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Devin B

Daida has a complex character and the mirror has been guiding him throughout most of his life but the mirror never forced Daida to do something he didn't want to do until now with the elixir. Like Evan said Daida had no problem sending Domas to kill Bojji but he drew the line when it came to drinking something that would make him "stronger". Also Daida decided by himself to send Bebin to kill Apeas because he was one of the people that didn't support him being king so he's still kind of trash.


FFS, let Rob get a week off to catch up on his sleep. The poor guy has been sleeping through half of your videos lately.

Ali Nasiib Abdi

Shout to Evan for the last part of the discussion

Ryno Live

Cant wait till yall get to 17 I'm watching dis dubbed n it's too lit


Ayoo Rob was knocked out the wholleee video😭😭😂😂😂😂


He usually knocks out on every hype episode


I think at 12:45 (could be wrong) when wellz seen that silhouette, he thought of Hokuro, that's why he said "oh wait". Hokuro is the blonde guy that tagged along with Domas and Bojji. When I seen that part I thought it was Hokuro at first because they got the same silhouette but nah lol. Apeas punching Daida satisfying af 😂


I see you whistling the Kingdom Hearts disney tune, Jerry 😎👌


thats not how sleep works lol, you dont sleep good for a week and suddenly not be tired for an extended amount of time, you gotta sleep consistently every night. there is no "catching up on your sleep"