t care. I’m gonna enjoy both regardless especially being born in the same year that this series takes place.


First episode was flames, kinda gives me Parasyte vibes


Makima best new gen antag


You genuinely do care because you wanted to include that Bleach comment. Chainsaw man did more search terms in both Google and YouTube searches in the past 7 days than Bleach did.


lol @ENG People can't be fans of more than one anime? I give credit where it's due. I never hated Bleach just said OP was my favorite. On another note, I really love Pochita tho that darn devil is so cute! And the story has mad potential. With Bleach, it was cinematic and freaking awesome! Big 3 with top-tier animation/direction is hard to beat. This is just the beginning of the season so you never know. Gonna be a great one nonetheless 🔥


And that’s obviously because almost nobody knows anything about it and they wanted to see if there was anything to catch up on before getting into it. More searches = more curiosity based on lack of knowledge, nothing more. The only reason I included anything else or as you say Bleach in this case is simply cause every one was saying this would easily be “anime of the year/the best NewGen”.


Yeah, and knowing the story of both, I believe Chainsaw Man will be the better anime this year.


I saw you arguing with Bleach fans last year and you even once said that “Bleach supremacy was over” amongst other things when RT TV was wrapping it up and Wellz first said that “one piece is the best show that we’re currently watching”. 😒 Obviously no entire fandom/fanbase is the same and I don’t think you’re anywhere near the worst of them like a certain someone else on here obviously is but i’ve certainly seen you antagonize or rather at least argue with Bleach fans while belittling the series. Either way if you truly F with both then more power to you. I feel the same way you do except I honestly prefer Bleach and Naruto over OP, at least anime wise. Big 3> over everything except DB, JoJos and Berserk.


Cool, didn’t ask, and that doesn’t really mean much coming from someone like you. Pretty confident to say you’ve never read the Bleach manga, let alone immersed with it cause otherwise you would be saying something completely different


Parasyte was an effing masterpiece. I surely hope CSM can match that and only then it will definitely surpass or at least meet the hype regardless of getting the views or attention that its trailers got or not.

Renni .

Chainsaw man was top of worldwide earlier in Japanese and English wording . You just missed it


It was trending but not as #1 for any period of time.


It's wild that you remember a single comment from a year ago but I do not remember you at all... But I don't delete my comments or change my name so makes sense. Bleach supremacy was over when Wellz said that One piece was the best anime during that time. To me, it wasn't hating but stating that it was facts for RTTV at the moment. I can tell how it would sound for a hardcore Bleach fanboy. I'm sorry you took offense, but blame Wellzlol. It's a good thing he doesn't say that 'best anime we're watching' anymore cuz it really did create a divide. I also saw someone say it's been 10 years since the big 3 aired together. Wild. Well, 2/3 of Big 3 and Naruto's son's anime.


Yeah, and you always think you're right Eon. I've read Bleach. From Chapter 1 to the very last one. I've even read the Hell chapter. I can confidently say that Chainsaw Man will have the better story. Especially since Fujimoto is the better author in my opinon.


Hell nah bruh, you Tee'd @ENG 😂 AND I thought I had an elephant memory. SHEESH. Lol love the passion tho. KEEP THAT SAME ENERGY.... for the rest of the season 👍 And Bleach might finish as RTTV's best of the season... But you should know better, My Hero is back and I'll take Studio Bones over anything from Studio Pedro and Nappa. 😂🤣 🤪


“Eon” is on here with that psychedelic pfp gif and no current name, so if you want him go catch him on the Bleach posts when RT TV uploads it. Reading that one shot Hell chapter isn’t good enough as it’s not even the peak of Kubo’s storytelling/abstract symbolism, and I know for a fact you haven’t read the whole manga FOH, otherwise you’re more than likely speed read it. anyways I’m a bigger fan of other series and you’re free to think whatever, just don’t antagonize Bleach fans and they’ll follow suit.


We’ve never truly interacted to be completely honest with you, well at least not back-and-forth so I don’t expect you to remember me. Anyways, its doesn’t take a “hardcore Bleach fanboy” to see that it was antagonizing its fans and belittling the series just cause they were finishing it and while preferring another competing series at the time, it just takes a fan of them all equally to see the BS, but I guess it’s whatever at this point. Also yeah I can’t really blame you all that much as opposed to Wellz and even Rob for creating that divide, this patreon definitely reflects their toxicity at its finest unlike any other. And yeah it’s great to have at least 2/3 of the big3, which is the complete opposite of how it was about a decade ago when it was just Naruto and one piece with Bleach no longer airing, man how the tides have turned on Naruto to be stuck with a lesser version of himself, at least according to most people. Welp, at least it’s still running on adult swim’s Toonami and staying relevant by being in the conversation in haters heads.🗿


“They see me rollin', they hatin' Patrollin' and tryna catch me ridin' dirty Tryna catch me ridin' dirty My music's so loud, I'm swangin' They hopin' that they gonna catch me ridin' dirty Tryna catch me ridin' dirty~” Been gone for over a year and people still can’t keep my old name out their fucking mouth.


Yeah gone over a year, dude has about 3 accounts. Can't wait for you to delete this comment chain like usual and blame it on Patreon.


Imagine thinking someone would really pay up to 30, let alone $45 for any Patreon that doesn’t even have the best quality. You’re not fooling anyone but yourself pal, not keep regurgitating that same insufferable and insane nonsense. I just feel sorry for anyone that ever dares to like your comments thinking you’re actually somehow in the right. Also just like on that OP post from a while back, I’m not deleting shit.


Oh shit! And he's "BACK LIKE HE NEVER LEFT" Ah hell, you guys really got beef/history like that??? Chief... I'm sorry I interfered. Lemme just leave 🤣


Dude you would donate during the podcast calls as "Truth" one of your old names, hundreds of dollars asking for a shoutout and discord call. I'm not surprised you would pay for multiple accounts. And as for liking comments, it hilarious how you like your own comments instantly most of the time and whenever you get ratio'd you will delete the comment chain and repost your comment hoping it doesn't happen again.


Yeah well, I did, thanks for caring.😊 Did you devils miss me? I know you did. Don’t worry, daddy’s back and here to stay.


@Sixaxis I’m sorry that I left you my child for so long that you’ve gone completely and insanely delusional to confuse others for me all this time from what I’ve heard but I will admit that yes, I am Truth, (the Truth Crusader specificity), but no I haven’t been on here since last June or July (can’t really remember), I would never pay for anything more than once at the same time as that’s redundant, and I have nothing to gain out of liking my own comments regardless of getting ratio’d, even if that was true this isn’t my comment chain so I have no control over it this time, that’s all up to ENG. Anyways it’s OK, i’m back in here to stay and I’m sorry for leaving you like Yoruichi left Soifon.


Yh @Cloyce da 5'9 he was Teeing up on me fr on some last yr shit! 😂 @ENG Yeah, it is whatever cuz I really don't know a single person who is a fan of the Big 3 all equally. Take yourself for example lol. But hey we move. This fall season will be great!


Well anyways I’m done here, you 2 have fun now. 🥱


You are one cringe ass dude who simps too hard for an anime series.


I just HAD to say this for my boy Evan: THIS is what CGI looks like. The moments where your eyes feel like they're being fucked with, that's the CGI. Either the characters/objects you're looking at are CGI, OR the environment is CGI. Most all "camera work" in this, jjk, demon slayer, attack on Titan, and even this version of Bleach, is a CGI effect. That's really complicated to explain, so I'ma leave it there. CGI: Computer generated image(ry). CG, for short, or Computer graphics. It just means 3D, made on a computer. Not drawn on paper and animated like a flip book, like it is for MOST anime. Now, Ev, just compare everything you see in this anime to what you see in Mob Psycho and you'll be able to tell the difference for life. Anime Rookie no more! Give this man a Jersey already 😂👍

Luna Mé

They adapted the first ep so well! So far so good guys!


The only time I can recall a point in anime history like this was 2010 as the best peaked year of the Big3, it was literally the complete polar opposite of 2020. Looks like this season going into next year is making up for the past 2 to 3 years of tragic insanity. Anyways, shoutout to Fujimoto (CSM author) for being the only other mangaka to follow the same part structure as Araki did for JoJos (at least as far as I know). The Meta influence of JoJos strikes again!


I'm not sure if responding to you is a good move or not, BUT WHAT??? No, seriously. What do you mean, brother? You saying this anime season will make up for COVID!? What about the e3's we lost? The god awful mistake of releasing Cyberpunk before it was ready? The time we lost in development cycles that have pushed things back 2-5 years? Lol 😆 don't take me serious, yo. While it IS funny to think some good television can make up for ANY thing, I like the enthusiasm. 2010 May be untoppable, though. That was years of Fandom all reaching exciting critical moments that would either become the climax of their stories, or the most memorable parts period. Pain, Ulquiorra (my tablet knew how to spell it after 3 letters. That's wyld), Aizen, Ace, White beard... Not to mention one offs like THA REAL HOTD, and Angel Beats. Not to mention cult favs like Durarara and Sekirei. The big 3 were COMPETITIVE AF at that time. That's how the timing became so perfect. MHA and Bleach are primed to hit heavy, but idk about jjk or how deep CSM goes. Even still, with nothing reaching it's conclusion this (winter) season, we'll have to definitely wait a while to see if a single year of anime will ever top 2010.


I feel like Bleach having a better first episode was a given seeing that its a return after almost a decade, just SEEING Ichigo had them screaming. Meanwhile for Chainsaw man we haven't even met most of the main cast yet


All season long, Me and Denji bout to be like "YING-YING-YING!" on them muhphukas. Shit, I'm about to YING-YING on these spoiling ass people here soon... Karns 🤪

Silencer (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-04 10:57:40 TBF nothing will truly make up for this covid pandemic realistically speaking, especially to those that have lost family members, close friends or even assets and livelihoods ruined to an irreversible level. However for anyone that still has Internet/Wi-Fi, a warm place to live and food and/or water to survive and any other necessities, the best thing we can get is pure entertainment, whether it be through movies TV series/shows or even animes in this case and for some even books/comics/manga to pass the time. My biggest interests, alongside many others interests, with the best quality productions, OG legends callbacks, and stories since the end of last year was Spider-Man: NWH, JoJos part 6 and now with this year being Bleach TYBW (potentially AOTY) & GΩW Ragnarök as easily GOTY. The only thing reaching it’s conclusion after starting it’s anime series from a decade ago is JoJos as we know it ending this December but unfortunately due to Netflix handling the release schedule and funding the production, it hasn’t had the best hype or reception, granted the last batch of episodes we got was better than the first so if the next 3rd and final batch is better than the one we just got capping off the OG continuity, well let’s just say that might actually be AOTY and break through to shatter the limitations of Netflix’s BS handling, cause the ending is pure insanity. Anyways it’s always a good move to respond to anyone no matter who or what they are, as long as your life is not on the line.
2022-10-12 08:11:23 TBF nothing will truly make up for this covid pandemic realistically speaking, especially to those that have lost family members, close friends or even assets and livelihoods ruined to an irreversible level. However for anyone that still has Internet/Wi-Fi, a warm place to live and food and/or water to survive and any other necessities, the best thing we can get is pure entertainment, whether it be through movies TV series/shows or even animes in this case and for some even books/comics/manga to pass the time. My biggest interests, alongside many others interests, with the best quality productions, OG legends callbacks, and stories since the end of last year was Spider-Man: NWH, JoJos part 6 and now with this year being Bleach TYBW (potentially AOTY) & GΩW Ragnarök as easily GOTY. The only thing reaching it’s conclusion after starting it’s anime series from a decade ago is JoJos as we know it ending this December but unfortunately due to Netflix handling the release schedule and funding the production, it hasn’t had the best hype or reception, granted the last batch of episodes we got was better than the first so if the next 3rd and final batch is better than the one we just got capping off the OG continuity, well let’s just say that might actually be AOTY and break through to shatter the limitations of Netflix’s BS handling, cause the ending is pure insanity. Anyways it’s always a good move to respond to anyone no matter who or what they are, as long as your life is not on the line.

TBF nothing will truly make up for this covid pandemic realistically speaking, especially to those that have lost family members, close friends or even assets and livelihoods ruined to an irreversible level. However for anyone that still has Internet/Wi-Fi, a warm place to live and food and/or water to survive and any other necessities, the best thing we can get is pure entertainment, whether it be through movies TV series/shows or even animes in this case and for some even books/comics/manga to pass the time. My biggest interests, alongside many others interests, with the best quality productions, OG legends callbacks, and stories since the end of last year was Spider-Man: NWH, JoJos part 6 and now with this year being Bleach TYBW (potentially AOTY) & GΩW Ragnarök as easily GOTY. The only thing reaching it’s conclusion after starting it’s anime series from a decade ago is JoJos as we know it ending this December but unfortunately due to Netflix handling the release schedule and funding the production, it hasn’t had the best hype or reception, granted the last batch of episodes we got was better than the first so if the next 3rd and final batch is better than the one we just got capping off the OG continuity, well let’s just say that might actually be AOTY and break through to shatter the limitations of Netflix’s BS handling, cause the ending is pure insanity. Anyways it’s always a good move to respond to anyone no matter who or what they are, as long as your life is not on the line.

Renni .

Your literally making shit up , it was 100% worldwide trending for two hours from its release time . You just pushing narratives . Plus you talking about ratings like that has anything to do with popularity. It’s already on pace to do more YouTube numbers from reactors and is eclipsing on google trends / Reddit / and mal members


Bruh…. All I said is that it wasn’t #1.

Renni .

And it was . Your simply wrong . I have screenshots of it being top two in different languages for 3 hours


You’re* Also Top 2 still isn’t 1….

Renni .

Lmao bro I’ll reiterate one more time for you . The japanese spelling of Chainsawman was number one and the English spelling was number two and then the English spelling took over and became number 1 which is even more impressive


No it wasn’t that was some mid tier video game ass cgi that has to be patched


I would love to see those screenshots that you took somehow as proof.

Renni .

Okay what’s your discord or twitter since you want to die on this hill for some reason . “Somehow” your tone is saying a lot.


As someone who read both bleach is not taking over. Al the big three are just mid at best


They have to really stop trying to predict things all the time and saying it like it’s fact lol


Depends on how they do the ending, most of Bleaches problems(like the other big 3) were tied to the anime. To be fair, like naruto bleach also had a very lacking ending, but not from an overall writing perspective like how people felt with kaguya. It was mainly due to it being rushed. If they do away with the old way the big 3 translated into animation and add some context and background to the ending, i could see it going really hard. TYBW outside the shallow context, by far had the most interesting cast and plot.


It's a lot more entertaining this way as opposed to them sitting there unopinionated and waiting to see what happens. Love their opinions/predictions even when they're wrong


Lol Sixaxis such a Bleach hater. I know one thing tho, Bleach's return for TYBW was much more anticipated than Chainsaw man. People had to wait 10 years for Bleach to return plus its part of the big 3. People had to wait a very long time compared to Chainsaw. So hype wise it goes to Bleach. Gotta love the bleach haters coming out and downplaying it


nigga u dont even have a profile pic why the fuck would i ever grant your opinion validation lazy ass


I like YaBoyRoshi but the constant predictions made me unsub from their channel, but rttv isn't nearly as bad as them they might be on the lower end compared to other react channels honestly


FR all I’ve been seeing is “CGISaw MidMan See G, I saw Mid, man.”

Myles Xavier (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-15 21:48:45 This is some of the Best 3D animation ive ever seen.
2023-04-15 21:48:45 This is some of the Best 3D animation ive ever seen.
2023-04-15 21:48:45 This is some of the Best 3D animation ive ever seen.
2023-04-15 21:48:45 This is some of the Best 3D animation ive ever seen.
2023-04-15 21:48:45 This is some of the Best 3D animation ive ever seen.
2022-10-13 17:48:29 This is some of the Best 3D animation ive ever seen.

This is some of the Best 3D animation ive ever seen.


Yo, manga writers usually have very little to do with the anime with some exceptions. like Togashi the guy that created yu yu hakusho and HxH has like nothing to do with the anime's, more so than most because he has nothing really to do with the manga either lol