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Nah how can you hate Ussop dude is so inspirational 🔥🔥🔥🔥


L episodes L usopp Jerry you are completely justified in your hate with usopp

Nate Deezy

sometimes i wish they can all appreciate every strawhat for what they do for the crew. there hasnt been an arc where each strawhat didnt do their part.

Nate Deezy

really just jerry and rob but yeah. sometimes evan be hating toomuch on sanji


Any sculpture/statue from the neck up is classified as a BUST… You’re welcome & good job Jerry


usopp is ass why it take that long to spin back lmao

Aurora Bash

NO SHOT this is a actual RT TV burner even Jerry was giving Usopp some respect at the end fake ass


Evan only hate on Sanji to get at Jerry you can tell. When it comes to Sanji Jerry is insufferable.


thank you like its so annoying how so many ppl really hyping up a trash character but good news he doesnt do shit at all after this arc he becomes nonexistent he's not even in WCI. now evan will finally shut up and stop screaming hyping up usopp being annoying af


damn bro you really hate usopp huh? mans is integral to dressrosa tho.


I used to hate Usopp but yea he’s not supposed to be a fighter he’s a sniper he should be running and hiding so can’t blame him for being naturally non-confrontational


I don’t think a lot people had a big issue with the way he felt towards a character, it was the way he expressed it.. for me I don’t understand how you can hate on a character that has assisted the Straw Hats so much, you can dislike a character without shouting or making a comment every second they’re on screen 😂 Double Dragon be disliking characters but they don’t make comments every time they see them


@Static tbh what's annoying is Evan busting eardrums yelling usopp for no reason half the time when he don't be doing shit. Jerry at least has gave usopp his props when be does something good and I have to. I even liked usopp at one point which was Water 7 then after that he went back to his old self


But how many other arcs is he integral in? He's trash 90% of the time yet does something good rarely. After this arc what does usopp do? Thing is I liked usopp at one point but he got back trash and I even give him his props when he does something just like Jerry does the same thing. Even Rogersbase has Usopp at the bottom while ranking the strawhats, not that he doesn't like him but that's just what it is. Double dragon bros also has usopp at the bottom too. That proves that I'm not crazy for not liking usopp as well as Jerry and I genuinely don't understand how ppl like and hype him up so much with this annoying "Big U" shit or "God Usopp" he's just ass and i even gave him chances


in my opinion for how long the show is there should've been some kind of development with usopp with him being more brave or warrior like considering thats his objective. Im just gonna assume its gonna happen in a certain arc but it should've built up by now cause he isn't ass of a fighter when he isn't facing high ranking characters. Him and chopper got did dirty with character development


I don't get why Oda had to make the whole Scarlet fake her death to be with Kyros. Especially knowing that the townspeople respected King Riku back then. I'll they need it to hear was King Riku approve of Kyros and Scarlet's marriage.


@Tingz bro the way you be complaining bout Evan you need to keep the same energy for Jerry lol wait till WCI jerry gon be all up in ya ear 😂😂 and TBH Evan has only been loud for usopp like this for dressrosa lol Jerry been doing that dumb sanji shit since the beginning lmfao sanji could literally stand there smoking and Jerry over here doing his lil fly dresser line for the hundredth time 😂 love you tho Jerry 😭


I keep the same energy for everyone even Jerry as well I agree with people that yes be do be loud but i like that he enjoys his fave characters. For WCI I'm looking forward to it because we get more Sanji and Jerry will see him shine yes even tho Sanji gonna do some messed up stuff we get to see more of him tho


But at least this usopp shit will be over once dressrosa is over so no more of that


@KingRoboNinja that’s what I’m saying we don’t care that he dislikes usopp at all he has ever right to but to sit there and say Jerry don’t be hating on usopp is crazy 😂 usopp will lie for the right reason and Jerry over here saying “CAPPPPP EVAN THATS YOUR BOY” then just drags it even tho it was a good play lol


Also I like Evan despite the complaints. I like them all well except Rob pretty much because he always gets on my nerves but hopefully in the future oda finally gives usopp justice with his character and maybe prove me wrong and I may like his character we never know


@Tingz ain’t nothing wrong with evan shouting out big U and being loud randomly for usopp when Jerry does the same shit tho that’s how i see it at least but it’s entertaining the sanji and usopp beef Jerry and evan got going on 🤣🤣 WCI reactions gon go crazy tho Jerry gon love it for sure


Honestly i think usopp was doing great post time skip like in fishman island then he just went back to how he originally was


I think it's a good message that Oda did with Usopp in this moment. He showed that sometimes you have to be Brave and not continue the lie just because people are so gullible. This Usopp moment used to be my least favorite moment from all Strawhats but now when I see it from this point, it's not that bad


Usopp one of the greatest characters in history fuck ye heard thats my sniper g


FUN FACT: Usopp in SUB is Inuyasha :) I'm sure most of you don't know this because DUB Inuyasha is the only way for OGs


@sanji Fuck No. @hope honestly every time usopp has a moment its basically the same sequence so Oda must be trying to send that message off every single time usopp appears lol


I thought I was the only one who thought this! Thank you cause you are absolutely right about Inuyasha duded, it’s one of the very few that got it right!

WinterKing979 Channel

btw why usopp was not as brave as he was supposed to be on these eps than he would normally be, its because he also forgot all the times he was brave during enies lobby for Robin.


Jerry is annoying my god