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There’s some series y’all have on patreon that if I didn’t watch it myself, I would forget is on here. Randomly remembered these reactions the other day decided to rewatch

Daniel Gotenks

sorry but fuck all this honor shit. Honor does not give you the championship. Honor does not make you the winner. All honor do is limit your chance at victory and make you feel good about being a loser. That's it.


Karate is a sport originating from Japan. A country KNOWN to heavily emphasise honour and respect. What Miguel was doing would be considered "dirty". If you disagree then you should simply obide by the cultural relativism concept the view that morality and principles differs from culture to culture. In the west , arguably what Miguel was doing was just exploiting Robbie's weakness like Jerry was saying. But in Japan this would definitely be considered playing dirty

_ FlusterCluck

But you know what If it were me I’d think it would be less honorable to avoid the injured spot because I’d feel liked I was being pitied, and if I’m risking myself then I think the person shouldn’t hold back because I would want them at their fullest….even if I don’t agree with the reasons that Miguel went so hard for.

Nyeisha Melvina Clark

One of the main themes of this show is that kids learn from their parents/adult figures. They take in what they see and hear from the adults and behave accordingly. Johnny and Daniel will both forever be in the wrong because they prioritized their feud with each other over helping these kids. Another theme is that if you never learn from your mistakes, history will only repeat itself, neither Johnny nor Daniel learned from their mistakes and history repeated itself in this tournament and this feud between Miguel and Robby. Getting mad and saying the show is wack because it's repeating what the movies did makes no sense when you understand the point of the show, it's not to show Johnny finally winning against Daniel after all these years, it's to show two flawed men who couldn't get past their trauma affecting the kids around them that they are supposed to be looking out for. They are BOTH leading these kids down dark paths and if they don't get their heads out of their asses, they will end up destroying these kids, that was the point of showing Miguel's change as well as Hawks, as well as other kids change in the later seasons.

Hate Us Cuz They Aint Us

If robby goes for a move and leaves his shoulder open it not fair that miguel has to avoid the opportunity like. Plus aftger getting shoulder popped back in he will still have full movement in it, will just be painful but with the adrenaline from fighting in a final he wont feel anything unless he gets hit , just be painful for the next few weeks

Devin B

So that's not honor then if you have to take advantage of a person's weakness in order to win in karate. You can argue that winning at all costs is encouraged in most sports but in a sport/lifestyle that's all about honor and discipline honor is more important than winning.


Damn Rob really goated in these Cobra Kai reactions. Imagine if he was like this for every show they reacted to.


genuinely feel like dude doesnt enjoy english subtitles, 99% of the shows rob is enthusiastic ab are always dubbed.

Alain Orozco

Rob for the DUB! Migz was fight with emotions because Keen was all over his girl. Migz didn’t fight dirty against Xander or the clowns he faced. I call it fair. If a dude has a leg injury, I’m going to exploit it. Can he move laterally? Can he take a kick? You alway gotta look for an edge.

ZureZule Miyazaki

I mean, I would ask then does that mean anything goes? Sucker punches count too? Jumping them count? If it isn't a fair one, your always going to have doubt thrown around if you could really take them full bar. Because you didn't fight them at their strongest. You fought an injured person, or jumped them, or surprised them. Keen gave him that level of a fight despite being hurt, what's he gonna do when he's not getting exploited?

A. P.

Miguel acting like the villain wasn't unrealistic at all. He was upset still, plus the adrenaline and excitement of his first tournament and he had a chip on his shoulder. Plus for months he's been being taught Cobra Kai that teaches you to be aggressive and strike first. It makes sense. Also in a fight you don't have to worry about honor but in a tournament you're expected to fight with a certain etiquette. Tournaments are a time for martial artists to come together and put their studies to the test and share experience not to beat your opponent at all costs. In martial arts honor matters.


bro is u slow? there are rules u cant sucker punch etc. there's no rule saying u cant hit someone in there shoulder because they are hurt. dont fight if you are injured its a no brainer they going for ur weakness


At the end of the day I gotta agree with Evan. Sure it's legal or whatever to go for a injury like that cause a ref wouldn't call it out but its not ethical like Pat said. I mean you don't have to intentionally go for his shoulder. Just fight me one v. one and we'll see who comes out on top in the end. If your intentionally going after something you know would cause me pain, that's malicious. Him twisting Robby's arm after trying to help him up was definitely OD. Also granted, Robby had the option of not even fighting, which Daniel told him. But then Cobra Kai still wins by default and it was caused by playing dirty. And my thing is Robby didn't deserve all that punishment from Miguel. If anything Miguel is in the wrong for one how it went down with Sam at the party (I really don't care about them holding hands down the hill TBH) and two further injuring Robby intentionally to win a sanctioned fight. So I can agree its not illegal but I call that a dirty win at the end of the day because of the moral decision Miguel chose.


in boxing if a guy is cut you target the cut. in football if a player has a bad ankle, they target it.

Master finesser

Tbh though if it matters that much then why was what Miguel done legal then. And not targeting his shoulder actually puts miguel at a disadvantage tbh forget the honor part having a whole area of the body he can't attack actually handicaps miguel because if you watch the fight closely robby was leaving his shoulder open so many times to where it was screaming to be attacked. It doesn't make sense for him to handicap himself when robbys shoulder werent his fault. But the arm pull was dirty tho.