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Rttv One Piece eps 654-655 full edit.mp4

This is "Rttv One Piece eps 654-655 full edit.mp4" by RT TV on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



I like how Wells smiles at the end haha 😂 he knows what’s next 😄


Have y’all ever thought that nami & chopper know they limits and know who they could fight 🤣 like it ain’t hard to be in nami shoes and look at a warlord and be like yea i 100% won’t do shit to this guy with my little rod like come on same with chopper mans surrounded by water while they in the air 🤦🏻‍♂️😂 i don’t blame em for not doing shit and just being scared lol not every straw hat is built to fight off a warlord

Apiz Timo

This idiot in the comment section saying chopper is a wasted character.. Lol.. He is a fking doctor.. You expect him to fight and cure/heal people.. You expect too much.. Nami is a navigator and thats what she do but sometimes she fight.. If necessary.. Brooke cant jump mid air using moon walk like sanji to attack doffy and if sanji one of the monster trio kick didnt do shit to doffy what the fk u expect nami, brooke and chopper can do to him? I swear you guys are brainless or just want to hate on something without a valid reason..

Aaron Yow

Wow so entertaining how they miss key points because they talk over it. Ig they don’t give a f


chopper was throwing hands left and right in the beginning of the show with different forms appearing as well which was very entertaining now he just cries all the time lmao they give him poisons he got to reverse which is coo but very repetitive cause its nothing truly different when he actually fulfills his role. He's become an ass character. Now shut your dweeb ass up


Also if you saw your friend fighting lets say a professional line backer and he's getting fucked up you aint gonna try to help?? oh okay. Just cause you weak don't mean sit and do nothing.


Yeah I have to agree Chopper definitely got sidelined. I don't think its a super bad thing tho. Like we're fighting stronger and stronger opponents over time and Chopper is starting to freak out a bit lol. He just there to sell merch now. Remember he aint trying to become some super strong fighter. Its not like Sakura where you're expecting some top tier ninja shit and the series keeps making a point that its all good because SHE FINALLY CAUGHT UP TO THEM. Chopper is just a lil reindeer that sells merch and cures some illnesses here and there. He can fight fodder but there hasn't been a ton of fodder around in the New World arcs. Its fine with me, more time to focus on the bigger characters


I appreciate that you guys didn't argue during the episode it made for a more enjoyable reaction. As for Chopper in terms of fights during the post time skip era it seems like Oda sideline Chopper a lot. Chopper's best fight in the post time skip era is going back to Fishman Island, and his best moment as a Doctor is Punk Hazzard saving the kids. Chopper's next big fight will be like in 211 episodes from now.


Of course Chopper can fight but he will get bodied instantly by Doflamingo. Also, if you play MMORPG, Chopper is similar to a healer/support.


when are they putting film z on

Dwanye Gibbs



Jerry exaggerating THE FUCK out of how intense that Sanji vs Doflamingo fight was, Sanji landed one kick that barely phased him then Doffy quickly took over, Sanji quite literally did nothing to Doflamingo other than stall for time. Top 5 moment my ass, that is literally no ones top moment regardless how biased someone is lmfao


you're a narrow-minded dummy. Its not all about the fight, its about the meaning behind it. Pre-timeskip Doffy would of killed all of them, but Sanji came all the way from dressrosa to save his crew in time against the MAIN VILLAIN of the arc, I dont see Zoro clashing with the main villain :)


alright bud, like I care whatever tf Zoro does. Theyre anime characters with no will of their own.


Wellz 's smile and look over at the camera at 14:18 is killing me