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This is a good anime. Wish there was more action and less Lolicon but overall it's pretty solid.


What did you expect from an 11 year old is very different from our and Rudy's perspective knowing he has a total of +50 years living experience. He has the mental intelligence of a guy in his 50s let's not forget that. And mana disaster aside he didn't think to even try communicate once with his family for over a year and it doesn't matter if he couldn't have since he never even thought to try which he wouldve figured out was a lot easier to do than half the shit he did over that year like finding money and food. Rudy does not value his family as his own, Paul is just a guy to him and we see that with the internal speech he has, he puts on a facade when talking to his mum, dad, and maid such as when he manipulated the story for when the maid was pregnant. Rudy is like a 50 year old playing a game where his avatar is 11 years old. Just because he's in the body of a kid it doesn't give him the excuse to act like one, he has been fully conscious and aware since he was reincarnated


No ova with episode 17 mission failed we will get em next time boys.

Devin B

Not surprised but hopefully we can remind them to watch it at least by the end of the last episode


True it's not that deep of course not but it would have been cool. to have 2 episodes for once. Since Mushoku tensei is only 1 week.

Jaime Adam

Geese was looking for rudy to help Paul that’s what happened at the end


So happy we didn't get the OVA! Would have a been a waste of time/week slot.


Definitely not a waste, but I would say a slight distraction of the story narrative. Which is probably why the creators took it out of the lineup. It would be best to watch it at the end.

Enkyri (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-27 17:05:29 Geese was suggesting that he found Rudeus on purpose to Paul & now he's going to search for the rest of Paul's family. So, now Paul knows there are two people out there looking for the rest of his family.
2022-05-16 16:23:47 Geese was suggesting that he found Rudeus on purpose to Paul & now he's going to search for the rest of Paul's family. So, now Paul knows there are two people out there looking for the rest of his family.

Geese was suggesting that he found Rudeus on purpose to Paul & now he's going to search for the rest of Paul's family. So, now Paul knows there are two people out there looking for the rest of his family.


Wish they did 2 a week man. They really sucking us dry. Pause.


It wouldn't be a waste it could have been 2 episodes similar to usually when we request for episodes together during one piece.


I think watching it in the order literally everyone else watched it in is fine