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Another great episode! 




sarin216 .

None of the videos seem to be working. Is this happening to anyone else?


Yep it's consistently happening on numerous videos. Must be a Patreon error.

Joey Olsen



Yeah, keep getting error messages

Tanya Freedom

Awesome reaction! To think the battle for the iron throne was started all because Alicent misunderstood which Aegon the King was talking about lmao.


So many people confused about the last scene didn't get that viserys was talking about jon snow who is the prince that was promised, that's a targaryen secret. viserys was having delusions thinking he was talking with his daughter, alicent will think he's talking about her shitty son


Pat shut up places

Daniel Gotenks

how the hell did they miss the meaning of the last part with visery and Alicent

Yashib William

Yall missed the meaning of the last scene


Something is wrong with this video host. I keep getting a loading error. It's happening on some of the videos on the normies channel too. But, not all of them. And I'm not having this problem with any other patreon channel that uses a different video hosting service.

Darrell Henry

Viserys at the end thought he was talking to Rhaenyra. He was telling her he believed that she was the one to fulfill Aegon’s dream of defeating the white walkers. Basically saying she’s his heir. Alicent took it to me he’s making her son Aegon heir.


In that last scene Viserys thinks he is talking to Rhaenyera; earlier in the episode Rhaenyera asked him if Aegon I's dream/prophecy are true. Viserys is trying to tell Rhaenyera that it is all true and he believes that she is the "Prince that was Promised" who will unite the realm against the evil in the north. Alicent doesnt know the prophecy because it is only known by those who sit on the throne and their heirs. So she interprets it as Viserys' final wish is that her son Aegon is to be king.


A black mans inheritance has been supplanted by a white woman and her white sons, and they execute the black man that questions the end of his racial line in a position of power, and a group of black men cheer for the white power grab of a black mans generational wealth.


Cultural appropriation for anyone whos not white to be a part of the show

Morgan Le Fay

It’s still going to the offspring of Corlys (Baela and Rhaena)…or do black women not count🙄? It was always meant to go to Corlys’ grandchildren, not his usurping, power-hungry brother.


Facts. I don’t get how anyone could root for Rhaenyra in that scene. It’s yet another case of her avoiding repercussions of her actions and being saved by daddy. Vaemond was speaking nothing but truth (didn’t have to call her a whore lol), just like everyone who’s challenged Rhaenyra’s sons, but once again truth doesn’t matter because of her privilege as the King’s daughter. And people wonder why Alicent has issues with her.


Wild take, they wanted their grand daughter with a Targarean to rule, well, the previous BACK MAN wanted that, then his bro got wasted for chatting shit to a King about his own daughter in HIS throneroom in front of guests... are you stupid?


@Morgan Vaemond’s point is that even if Baela’s (who’s only half Velaryon) child inherits Driftmark, that child will have only a quarter of true Velaryon blood, vs Vaemond’s own children which would’ve been at least half. The house will eventually have more Strong/Targaryen genes than true Velaryon, thus losing their entire identity. If you’re black and proud of your skin, your culture, your roots, would you be ok with your family line losing all of that after you pass?


You gotta touch some grass if this is where you're puting your energy into - Corlys said it himself he cared more about his name than his blood, I do not see your argument. We are not talking about real life, you guys are coming in arguing for something that isn't even a topic, because the sea snake made the decision. Now you're coming in saying that the reason he's wrong for that is because his "blackness"will fade over time my nigga this is not real life. You talking to a Ghanaian born and raised , but ima tell you rn what you guys are saying is stupid af. Now If you think we should prioritse choosing blackness - I AGREE - to an extent, no one wants their traits to dissapear over time, even in death - but CORLYS, THE SEA SNAKE, MADE THIS DECISION, backing his bro because he died is dumb, even if you think hes right to prioritise their "full boodedness" , but as I said, the brother took that L, but then he had to be stupid, and call the princess a whore with bastard children, his death is his fault, pure stupidity. If you care so much about "losing their identity", then you should've written off Corlys, and his daughter for both marrying White people. This is "game of thrones" if anything you should be mad the brother was as stupid as he was, why would you not hold your tongue and fight to win another day? Unlike Corlys he was an idiot. This aint nothing to do with generational wealth, they are the richest family, own ships, LIKE CORLYS THIS WAS ABOUT POWER NOT WEALTH. You not even watching the show coming w dumbass opinions god if you focussed this energy into the events and problems that actually effect Black people propogating sucessfully look into how criminal law, sentencing, educationor the like are ran and argue against that not about the MORALITY OF CHEERING FOR THE DEATH OF A DICKHEAD WHO TALKED SHIT IN A THRONE ROOM MILES FROM HOME. Why you dickriding this idiot, Corlys is a g, his son even, was calm, his bro been a bitch since we seen him just a snake waiting to bite, white or not he threatened Corlys' wife too, went behind her back scheming, if he loved his brother so much, why not talk to him BEFORE HE DIED about your complaints? Fucking pay attention to the show


Ain’t no way you talked about people putting too much energy into this, then wrote the longest comment lol. Point is everyone knows Aemond was out of line for how he spoke and basically killed himself. But that doesn’t make his argument wrong and his death shouldn’t be celebrated. The children ARE bastards, the Velaryon bloodline WILL be diluted to nothing, and his house IS being supplanted by Strong/Targaryen genes. No shit he was angry enough to pop off at the king. And stop dickriding Corlys. He’s not a G; he was okay with accepting grandkids with no blood ties to him, just so that his name could get some clout. That’s not a G move. He’s a clout chaser, ever since he tried to pimp his 12 year old daughter off to Viserys and ran off to Daemon when that didn’t work.

Tae Kellz

Yo when daemon went to help viscerys get to the throne i almost shed a tear. Idk why that scene was so deep to me.


Then they are bad people, still, all your talk about black coupling is ridiculous when people in the show don’t care about that, they care that their sons and daughters look like them but no one in the show is treating people lesser or more due to their skin colour, that’s all you projecting real life parallels . Corlys is a g because he never backstabbed anyone, compared to most others, you say he wanted to marry his daughter off like that’s not what every single character in the show does, marry their sons and daughters off before they even reach 10. You sound like someone who can’t separate real life from the context of a tv show

Morgan Le Fay

You’re arguing about the blackness aspect when these are fictional characters who are not portrayed as black in the books! Your whole argument is invalid because colour has nothing to do with anything pertaining to the actual story and message. Literally doing the most and seeing things that aren’t there. Corlys’ grandchildren will get the chair, which is more legitimate than his brother inheriting. Isn’t that why Daemon was pushed down the succession line? Siblings don’t inherit anything once there’s a whole generation that came from the ruling family that exists.

Rayanh LaNansha

@DanielPeedah: totally agree. Especially with your last comment about how they can't separate the context of the show with real life parallels. You made a lot of good points so I had to give you props for that. Same to you, @MorganLeFay, it was bugging me the whole time when Corlys was throwing a tamper tantrum despite knowing his great nieces would be there after Corlys, like they didn't matter.

Rayanh LaNansha

Yeah, this episode gave me a front row seat at how much Daemon loves his brother even though he's not easy to read, most times.

Rayanh LaNansha

Alicent and Rhaenyra actually had a good moment right there. Rhaenyra meant it when she toasted Alicent for standing by her father as she loves her father that much and she can recognize that Alicent wasn't a bad wife. This touched Alicent enough that she actually wanted Rhaenyra around. It was the first positive moment between the two in a long time, but the plot had to go on, so Alicent misunderstood Viserys' final words and voila. War will ensue. Side note: I'm a real fan of Aemond's look. That boy feels like a mini Daemon and I guess Alicent's side needed that because her Aegon ain't it 😅


I think diversifying the characters in these shows is a beautiful thing. I hope its something more of these shows do. And in this case I love that we are not just slaves or servants... BUT I don't think that means these black characters deserve plot armor protection and trying to burden this story thats about fucking dragons and frost zombies with real world bullshit does no good. House Valaryon is no where to be seen in Game of Thrones, so we already knew they were gonna be hoed.


its Great uncle dad from jace perspective


"You disrespect my niece, and my wife???" 😂😂😂 I was cryin at the commentary.

Jesse B

To be fair Aemond didn’t start the dinner fight. If you watched you can see they put a pig in front of him and then Lucerys started laughing alluding to when they used to clown him when he didn’t have a dragon.


In the end, the King doesn't know he's talking to Alicent


So Rob likes the badass, swordsman who wears green and has weird-colored hair? The irony lol

Andrew Patterson

Daemon was my MVP of this episode. From helping his brother up the throne, to defending his wife and all

Everett Tishler

Just so it's clear because it can be confusing. Vaemond is not wrong at any point in what he was saying and having Rhaenyra's kids marry Daemon and Laena Velaryon's kids doesn't change that. While it makes sense for us that yeah they'll have Velaryon blood, that's not how that world works. In Westeros, lineage is traced through the *male* line of the family. So if a family only has daughters and there are no other siblings, the family's line ends. That's why having sons is so important. Vaemond is the last remaining true born Velaryon son (excluding his nephew that everyone thinks is dead). The sons from Rhaenyra's and Laena's kids won't be trueborn Velaryons, they'd be bastard Velaryon's and everyone would know it because the lineage of the male line would be broken. In theory Vaemond could trace his heritage all the way back to Valyria from father to father. The next generation wouldn't be able to do that since there would be a Strong male breaking that line.


I swear they be killing or sending off all the black people in this show. I wouldn't be surprised if Daemon's daughters just spontaneously cobusted next episode.

Mr. Toastman

Alicent did give up, by the way. Right when she basically disowned Aegon. When she said Rhaenyra would make a great queen, she meant it, because she saw Aegon as entirely unfit. When Viserys mistook Alicent for Rhaenyra, it basically reaffirmed her resolve to make Aegon king. She was especially primed for this since she became so religious over the past few years (probably because she was looking for something to turn to for moral support, since it seemed like everybody around her was so immoral)

Everett Tishler

Those kids are as much Velaryons as Joffrey was a Baratheon. All these people who could understand that Stannis had best claim to the throne during game of thrones and root against Joffrey are now flip flopping and saying its ok. Vaemond was correct, Driftmark is his by rights.


stop the cap its not about that don't bring that racism crap into my show. Also coryls brother dont care about his blood. He is just mad about not having the power lol. He didn't even consider his brother daughters or marrying them off to someone of valerian blood. He jumped straight to give it all to me. It about his greed not his blood everyone knows it. and I'm black. Everything I said is still facts.


DT moment reminded me of askeelad and the king.

Luna Mé

Viserys mistook Alicent for Rhaenyra guys

Luna Mé

Ngl, there are just too many Aegons in this show. I would have mistaken too bro😂😭


I dont believe so.. he was talking about Aegon the Conqueror's dragon dream " the song of ice and fire". it was a continuation of rhaenyras convo the night before. He was saying that Rhaenyra was the "prince that was promised". Since in high valyrian prince isnt gender specific (confirmed in the original GOT series.

Rayanh LaNansha

All very good points, didn't think of that. Still, that's what his brother wanted, so doesn't that trump everything? Much like how the King wants Rhaenyra on the throne.

Rayanh LaNansha

There weren't black people like that in the sequel, so it was to be expected. Their line either dies or they move to other lands and make it big there, much like Leanor plans to.

Mel Jaimes

So Rob likes One eyed characters confirmed

Toshin D. Raizen

Well if you remember Sir Christian Cole already beat Daemon in combat!Earlier in this episode we saw Aemond beat Sir christian Cole so id say Daemon vs Aeomond would be closer than you think!!


Ser Cristen hasn't been to actual battle since he was young and with the timeskip he's been getting mad rusty over the years so my guess is Aemond just got lucky. Plus if we're looking at it he wasn't using his primary weapon which is a sword


This why y’all need to cool it on Daemon, because he will always and forever be THAT GUY.


You need to watch that scene again. He didn’t beat him. Daemon actually beat him, Criston was on the floor lol. But Daemon made the mistake to celebrate early, and Criston got him from behind… please be clear, and stop acting like Criston beat him. He actually didn’t.

Toshin D. Raizen

Lmao you clearly didn’t watch the same show your boy looked like a straight bitch when Sir Christian Cole was done with him


it astonishes me how imperceptive you guys can be holy shit. if you guys spent half the time you did cracking jokes on actually paying attention, you wouldn't sound so confused and mislead all the time.

john segun doe

Wow these dudes are maaaaaaad imperceptive to shit. Smh like how tf is rob the most consistently right dude here for this show lmaooo. Its a trip


too much pressure on alicent, idk why rhaenyra and daemon didn't visit their sick father and brother in 6 years, second alicent was too nice not killing viserys after 20 years of her life wasted and he doesn't even care about her and her kids, when they were there.

Daniel R

Pat is the worst

Jimmy McFan

.once again, a good black character gone. I’m sorry I’m still bitter that they really out here tryna force people to accept her bastard ass children.