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Pat and Wellz, you'll are OD for agreeing with Archers master's idea on giving his daughter, Sakura to another mage family. Archers master is an arrogant and elitist snob who has no consideration for the personal wellbeing of his daughters. He wholeheartedly believes that just because someone is born a mage that it is their duty and obligation to obtain the greater grail even at the cost of their personal dreams, aspirations, mental health and happiness. Never once did he ask Sakura what SHE wanted or what SHE desired because he assumed that she was like him and that she had the same ideology. Archers master does not see his daughters as individuals but as a means to an end for the greater grail, that their only purpose for being born as mages is to obtain the greater grail. That shit is vile and he is a scumbag.

Devin B

The messed up part is that he knows how the Matou family operates so he willingly sent his daughter to go through that torture. He's definitely trash for sure.


3:52 😂


Ngl these niggas mindsets at different points in this show has been kind of sus. Like I really don’t know what be going through their heads sometimes, none of them would put their daughters through that so idk how they can agree with it 🤷🏾‍♂️. What Sakura went through is really fucked up & sick in every capacity. I still enjoyed the reaction tho I’m just saying lol.


Yall niggas dead like 30 years old and can't properly comprehend what being shown to you, Yall really need to stick to just Shounen.


I'm not hating or anything because that shit is mad funny and I know the first time watching this show it's hard to keep up, especially if you're reacting to it live and if it's your first impression. The amount of exposition this show throws at you is crazy and they don't try to baby you like in many other shows so good look keeping up.

Devin B

I'm convinced these guys don't remember the scene of Sakura being swarmed by those bugs in that room otherwise they wouldn't be saying that stuff


Yeah uh, I think these guys totally forgot the earlier episodes. Kinda wild only 14 episodes in.


For the next episode can u watch sub


The dub for saber using her anti fortress attack is kinda whack


I mean I kinda understand as they react to an episode on a weekly basis


Sakura’s and Rins dad truly believes in what he did was right. The intentions behind his decision to give up Sakura and keep Rin so that both daughters will grow up without jealousy and not hate one another I suppose is ‘good’. A parent wants to see their children succeed. But unfortunately he chose being a mage and what his idea of a mage means over being a Parent. He knew about the Matou’s family magic and what it would entail. Perhaps he told himself Sakura wouldn’t go through the awful violation/abuse/ basically torture. It’s a question that never got fully answered. But whether his intentions were honestly good, the choice was ultimately wrong and hurt both daughters, and hurt Sakura the most.


Whack or not, the VA is an amazing talent that actually plays a lot of young boy roles lol. I feel like this particular voice is a lot less emotional than her typical role.