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Ethan Garn

Any chance we'll get the full season of Fate zero? I was about to start from the beginning and watch them but it'd feel weird to miss all those episodes.


This dub is hilarious they they pronounce lancers name all wrong and his weapons lol. The fact that the spears translated to English from Gaeilge are straight up called red spear and yellow spear is funny to me they make it sound so epic while mispronouncing the names.


yall gonna react to the new bleach trailer?


next week prolly according to wellz's stream yesterday

Michael Armstead

Lancer already knew where his master was

Dino Morte

Cmon guys y’all gotta lock in when you watch mature shows like this one. Can’t be missing story beats like that


Props to Jerry for actually understanding the motivations of Saber and Lancer. 👌🏾


Yea he was like the only one that understood

Francisco Torres

Just curious, can anyone that read the round table stories tell me if Arthur was actually a good fighter before he was chosen? Never read the stories myself but from what i understand about them, wasn't his winning record bc of his magical items?


fuck the knight code that bitch is stupid

Ryno Live

When yall see keritsiku back story yall minds fina be like wtf


I just bought Patreon can someone explain why I can only see episode 8 and none of the prior episodes


Jerry is the only one who understood Saber and Lancer's knight code. W for him


Appreciating you Jerry. Still great reaction, appreciate everyones different opinions and perspectives. Even if I disagree lol