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Kira bout to KILL MURDER AND SMASH that bitch


Wellz hyping up the next part in the middle of the season is going to leave them with high expectations. He did it during part 2, part 3 and now with 4. I know Jojo could be boring some times but at least keep the hype going for the current part.

Aurora Bash

part 5 is amazing my favorite so far


The pacing for the next part is basically fixed at least and at best stellar, so as far as them getting bored it just doesn’t apply, granted I agree they should keep their expectations low or rather have no expectations as that’s how it’s best to fully appreciate anything, especially when looking for gold.


When you keep saying that the next part is the best after every season it makes it seem like your stalling lol. Like let them judge the part on it own, how long are you going to keep hyping up the next part only to be disappointed. You say part 4 is the best only to be met with 20 eps of slice of life.


Part 2 always b the best, part 3 2nd best, after that its up to you for real


Idk why you’re telling me that as I’m not one of them. Part 3 is the most iconic and will always be my favorite anyways yet I didn’t even hype that one up.


I wasn’t talking about you. It was trying to give an example. Referring to wellz hyping up parts and making the show seem worse when those expectations don’t meet up.


Ah ok, I agree, i’m sure someone will let him know to stop that going into the next part with no expectation.

uh Fadee

1.Part 4 2.Part 3 3.Part 2 4.Part 5 5.Part 1

Nem Kos

1. Part 5 2. Part 4 3. Part 6 4. Part 3 5. Part 2 6. Part 1

Cruse Thomas

this guy actually knows a ranking. uh Fadee don't know shit tf is that ranking. part 5 the goat real people know


My personal favorites in order: Part 7, Part 5, Part 8, Part 4, Part 3, Part 2, Part 6, Part 1. None of the lower ranked parts are bad though, just not my preference.

Matthew W

1. Part 4, 2. Part 3, 3. Part 2/5, 4. Part 1

Desto Samuels

It's an actual fact that part 5 an onward took an entirely different shift in regard to pacing and story points. It's alot more honed in and focused on keeping the tone and events consistent. Some people even skip parts 1-4 or even start at part 5 cause they are told to(obviously I don't agree with this but my point is the focus and pacing change drastically).


My list: PART 5 is in a tier all it's own. The other animated (notice how I said ANIMATED) parts can huddle up together and go fuck themselves. I'm not saying I don't like 1-4, I actually think Jonathan is the best Jojo (He gets treated like Bardock tho. Ridiculous) but until part 5 finished, I would have never recommended this anime to people I know. My literal "Niggas" would have looked at me like a clown in a rainbow Volkswagen, no wig, just bald and missing one glove and one shoe. Jokes aside tho... I think each part, except 6, is better than the last. So 8,7,5,4,3,1,2,6 is my actual rank 😂🤡


everytime pat says this shit is bizarre i love it LMAO


Part 5 isn't even better structure wise though. Like it has the same problems as parts 3 and 4, where they dick around for first 20 episodes and then the plot happens.