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Welcome to Fate Zero reactions!!! Its been a long time coming! Only the full reactions will be available for this series and you can only watch it right here on patreon!! 


Austin Lewis

FINALLY!!!!!!! Y'all dont know what you're in store for


The dub…☹️

Justin Carter

U guys might wanna double these episodes up This show is much better as a two for one


Please do the sub. The dub aint bad but most characters still sound better in the sub


Nigga if you don’t put this shit on sub the dub is ass cheeks,

Javier V2221

Nah man you guys have to experience subbed Gilgamesh

Jaime Adam



Bruh get this dubshit out of here.


Honestly dub ain’t that bad


usually i don't care about dub v sub but like the sub is undeniably superior for this like???? 🤣 also hope y'all got a good watch order since this series is so vast

christopher aquino

Putting on the side that the sub is way better, if you guys are ever confused let us know I'm sure a few people can explain things without spoiling.


i watched this subbed but the dub is fine. Ppl stay tweakin.


bro dub is fine yall are just tweakin i watched all of fate in dub and loved it.


Stick wit the dub don't listen to the sub elitists. Ppl will hate on dub no matter what. Black clover all over again. Easier for them to watch and if it's sub they are more likely to miss shit because of the stupid subtitles because they might look away or they argue. Yall weebs (not all) annoying af. Dub the goat

Quincy Jones

Honestly there being people like you who still say "sub elitist" makes me sigh and shake my head. Most shows and movies are best enjoyed in their og languages. period. Thats is a fact that cannot be disputed. there can be some exceptions but majority of the time thats how it works. The fact theres even arguments about this is mostly because somehow "dub fans" like you always be like "yo this show not bad in dub" and proceed to whine and call out others as "sub elitist" when they prefer the og language. Not only is the voice acting quality more accurate and passionate in a works original language, the dub never carries the same gravitas that certain social cues and behavior of a works native culture is embued in that works meaning you will never get a 100% representation or experience that accurately reflects the accuracy of the story, theme, elements, and culture of the works.


People will just hate on dub no matter what it can't be helped. Even if the dub is good. I think some ppl are just used to sub since they watch it so much that the dub is just weird or bad to them idk. Even if it's great voice acting. Even ppl in the comments are saying it's "not that bad" which I always find annoying when ppl say that but at least they somewhat acknowledge the dub


Dub is better for rt tv so they can get the lore ..they look away a lot when they’re talking/arguing


Let’s go dub gang. Stick with it and don’t be bully by the sub people.


Sorry that u can't accept that at times the dub counterparts can be superior to subs. Also there are bad subs. I don't got time to be reading subtitles at the bottom of the screen I want to watch knowing whats going on and being said. The subtitles can take away enjoyment. What u say makes no sense to me since I'm used to dub and watched it growing up like DBZ dub Naruto and Inuyasha etc when they played it on tv. I'm never like "the dub is not bad" i speak English so the shit I watch will be in English it's simple it's my native tongue


If they’re gunna do dub they need to have captions on because they’re obviously missing information already and the show just started

evan butler

hopefully re zero is next after fate zero, these guys keep dodging it.


Fax people just bitchen it’s what they choose just like they did black clover. They acting like dub is horrible they is just tripping.


That nigga Jerry sleeping in the first episode smh

Austin Lewis

Watch it in dub. This series has a lot for you to take in. Gonna be much easier to understand whats going on cause y'all talk too much through scenes to be watching this in sub. Also the order y'all should watch this in is - Fate/Zero, Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works TV and then Fate/Stay Night Heavens Feel Trilogy. You can skip the original Fate/Stay Night. Doubt you'll enjoy i.


I'm not hating or anything and i'll watch regardless but the dub for this doesn't even compare to the sub


And the dub of the fate/series is actually really good..it’s like people forget that they came to watch rt tv reactions not to have rt tv have the same experience they had..people were really in the black clover comments 100 episodes deep asking for sub😂


the kid stole the teachers relic, and do sub


lol. If you guys can stay awake for the long talking sequences you're gonna get rewarded.


Ok I’m finally going to watch this anime now since they are reacting to it, I’ve been meaning to for a while 🔥🔥🔥


Subbed pls


No way they watching this in dub

Austin Lewis

With the amount of content they put out a week; they can record all of their reactions in under 8 hours. No reason they cant double up on the episodes for series. The YouTube vids are not adding much workload on them at all. They have the whole week to themselves basically. I understand they have passions outside of making videos and that's fine but us paying them and watching their vids is what allows them to pursue those passions much easier. Its not asking for much to ask for them to spend not even several more hours so every show gets at least 2 eps a week.


If they watched in sub, would you still watch it in dub on your own time to be able to watch the reaction after with them, especially if this is your first time watching? Personally I wouldn’t even bother, I would just watch whatever version they’re watching with them and if I like what I see I’ll pick my preferred language afterwards, unless I’m satisfied with the one that they picked.


@Mojojo yeah that's what I'd do. The sub is cool too It's just I'd say for RTTV reactions it's just more convenient to do dub


Is it only sundays or did they say fate comes out more than once a day?


Yeah, completely agree. You’ve seen this series before on your own?


Sub voice acting is definitely goated. Dub is also good but for sure there are moments that you wish they watched it in sub.


I’m fine with both, but idk why people comparing this to Black Clover and saying “it’ll help them” because the same shit happens in Black Clover 😂 they get distracted and miss shit.. if the main issue with sub is “I have to read” then fuck off and stop being lazy lol sorry we all like to hear the legit VA for the characters in anime.. I’m fine with dub tho :)



Exactly my point 😂 learn Japanese if you’re not trying to read ya dumb fuck

evan butler

You guys are hilarious you'll say anything to get it, they're already sleeping this episode and you want them to be knocked out for two? 😂

evan butler

Damn I can't stop laughing,the thought of them being knocked out on the first ep. If this is your favorite show I Feel your pain


“The legit VA” this mentality is fucked….. Dub VAs are legit just the same and deserve just as much respect/recognition.


I never said they didn’t deserve respect and recognition lmao I was saying that some people want to hear the ORIGINAL VA.. which the subbed is the original and that’s facts 😂 what’s wrong with wanting to hear the words characters actually pronounce? 💀


There’s absolutely nothing wrong with your preferred preference of wanting to hear the original, however unless you understand Japanese by a decent margin there will always be some mistranslations unless you have it, watching it on DVD/Blu-ray copies. Just please don’t try to low-key belittle dub VAs, even if that wasn’t your intention it certainly came off that way.


Yea i just didn't watch all the parts so rewatching will refresh my memory . Did see first part tho


I dont have time to watch sub just for the voices to "sound better" dumb argument when dub voice actors deliver well too. I don't wanna read while being entertained that's just me but I do watch sub tho, because I had no choice but to get used to it


@MoJoJo exactly. Even the dub translations come off better and funnier like in Naruto or bleach

Jeffrey Daniel Reid

Keep it in dub, this is one of the best dubs I’ve ever seen, I can guarantee u all the mfs telling u to switch have not watched this whole shit in dub before they just hating cuz it’s the normative position to have in anime


@Evan Butler Well, this episode was 47 minutes so it’s basically the same as a 2 episode reaction.


JoJo Ro

Ontop of doing multi hour livestreams as well as podcasts now, you are asking for more than Jerry to go night night for Fate Zero. I'd prefer 1 offs and when one of their other shows drop ask for 2nd ep to take it's slot. As this series is goated and wouldn't want them to miss a major fight/reveal.

Kade Wilson

@austin they already do double epsiodes i think you mean double uploads in one video that they may not do again

Rayanh LaNansha

Man, I was looking forward to watching their reactions to this, but no matter how hard I try, I can't listen to dub. Oh well, this won't be it for me but y'all enjoy it; it's a great one.


Ya’ll are really tripping asking for sub? This is a dialogue-heavy show and imo dub works best for a large group like RTTV who tend to talk/joke around during the reaction

Dimple leader

i love the dub its pretty good , i do sugest keep dub but turn on the subs so it can help with names and explainations you may miss or not understand


In dubbed there’s sooo many mistranslations so we probably shouldn’t get into that 😂 I didn’t belittle anyone.. just stating facts lol sorry that people don’t want to watch a show where the voices sound nothing like the person, or don’t line up with they’re mouths, or don’t articulate words the way Japanese people do.. “I don’t have time” lil nigga the episodes stay the same time.. you’re not wasting any more time than you’d be wasting reading subs in a dub 💀🤡


Funny enough they still do miss stuff in dubbed.. nice try tho keep hating on a different language 💀 “you don’t understand what they’re saying” that’s why you pull out the pre school teaching and just read 💀😂 “we American” yea and you’re watching a Japanese show.. stop trying to push the western culture into anime.. that’s what ruined The Last Airbender 💀😂

Dino Morte

lmao its still gonna be the same. That's the funniest part of dub vs sub. They still gonna need and want subtitles.


I never knew something I learned in pre school was so difficult for some people 😂 voices don’t fit for me with this one.. enjoy the anime ☺️ (No diss towards the dub VA, I just like the sub VA cast a lot more)


Just as a heads up fellas, this a prequel (which was meant to be watched after watching the other fate series like Fate: unlimited blade works + heavens feel) so Fate Zero does spoil some things for the later series yall are gonna watch but whatever. Fate Zero is still a good series though.


Here me out, with sub they pay attention more cause they gotta read. But i welcome dubs, especially this one.


I welcome the dubs. People trippin, you guys aint japanese let it go 😂


For example Shikamaru's iconic "what a drag" wasn't said in sub for a long time until it was finally changed in the future. First it was "how bothersome" something like that which was wack. Yeah the Japanese comes first and the English episodes come after but still. I have many examples but just saying how the dub can just be funnier overall than the sub it depends on the show unless both translations are the same. Another thing in Bleach ep 15 Kon literally tells Yoruichi "What a pussy" funny af. He doesn't say that in the sub lmao just saying but we have our opinions I see that you said you have no issue with sub or dub and is fine with dub so be it. Nothing too much to argue about then if you have no issue with both


Im saying I don't have the time to read it takes more work. I'd rather watch dub as I connect more with the English language since I speak English, not Japanese. I can distinguish emphasis and sarcasm from words via dub. Not so much from sub even though the words show it (except for sarcasm) doesn't really hold much weight but my opinion

evan butler

And they were were slumped? You just bolstered my point. Idrc if they do it or not, there’s something equally funny about seeing them asleep


Yea I really don’t have an issue with either in certain occasions.. I was just stating I can completely understand why people would prefer or only want subbed.. I just can’t stand when people try to push western culture into other culture.. like stop worshiping America 😂 yea I can actually distinguish emphasis and sarcasm from words via sub.. it’s really not that hard lol


This is one of those animes that work really well with dub due to the show itself being dialog heavy ( Example this first episode is litteraly only talking and no action whatsoever).

Daas Nahk

After the yaboiroshi interview they arnt watching rezero ever

Daas Nahk

The dub is good for this one I'd say stick with it


No ones hating on another language its fine to watch in your own dumbass and how was the last airbender ruined its literally one of the best shows just stfu 😂 get a life


better in sub but you niggas would never be able to keep up with the information so dub is probably better here for yall especially Rob

Myles Xavier

I think i watched in dub and it was still great to me And imma only sub nigga fr now. Not only does fate Siries have good fights but i like the story and I Highly recommend you do Fate/Stay Night After this. Zero is the prequel


It ruined it because they came out with Legend of Korra ya fucking idiot, I was referring to The Last Airbender world.. they heavily pushed western culture in it and pushed all the eastern culture out.. like wow the first avatar was basically God and the Devil, a WESTERN ideology. Sorry that I’m not the one preaching about “We’re Americans we speak English!” Like fuck outta here you illiterate embryo.. “all they do is talk a little louder” yea you’re not disrespecting a whole other language at all you fucking child 😂 learn how to read pussy boy


The dub is good for this show ya'll so it's okay if they dont watch in the original dub, there's also a lot of dialogue so they would've missed a lot had it been subtitles


God and devil ideology aint a western thing ur literally fucking stupid lmfao 😂😂😂😂😂 i aint preaching anything im just saying facts do americans not speak english ? This dude is literally retarded no ones disrespecting anyone. You need to learn how to stfu and go outside and fuck some bitches lame ass nigga

Myles Xavier

You're Right Actually, I forgot the first half was called Unlimited blade works. I've never seen or heard of Heavens feel tho, i always wondered what happened after i thought it was cancelled


Might want to do a poll for dub or sub


They should have watched Inuyashiki or classroom of the elite


don't think I've ever seen pat or evan fall asleep


They can’t even keep up the info in dub lmao it makes no difference sub is just better


And you think after watching this first reaction where they still couldn’t catch shit that switching to sub would be the smart thing? Lmao you might as well give up on them following ANYTHING at that point. Believe me I’m a sub only person but they will literally miss anything of importance with sub.


This constant negativity in every single RT TV comment section... I swear, don't ya'll have better things to do?

Amrith Selvaraj

Bro this first season is so fireee.


We are gonna need more than one episode😅


FACTS. GILGAMESH SUB VA is legendary. His laugh his arrogance is not captured on dubbed !!!!!


Pat carries the group if we’re being real. He will always put in the most effort in every single reaction

San jojo



God and Devil are definitely a Christian ideology you fucking daft retarded child, but let’s not get more into LoK cause I’m right 😂 look it up genius😂 imagine watching a JAPANESE show and complaining about the Japanese 😂🤡💀 nigga fuck outta here you don’t know what I be doing in my life.. just cause I called your dumb ass out don’t mean shit 😂😂 it just means you’re fucking stupid who’s close minded and probably lives in his moms basement.. that’s all 🤡😂


Nah I’m good.. just expressing my opinion like everyone else ya bastard.. have fun sucking off a YouTube channel 🤡😂 just read 🤷🏽‍♂️ Fucking learned it while I was learning how to walk 💀🤡😂


Won’t catch me deleting comment threads like a little bitch 😂💀 go back to sucking ya moms tit ya fucking baby 😂 imagine being this fucking daft and retarded you can’t admit when you’re wrong when the truth is right in front of you 💀😂💀😂💀😂💀😂💀


@Yabish is fucking retarded ignore him, just look at that pfc.. this dub is indeed ass when compared to the sub.. but this is a rttv issue.. they just need to pay attention more.. sub ftw tho, it sounds better and fits the characters more lol


They be sleeping on re:zero hard, but thats a show that requires very careful attention and they sort of lack that in their reactions so it would make a bad reaction.


does anyone know the best order to watch the whole fate series?


Please please please watch this more than once a week!!!


Just keep the dub


Does any know the correct order to watch fate series


Depends what your looking for in the series. If it’s fights start with unlimited blade works, then Zero, then heavens feel. After that watch whatever you want


I hope y’all eventually watch Fate: Apochrypha my personal favorite. One of the spin off shows that’s basically all action.

evan butler

@Xavier DeJesus plus they’d probably actually sleep so when something important happens they’d be lost.😂


best way to watch as i know is fate zero first, unlimited bladeworks and heavens feel movies, u can watch fate stay night from 06 but its not the best adaptation... btw all of those three after fate zero are three different routes of how the story will go/could have gone


I sub for this and yall are watching it in dub? damn

Redding Tier

I know Wellz enough to know that he's going to really fuck with Kiritsugu Emiya


@kingroboninja how is that cap? He said it’s *one* of the best (in his opinion), god you’re such a bozo


Why dub???


I aint gon lie, this is one of those animes where the sub is top tier


This dub is Goat'd. Quit trippin'


Fate zero dub is great, but UBW is a complete downgrade

David Kiley

The actual best way to watch is Fate zero after UBW and HF Trilogy because it was originally released after all 3 routes, and zero isnt even written by the same guy who wrote the fate route, ubw route, and hf route