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Next episode its finna go down!! 



Rob just be hatin for no reason at all xD

Maroki R6

Bro the fuck did Irisviel do lmao, watch rob she just as useful as yamcha


What the hell do Rob be talking about!? Saber is always ready to fight my guy Irisviel would have nothing to do with her losing lol. Saber is the strongest overall class she can take care of herself.

Elian Mejia

Wells you have to start addressing the community and their request. You know it has to feel scummy on a moral level having all that money hit y’all’s bank account while ignoring your community’s majority vote. I understand that you do what y’all want and that’s yalls content but when everyone asks for a SUB reaction for an exclusive Patreon show that we’re paying for it’s only right that you at least take the time to address the reason. It’s at a point we’re a lot of long time fans including myself feel kinda disgusted by this greedy system your building. Someone needs to hit up their Twitter or something because it’s at a point where i don’t even feel like I’m part of a community anymore 😂

Carlos Gonzalez

Lmfao Never change Rob never change

Myles Xavier

A majority of people already have been saying they are fine with Dub and this show does have a lot of dialogue they need to hear. when yall say shit like that it seems so weird. Especially when people in previous reaction said they don't mind Dub. Stop Crying I literally only Watch Sub Now On everything But I don't force others To do what i do That's when Yall look like clowns fr


Y’all should have had this outrage over the black clover dub cause that shit is ass, this hiwever is not a bad dub at all


Eh, dubbed Gil is still a dog but w.e. Rather have 2 eps of this a week

Myles Xavier

Yall ask for to much, annoying asl. if i were them i wouldn't do the shit yall ask for cuz yall ignorant

Elian Mejia

Outrage and disappointment are completely different topics. I’m bringing awareness to a long time issue with these creators. If you guys like taking it up the ass without speaking up that’s you. I and many who pay would rather put in a word or two in hopes of seeing change but hey that’s life. There will be the weak who take life as it is and those who speak up in hopes of some positive change. It comes at a cost , clearly those weak minded will always find an issue with something that’s intended to benefit them. Childish clowns 😂


Not everyone wants sub. It was pretty evenly split. You niggas act like your opinion represents thee majority - it doesn't. Cry like baby deku


Yo, my bois, looks like you got 2 weeks to finish this show on Netflix! Let us get a marathon of drops, ya heard??? 😂


I been saying it, ever since they moved to LA they act like LA folk. Greedy and shallow

Felix Chiu

The other reason Irisviel spent the day out in public was to bluff that she’s Saber’s Master and not Kiritsugu. It’s to deceive the other Masters.


exactly, if they give in one request from these guys, its gonna be non stop. Its good that they are ignoring these whiny bitches


I am not sure if I am the only one feeling this. I am getting bored of their reaction videos. My year subscription is going to end on July. Maybe I will take a break and see whether I will miss their content.


We need 2 a week, Fate deserves it!


Ok apparently, Rob just picks a random character to hate on in every show lmao


Rob hating on Irisviel is something I did not see coming LMFAO


You do not speak for everyone. Stop acting as if a majority of people want sub. There has been no poll that proves your statement, plus I've seen numerous comments say that they are okay with the dub. No one is even forcing you to pay for this. If ya don't like it, don't watch it. Is it that hard? Crying like this and continuing to pay for these reactions, is not gonna help you buddy. Get a new hobby. Simple.

Elian Mejia

@Zino @german rud, Listen kiddo, I’ve never claimed to speak for everybody, hahaha. I’ve been with these creators for 3 years now. I know how their numbers fluctuate and their many flaws regarding their communication with the community. Their inability to be transparent about majority votes and requests when it comes to shows or details about certain reactions has been a long time issue. Just because YOU have seen numerous comments about liking DUB doesn’t negate the fact that the community has asked for a sub reaction by overwhelming votes in comparison. The only reason people are okay with DUB is because they’ve come to the realization that these creators aren’t going to change their mind as they continue to blatantly ignore the people paying their bills , heheh, c’mon dude. Comments and likes in many of their comment sections is more than enough proof you don’t have to lie to me it’s pointless since I’m coming from a subjective point of view. You don’t have to lie to me. Let’s have a civil and genuine argument. Again, we don’t need to argue the communities disappointment since the numbers speak for themselves. Likes and dislikes aren’t a questionable topic neither. Again, no one is forcing me to watch or pay but I like these guys and I care about their business since I’ve been with them for so long that I want them to succeed and grow alongside their fans. It’s not okay to built a long time brand with a foundation which slowly grew out of greed and selfishness. I’m not “crying” I’m bringing awareness to a long time issue which many more fans will sadly have a rude awakening to. Hopefully comments like these force viewers to stop taking things up the bum and speak out/ address their lack of acknowledgment when it comes to the community “majority votes - likes , comments, and constructive criticism”. It’s really sad when ever I address these types of issues I’m hit with ignorant back lash since these comments are meant to benefit viewers like you. I know many people like you, Zino, have no issues with swallowing whatever is thrown at you as you ignorantly throw away money without any hopes of improvement with the relationship you have with the people you are paying, but I have hope for these creators and I’m willing to waste my money until I see them built a healthy community even if it means not being acknowledged. Again, their doesn’t need to be a poll, go read the comments with an open mind and no bias opinion. Nobody likes building a community with mindless zombies who throw away their money with no regard for a little acknowledgment .