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Let the fights begin! 


Carlos Gonzalez

please twice a week pretty please


The problem with rob is once he decides he doesn’t like a character everything they do from then on is trash. He’s so black and white with his takes man atleast for anime


I hate how Fate Zero completely nerfs Saber. She should be way stronger than what’s shown in the show. And now Rob gonna hate on the character for no reason because of it lol.


He can’t be proven wrong, just look at Zoro and kakashi. Even if they do the most heroic shit he bends his narrative to make it a negative thing somehow


Interesting, Rob's going to hate basically the MC (Saber) for bizarre reasons. Huh. this will be a ride.

Redding Tier

I like the dub but i prefer you guys do 2 episodes a week for Fate personally.

Redding Tier

@myles Then you don't know Rob if you say that. Once Rob hates a character, it's very rare for him to change his mind.


I already know how Rob will react during the banquet of kings scene

Daas Nahk

Honestly even if the show didnt nerf her, he'd hate her lol.

Tyre Willis

2 ep a week would be nice but if you guys are time constraint I understand. Do your thing the content is fire ether way

Elian Mejia

Regarding requests: I’ve seen several comments saying, “I honestly don’t mind DUB because they don’t need to be missing things” - That’s a testament to their inability and lack of professionalism when it comes to paying attention. DUB only sounds justifiable to you because you don’t hold them accountable. It’s people like you who are at fault. If you speak up and address the repetitive issues within the job then you wouldn’t have to swallow their crap and maybe then your comments would be acknowledged. The fact you think wells cares if you prefer dub or sub is hilarious. They do as they wish as they take your money because they haven’t been held accountable. Do yourself a favor and speak up instead of coming to terms with whatever shit they shove down y’all’s throats. This isn’t about wasting my money it’s about long time supported of the group hoping for some much needed respect and acknowledgment within this down hill community. I find it fascinatingly disappointing how so many of you feel that you voices don’t matter so you come to terms with a reality they built on your time and money. You have a say in the content you pay for , I’m doing this for y’all’s benefit this isn’t about sub or dub it’s about acknowledgment. That’s what determines your relationship with these creators if you decide to continue supporting. Shout out to Patrick for always giving 100% in every reaction.

Elian Mejia

Chances are 0.0001 % they’ll care about your request but don’t give up and continue requesting. It’s only justifiable since your paying their rent.

JoJo Ro

Or some viewers did enjoy the dub as well and it was recommended, similar to black clover.


You being pretty extra; y’all should have went this hard for the Black Clover sub. That’s the one that shouldn’t have been dubbed but this dub is great, you hating. Also do you honestly think these dumb ass niggas could keep up with all the info in sub? They are STILL missing info but they are pretty aware of what’s going on. They would be LOST watching sub.

JoJo Ro

I really don't think you understand how creator/consumer works. It's not like anywhere on their patreon your were misled or ever told by anyone since the inception of rrtv that this is a sub only reaction channel. A portion of the community builds up certain expectations as rule of thumb then are upset when they aren't followed up upon. Imagine paying for a ticket to see a slipknot concert, even if a 25% subsection of the community on his official deviant art start a poll request him to go back and wear his mask from the grey chapter before every concert. Concert comes around and he chooses to not wear a mask and community shows up regardless every show, never indicating he was always going to wear that mask. They proceed to write twitlongers trying to start a movement after having their voice oppressed and having their money robbed wrongfully time and time again and how they constantly give him his money and he constantly takes it without providing them what they deserve or responding to their feedback on why the concert would be better. When he gets spammed requests to wear each mask for every show, he isn't owed anyone no matter how much they pay him a month/per ticket, that's not the way entertainment works in any industry. You can give feedback, and then it's 100% up to the showrunners to make their own decisions on changing how they do things based on said feedback. Any criticism beyond what they promise they don't need to uphold and it's on you for getting upset about your wants not being met. Do you think that logic makes sense, when yall create your own expectations then get mad when they don't come to fruition? Are the creator's not listening in spite of fans, or they are lazy? Or are they just creating the content in the form that works best for their performance, while also attempting to appealing to a large community with different likes and dislikes (subs and dubs alike, some request for them to not make predictions and just watch this show, others get heated when they don't react enough). It's up to the consumer to watch/pay if they like the service, if not don't buy the ticket and spend your money elsewhere. If you want to rally over something that was never promised before your purchase and was merely expected, you are playing yourself on purpose or ignorantly and are just keyboard warrioring because you are upset that you keep repeating the same mistake based on logic that is ill-conceived and want others to join in with you in feeling justified and someone else in the wrong. It's really simple, do the logical thing and make a change in expectation or take money elsewhere if you are unable to do so, no need to riot.


get over yourself lmfao, this is cringe as fuck

Elian Mejia

It’s ignorant to compare this topic to a large music audience. This is a small community in comparison and my argument is not comparable. They are not this multimillion dollar band or artist that can’t address important issues within their community. We aren’t paying to listen to their choice of music. We are paying for a “job” this job is to listen and react to. This ain’t friends coming over to watch some toons together. If it was then they wouldn’t be making over 10k just off our money alone. They lack professionalism and theirs a lot of holes in the content they make. You don’t want to hold them accountable instead you try and make excuses for their lack of acknowledgment to majority votes throughout many comment sections for these past few years. This isn’t YouTube jojo, this reaction channel/business not a ban which creates whatever type of music they desire. There’s a discrete difference between both and if your unable to understand that then good luck trying to feel like your given a shit about here. They’ll keep taking your money, keep falling asleep, keep talking over each other during parts we are paying them to pay attention to and keep ignorant the community who pays their bills each month. Wake up buddy , you don’t need to take whatever they throw at you up the ass without a raising an eyebrow.

Elian Mejia

@bmo2023 stop replying to my comments with ignorant statements such as “that’s so cringe, or give up” you sound pathetic mate. If you have no constructive criticism or logical arguments against what I’m saying then your just some hopeless loser with nothing positive to accomplish. Go meet people and pick up a dictionary it’ll help you form logical sentences so maybe then people will care to you seriously.

Chris Vignati

No hate over here I get it, but Its just a reaction though wether its dub or sub were watching it and seeing their reaction lol.

Elian Mejia

@Chris Vignati - This ain’t about sub or dub , read my comments 😂


A Noble Phantasm is like a Bankai from Bleach. Think about it that way lol


bro just stop. If you want to protest then please go somewhere else with that nonsense.

Michael Anthony

Idk wtf u even talking about, I love DUB over sub. And all the talking they do in this joint watching in their first language is obvious. Yall anime people entitled as a bitch if I had the channel I would do ALL dub cause they can do what the hell they want

Michael Anthony

Dope Reaction as always 👌🏾 Yall lit love the context and love the DUB too