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Kalib Holland

Domas told him to exchange blows because Bojji's hits looked like he is just toying with Daida. Bebin explained that the way Bojji fought would look like he was just toying around with his opponent because Bojji;s hits are so weak.


Kage's backstory was so sad. After losing his mother he tried to find a bond with someone else ever since then. Seeing Bojji crying at the end broke me. Kage is his ride or die. 😢 Top tier episode. Fun fact rttv if y'all didn't notice yet Kage (his name) in Japanese means shadow which is his character.

Devin B

Also Bojji's style of fighting doesn't fit the style of a king cause apparently you're expected to fight your enemy head on so for him to keep dodging and dodging made Bojji look like a coward in the eyes of the people

Nem Kos

guys stop saying 2 senses voice is not a sense lmao 😂

Walking Stick

he still has 4/5 senses Touch, Taste, Sight, Smell


already better than boruto lmao


Wellz thought lava was just really hot water. You can't be surprised he doesn't know basic common knowledge like the 5 senses.


This show is GOATED


Better than One piece, at least. *shots fired*


@Cloyce lmfao exactly. Glad someone said it. Had I said it bitches would've cried wolf. Lol Boruto live rent free in his head


nobody talking about how dope it was when apeas pulled the spear on domas


@Mad4Life Please say you’re joking


i like the dub better.... oddly

Ryno Live

This way better dubed n i hate this wack ass sword guy

Unbeknownst Man

You guys are just clapping yourselves right now with such confidence, all due to ignorance. The "5 senses" crap is what is taught to kids in elementary schools, but there's many more senses than just those 5. Language (aka, speech) is another one of those senses, so Wellz is actually right.

Unbeknownst Man

It actually is, please expand your knowledge from the elementary school "5 senses" bull. With all due respect, though.

Walking Stick

Bro what are you saying, even by the definition of the word "sense" speech is not one. I know what you mean about having more than 5 senses but a lot of them aren't as obvious as too what is measured and where its detected. Bojji can still produce sounds but it isn't speech.

Nem Kos

Then please explain me how the hell do you "sense" voice ????


both Onepiece and boruto are trash tho

Drew Lamar

Jerry is about to struggle with his anime…it tugs at your emotions, good and bad and he definitely gets emotional invested more than the others lol