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Bruh I love Pat but he 1000% got spoiled

H. Oliv.

"Don't try to find a reason for somebody's love" 😭🥲💙


nah Patric ass annoying. nigga just talk to talk


Why do they keep saying dreasrosa it the best arc every 5 min like they are trying to convince someone. Feel like they don’t believe it them self and trying to double down


Naw these boys need to watch and read more comics. They are completely lost saying shit like Fujitora can beat any Marvel character is insane. He gets washed by Spiderman like what are we saying.


They like it because of the 1v1 fights and how this was the arc that One Piece anime turned up the fighting. It also has Gear 4th transformation reveal. Also this does have one of the best Villains in One Piece.


Bro what💀 fuji speed blitzes top tiers in one piece are near if not faster than light otherwise kizaru would be top 1


They love fighting/tournament type arcs so I’m not surprised when the first tournament that they like dressrosa more than marineford but if marineford had the same animation as Dressrosa they would probably choose marineford


No he does and did not. And Kizaru is not the fastest that's been Debunked. Kizaru doesn't move at light speed. Only his kick is light speed. If he was light speed he would have to use Yata mirror to travel. Use your brain. I mean we could just compare feats. If you think Fuji beats Magneto who beat quick silver than you are just talking out your ass and know nothing of comics. Niggas talking about a stadium. Magneto moving planets get real here.

Daas Nahk

when they said it at the beginning of dressrosa they were called out for it on one of their podcast, since then they've been doubling down on it through sleep even lmao

Joshua Smith

Wait a minute, was Pat about to say…. Gear 5?!!!??


When does pat mentorn gear 5 ?

Master finesser

11:38 but I think he said it mistakenly cos he was tryna say gear 3 but I wouldnt be surprised if he's been spoiled tbh its literally everywhere

Master finesser

Btw that think at the front of the ship isnt a mast its a prow the mast is the long thing in the middle of the ship that supports the sail


Yall gotta see the video they did for Pat saying great 5 its on YouTube 🤣🤣😭😭😭😭


keep it up for all the short kings robbie!