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evan butler

kobashi was better underdog or character to root for than ippo in this fight, his struggle for power is far more relatable than ippo's superhuman strength and pain resistance. If his character wasn't forcibly made stupid so ippo could win he'd actually be better.

Ben Nguyen

Editor SPAZZED on the intro

Devin B

This fight was the definition of plot armor cause Ippo had no way of beating Kobashi without Kobashi messing himself up.


yh ippo should of definitely lost this fight, plot armour was too strong


Fire opening


That intro 🔥


I mean idk if it was that stupid, it at least fit and didn't feel out of character, at least to me.


Not loose but arguably he could've won in a different way.


Still waiting for my boy SENDO to step up. Ippos real rival.


I wouldn't say he was stupid. He was desperate. Outboxers aren't as celebrated as the big knockout artists like Tyson, Frasier or Foreman. Look at how the crowd kept booing him.

Devin B

@Jargo he was definitely a little bit of both stupid and desperate cause he wanted that chance to be celebrated as a boxer but at the expense of ruining his own style that kept him from getting beat on by Ippo.


There's a famous Mike Tyson quote about "sticking to your strategy" that is perfectly exemplified by this match and all the research Kobashi did leading up to it. "Everbody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth." Having a plan is great if you can keep your composure, but once you take one clean hit it's hard to keep that.

A. P.

Yeah that intro was hard big ups to the editor!