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Bellamy makes me sick 🤢😡


Man, I fucking love Baby 5. lmao

Joseph Allen

@Tingz I respect it. I like under dog characters and Usopp is in my top 5. Zoro was my Favorite character then I got older and realized I like my characters to have flaws.


Pat definitely watched the episodes before


@Joseph Allen oh ok cool


I'm I tripping? I thought we was supposed to have the office today?


Nah he just learned from the anime king... or oda lol


Bro he knows Oda and he knows what's about to happen in the next manga chapter before Oda does 🤣


Oh yeah sometimes I be forgetting I live a day ahead of these guys.

Nem Kos

Best Arc in One piece 😂😂😂 Better than MarineFord they said 😂😂😂

Nem Kos

Pat : There's no G in these words. Wellz : In Japanese there might. BRUH WTF 😂😂😂 (guys remember lava is hot water)

Nem Kos

Why does a flashback mean the character will have impact in the future ? It is good storytelling in itself.


He's not exactly wrong, isn't the G a play on Ji which means old man. So times when hes using Ji the translation might not have been the same. Same shit with how killer B was translated in english. Shits annoying they prob improvised half of it lmao.

Kade Wilson

it would help if they posted a schedule for this month i hope at least they do it for july


These episodes were hot ass 😂


@KingRoboNinja how am I biased when i even gave usopp props in certain arcs. I said he didn't do anything in the other arcs that were named. I'm only stating facts. If I were bias I wouldn't have given him any props at all


Nah I’m surprised you actually gave him props, but it’s crazy how you give it to Law because of 2 instances, 1 instance was in the same arc that Usopp did something that saved the Straw Hats.. that part was what I was talking about

Luna Mé

Random comment: Sometimes, the translation is so inaccurate. "On'na" (女) means "woman" in English, not "tramp". All translators have their own style and I don't mind the profanity and slurs, but I wish they would consider the characters and the overall vibe of the anime more. At the end of the day, there is a translation so i'm not complaining, but keep in mind that the characters are not as offensive as you might think.🤔😏


Omg One Piece is the king of putting Flashbacks at the worst fucking times. Yes we know about Bellamy and him and Luffy's past. We dont need to see it AGAIN at the climax of the fight. We are seeing that still even in Wano with these Garbage flashbacks at the fucking climax. Soo trash. I get they want to prolong ot as much as possible but its pure garbage to story tell that way


Tbh this is more of an anime issue to pad this out as long as possible.