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Galaxy Shogun

tell Jerry to rest before these videos like common bro


Kira just wants to live a normal quiet life


I think sitting still and staying quiet shuts this man down. You ever have that one class in school that ALWAYS put you to sleep? If he's not vocally engaged, he's typically distracted in his own mind. Rob got over it (thanks to no more, Mr.Booze). Maybe Jerry can, too lol

Galaxy Shogun

Thats a good point I’m kinda like that too! Short attention span making it tough to stay focused lol. Still though bro has to get a red bull or something


Also I remember they said they film a lot in bulk so after hours of just sitting there it’s understandable tbh


Moral of the day greed will get you killed


Jotaro can only freeze time for 2 seconds and it’s extremely tasking on his body when he does it. Dio being a vampire with near unlimited stamina is the reason why he's able to spam time stop. Also Jotaro has always been extremely cautious and isn't going to blindly attack unless he knows the full extent of his enemies power.

Jonathan baez

Rob trying to read along with radio but being too slow had me dead

Clrissa young

He's "a Killer Queen Gunpowder, gelatine Dynamite with a laser beam Guaranteed to blow your mind Anytime" The song goes with stand so well i never noticed until tonight


its Killer Queen not Deadly Queen


yea some of the stand user names are different in the manga but for a reasom


lol jerry is hilarious just finding out kiras the same guy who killed the girl

Anime Guru

Kira best jojo villain man always fighting to survive no matter what