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Y’all should watch twilight

Pretty PINK

God Bless you all :)

Pretty PINK

Jesus saves, protects, and loves us all so very much. God Bless you all :)


niggas will do anything to avoid uploading film Z


This movie was like Batman the Animated Series brought to life mixed with the Long Halloween comic book. 9/10 for sure imo


Wait if y’all all watched it already why y’all watching it again? Its gonna be basically a fake reaction since u already know how it ends

Zero Requiem

Probably my second favorite behind The Dark Knight just bringing Batman to life was done well in this movie.

Zheikon _

W movie

H. Oliv.

I saw it in theaters and I thought the movie was great 👍 I didn't get bored at all even though it's 3hrs long

Zheikon _

They don’t even do movie reactions Frfr you can’t expect them to wait for it to be released on HBO this movie was poppin


Yea I was surprised I was like there no way they waited this long to see it

Devin B

To me it's like their reaction to Spider-Man No Way Home, I tried watching it but couldn't finish the reaction cause they already know what's going to happen and I couldn't be hyped for it


Wellz just posted on his instagram that they’re watching it today


Lol yea I was happy af when I seen this notice then I heard pat say they saw it already tbh it’s no point in reacting to it if everybody saw it already


Great story telling, cinematography and acting. I don’t get some peoples complaint about there being no Bruce Wayne in the movie when that’s a huge point of the movie. He doesn’t know how to be Bruce yet because he’s so consumed over his parents death and trying to get his “vengeance” through being Batman. Then near the end of the movie when he hears the Riddler goon say that he’s vengeance as well, it hits him, he cuts the cord saving the people and when he comes out of the water it’s a symbol for him being reborn because he is holding the flare as a beacon of hope for the people. Dope ass movie. I’d still put TDK ahead of it but this one is the best true Batman movie.

Jeremy Palencia

Thought is was the best Batman movie tied with The Dark Knight


Why this nigga rob trying to force himself to sleep immediately after the action scene. lol at that point bro just walk off

andrew m

Dude rob fall asleep on every reaction


they could have faked liked they didnt see it just to bullshit us but they were upfront about it, obviously they're a reaction channel but sometimes niggas want to see shit in the movies, yall seriously cant be mad at that lmao


I like this batman and the dark knight movies. But I do have to say I hope they don't go the "realism" direction like the dark knight movies. Batman villians aren't realistic their comic book monsters and Batman at this age is very agile and very acrobatic. A little cgi or stunt man of Batman throwing batarangs while doing flips wont hurt


Can’t they just upload the full reaction to Patreon once they finish it like they do with moon knight lol

Gabriel Rodriguez

Didn’t want to waste three hours watching it but this is like multitasking enjoyment


half the couch falling asleep lmfao

ima put some dirt in your eye

I really liked Matt Reeves' direction with the film, all down to the camerawork, action sequences, the music score, especially portrayal of the characters from the actors/actresses (despite the consensus view of there being no Bruce Wayne when that was the literal point, it being a young Bruce Wayne's two year transition into the Batman and finding it difficult to balance the polarities of the man vs the bat. A least Pat was able to understand that. He's not even the only incarnation to the character that falls outside of the perceived portrayal, Tim Burton's incarnation kills people, does that make him a bad Batman? You could say Keaton was a good Bruce Wayne, however. So that shows, there's always been a pattern to the character in live film, that receives one short end of the stick.) and their interactions. The Batman films prior to this, haven't really tackled the detective format as much, at least not to this extent. And I understand, given that films are motion picture storytelling mediums, pacing importance is heavily emphasised for the watchers, so the writers need to be more selective when it comes what scenes are more integral to the plot. For instance, the scenes when Batman and commissioner Gordon uncover new riddles as they're looking around for clues is one example, especially given the film's 3 hour runtime. As Joel mentions, if you're going into the film, expecting a film which incorporates the elements of Nolan's trilogies, as well as Bruce Timm's animated adaptations that captures him moreso as a superhero archetype, then you may be disappointed with the end results or may be you won't, it all depends on your preference. As a reader of the comics, this was the sort of Batman film I've always wanted to see. I understand the want for a superhero film, but thoss elements has already been explored. It was nice to see, for once, a Batman medium that shows the detective side of the character and what other character is better to use within those contexts, other than The Riddler? Paul Dano's take on the Riddler was done well and I look forward to seeing his return in the near future. So disagree with Rob's take on him, (Including a few of Joel's, Jerry and Patric's views as well), for the most part. But I can understand where their complaints are coming from.


I hope they keep it “grounded” in terms of tone of the movie but I agree that they shouldn’t be afraid to make it a little more “mythical” in the sense of the comics

john segun doe

Couldve watched mad other movies in lieu of this that they already watched. Such as Dune, the z movie, etc. any random recommendation as well. Lol

_ FlusterCluck

There’s no way rob thinks any of the live action jokers was more successful than this riddler, the riddler won..his body count exceed any live action jokers when he flooded the city potentially killing hundreds if not thousands and he exposed Gotham for how corrupt it is…and he killed the head of crime in Gotham.

_ FlusterCluck

Also to try and say that his riddler wiping be as iconic as heath ledgers joker is a ludicrous statement, the dark knight is the most iconic superhero movies up there with Sam raimi spider-Man. It an unfair assessment seeing as no super hero villains have been up to that level

_ FlusterCluck

There’s no way this movie reminds you of twilight, the only thing that should remind you of that is Bruce’s teenage angst, but nothing else…nobody acts like anybody from either of these movies


Damn didn’t realize that take on who was more successful

Adrien Montout

Nah Nah hands down this is the best batman movie. The way they convey the dark atmosphere gotham gives off, how they portrayed batman at yr 2 and the realism behind it all. Dark Knight Series was good dont get me wrong but Heath Ledger really carried the Dark Knight movie ngl. Robert Pattison went above and beyond w this!

Black Alazemi

They've seen this movie in the cinema what's the point of reacting to it lmfao

Doc Anime!

Should've said this was more of a commentary than a reaction since y'all seen it, but it's alright


great phycological thriller


easily the best superhero film


Im trying to figure out what batman was wells watching as a kid that makes this one so different. I feel like marvel changed how ppl react to superheroes movies


have yall seen young justice?🤔

Candice Blair

Most likely not used to seeing him as starting off and living his double life yet.

Candice Blair

For Rob to say Pattison got this movie because of Twilight is stupid. I'm not going to act like I watched all of Pattison's movies, but he's done way more than just Twilight. Twilight was so many years ago.


i think you guys forgot gordon isnt the commissioner yet in this movie


Naw dk and dkr is better than this imo

Carlos Gonzalez

funny considering he hated being in Twilight btw he was great in The Lighthouse : )