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fr tho Evans a g, Wake yo ass up this patreon is booty


Talk about turning a new leaf 😂💀 calm down my son.. you always so angry. Everyone this is what happens when you twist someone’s words to justify your hate 💀🤡


Senor Pink the 🐐! Excited to see you guys react to that fight 🙏🏽🔥 (Another one bites the dust 😴)


But is he lying tho? MF louder than my mother on a Sunday morning

Myles Xavier

Adjust yo audio lvls lol i thinks its funny and i hear it at a respectable volume. You basically saying they cant get hype which is weird lol


Block D was so extended In the anime God damn


I don’t see why people complaining they yelling too loud… stop putting the volume on max and you won’t get that problem I’ve watched with headphones or just through the phone speaker and not once did that shit annoy or hurt my ears 🤣🤣


Usopps dream is to become a brave warrior of the sea ofc we ain’t gon see him with the smoke rn but when the times come when he is actually needed he does put in what he can lol we ain’t gon see usopp drop this whole scared capping shit till the end of the series lmfao when he achieves his dream Jerry will like him 🙏 😂


Y’all trippin stop putting your volume on max I’ve never had this problem jerry and Evan just get annoying from yelling repetitive shit for me


One Piece pacing is brutal lmao


If half of his statement is false.. than yea it’s not true lol cause I can guarantee you anyone who “comes for Jerry” isn’t looking stupid now lol


@kingroboninja you look stupid tho lol wanna know why? Because you one of the main ones always coming for Jerry and made it seem like I was crazy for calling Evan out because he's obviously been busting eardrums more and more as of late and this comment section alone proves that so no I'm not crazy and I was telling the truth. Now stfu


You’re a fucking idiot kid!! My main issue is when Jerry yells and ruins the reaction to the other members of rttv.. I already admitted Evan doing it is annoying (but you just want to argue so I’m sure you missed that part) but just because Evan is yelling doesn’t make all of Jerry’s past outbursts void.. now stop sucking Jerry’s dick and actually comprehend what people are saying you fucking child.. idc about simply yelling.. you’re being a fucking child if you complain any time someone yells.. shall I bring up receipts of when Jerry yells and visually and physically distracted the other members?? 💀😂


Thank you guys! Imagine watching them react to a fight and all you can bitch about is the volume level that YOU can adjust 😂😂


I didn't miss shit. I never denied Jerry not doing it yes he does it too but Evan has been doing it a lot lately. Jerry didn't do it this reaction he was sleep lol so miss me with that "he does it every reaction . Never said Jerry was void. You don't have to bring up receipts ik he does it. The receipts already here tho in the comments about Evan busting our eardrums tho. And about the adjust volume argument some ppl wear earphones and we have to try to hear the episode it's slightly quiet than them sometimes so the volume has to be up so sorry it's not that simple. Have a good day


Imagine being that guy “Boruto??” “Where’s Boruto??” “You guys gonna drop Boruto today?” “What no Boruto?” “We getting Boruto today?” “Boruto??” Fucking dumb ass fan boy.. rttv dropping that gay ass show, must mean that show is fucking ass right? Given your description of them and how you basically worship them as Gods.. bet they found out what happened to Naruto and they trashed that shit? Imagine having such a title but STILL have moments that are complete ass with the animation.. and people wanna complain about OP from over 20 years ago 💀 niggas making Boruto look ugly NOW fucking fan boy only comments to hate on OP reactions and then to ask about Boruto 🤡


Evans probably yelled in the last 2 OP videos 💀 stop comparing it to when Jerry yells in EVERY ANIME AND SHOW! You’re a fucking clown kid 😂 wow good job 12 year old.. Jerry doesn’t yell when he’s asleep.. you really got me there retard 🤡😂 it actually is that simple.. don’t wear headphones dipshit. And don’t try to act like you haven’t been on Jerry’s dick these past months.. you never admitted that that nigga was annoying with the yelling.. your dumb ass always defended it saying “idk I really like Jerry’s Jingles” fuck outta here retard did you forget when your dumb ass said that??!


So I can't ask for boruto when it's scheduled for that day? They had a late upload. Just like if they late with OP all yall would ask for OP. Idk what's the big deal. Here you go again bringing up boruto being insecure lmao because you know OP been shitted on bad in the past. We pay for Patreon so damn right ima simply say "Boruto?" That's all I said not that other shit stop reaching. Also I'm not the only one who asked for Boruto nor am I the only person on here who watches it. And yeah yesterday was the last boruto upload which sucks but oh well it is what it is. What else you gotta say bout Boruto since it lives rent free in your head? For someone who shades Naruto and Boruto you sure always have its name in your mouth. Why watch Evan reactions then? By your logic you a OP fanboy stay over here


That's my point I had to point out Jerry being asleep since u lied saying he yells EVERY reaction . Also when he's awake some reactions he isn't loud he's sometimes chill. And some ppl gotta wear headphones you don't know their situations


Here we go with you spouting out BS lmao YOU are the only one who ONLY typed asking for Boruto.. everyone else actually talks in other reactions 💀 and I ALREADY told you that I watched Evan to watch Zabuza.. I literally love ONE character from that show and he saw him so why wouldn’t I watch it 💀🤡💀 and I’ve NEVER posted saying “where’s OP” “OP?” We pay for Patreon so STOP SUPPORTING PEOPLE YELLING AND RUINING THE REACTIONS! ITS NOT WORTH OUR MONEY, maybe yours, BUT NOT OURS


Yea he’s quiet when he’s “the man” which is VERY rare lmao idgaf about everyone else’s problems.. it’s not my job to think for you imbeciles.. if it’s too loud find a solution.. don’t just hop on here with ya hating ass.. especially if it’s hating on someone who BARELY yells 💀💀💀💀💀💀 “they finished with Boruto, whatever” fuck outta here kid they dropped that shit!! Ain’t no one eating good from that shitty animation 💀😂


We can keep going Mr “turning over a new leaf” or you can just simply stop hating and actually open your eyes to the bigger picture 😂 Evan coughs loudly and this kid jumps on Jerry’s dick to defend him.. (Says “have a good day” but still here) 🤡


One Piece Ep 658/659 Full & Early under my comment Devin asked "Wheres the Boruto upload" like I said I wasnt the only one who asked where Boruto was. Congratulations for not asking for OP good for you idgaf but OTHER people have asked it and there's nothing wrong with it especially when you pay for a service you expect your show to come. You act like I'm advocating for everyone to support them for yelling and "ruining" reactions fuck is u talking bout lmao. If you have a problem with them so much then why are you still here supporting? Obviously it doesn't really bother me as much as it bothers you. I know you aint talking about shitty animation lmao lets not go there. Studio Pierrot >>> Toei. On the boruto description they said "Last boruto reaction until canon episodes come back!" meaning till manga canon comes back so no they didnt drop it they will pick it back up eventually. Imagine typing a whole ass paragraph talking bout Boruto over me simply asking for Boruto bruh lmao its not that serious AT ALL. You really think you making me mad with the boruto shit when you not. Idgaf. That just shows your insecurities. Boruto shit is pointless and not even the topic we was talking about Evan yelling and I said what I had to say which was the truth and you said your bullshit and we done. What else you got for me for the entertainment


The anime catches up to the manga pretty quickly.. that’s why Toei be drawing in some BS to fill in the gaps.. idk people talk about worst paces but I’ve never seen an anime constantly dropping week to week.. I agree that Toei be doing too much but I can see why


turning over a new leaf doesn't mean I'm gonna be friends with you or be nice to you lmfao fuck you. you wanna still be petty ima talk bad to your bitch ass every single time gtfo


Not reading all that cause that’s a whole essay.. good job bringing up the ONE guy who comments on every video lmao thanks for proving my point retard.. nah turn over a new leaf as in stop hating like a lil bitch and hop off of Jerry’s dick from time to time.. I guess your definition of turning over a new leaf just means you act MORE like a whiney little bitch 😂🤡


So they still dropped that trash cause it’s shit, right? Lmao you trying to avoid a FACT by bringing up your opinions.. I can talk about what I want ya dumb cunt.. you want to create a whole thread so you can look like the good guy, I want to bring up shit I see in just the reaction after this.. so who’s being the real petty bitch here? 😂😂 stop sucking Jerry’s little dick you lil faggot.. keep trying to justify your hate ya fucking 12 year old you wanna talk about baby fetus Boruto? Or the pain fight? I can bring up more “receipts” on the shitty animation from maybe a year ago or less lol we in the NOW retard.. and right now.. Boruto mids asf.. made them swap over to an anime that is LEAGUES ahead of it 💀


Coming from the nigga who wrote a whole novel over me mentioning "Boruto?" Which is sad. Imagine being triggered over me asking for a show I paid for. Wtf does that have to do with you tho? Nothing. How about you mind your fucking business. Now if I trash OP and bring hella receipts you'd be crying. "Fuck outta here kid they dropped that shit" least the fanbase didn't tell them to drop it because they clearly wasn't enjoying it lmao oop lemme stop


Per the description they are watching it again when manga canon returns meaning they didn't drop it. If they dropped it that means they wont watch it EVER again dumb ass kid




Your point was not proven. Mine was by proving that someone else asked for Boruto even if it was only ONE more person, I wasn't the only one and like I said I'm not the only person on patreon who watches Boruto. You really calling me a hater but look at you hating Boruto like let me like what I like. If you don't like Boruto great that's your business. I get it you hate it I don't give a shit


I still said the definition of dropping a show. Still stands. Comparing that to dropping a toy? Shows how much of a retard you are lmfao two different meanings


I said you are the ONE person who ONLY comments about Boruto and goes to hate on everything else.. NOBODY ELSE DOES THAT YOU RETARDED 12 IQ DIPSHIT! Learn how to fucking comprehend what people say and get Jerry’s dick out ya mouth


You’re still dropping the show kid!!!! They’re dropping it off the calendar, they’re dropping it off they’re watch list lmao stop trying to cut corners retard

Zar D. Goat

Y’all mention pacing like it’s a race, what’s the hurry? Enjoy the story it’s really lit that bad y’all just be dick eating

Felix Chiu

pacing isn't bad when you watch 4-6 at once like they're doing. It was only bad weekly

Pablo gama

'' ayo jerry wake yo ass up '' LMAOOO