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The Black Bulls are assigned a new mission. They have to search an underwater temple in search of a magic stone, but in order to get there Noelle has to learn how to control her magic. 


James Lee Davis

i waited whole day before I said anything hoping maybe it'll just be a late drop where is Tokyo Revengers at


My soul hurts everytime they skip one of BlackClover amazing openings

Lavicrep Ris

All this temple thing got me wanting to watch Magi. You guys would love it

Malik Black

I think they do it because some intros spoil stuff. I'm just guessing


Where’s Tokyo Revengers ?


I want to correct them so much on there end of show prediction discussions it hurts so much


You guys need to watch start watching some comedy anime, especially prison school you guys will defo rock wit that anime


Stop putting Tokyo revengers on Mondays schedule if you are consistently not dropping it on Mondays. The calendar is deceiving. Never have these issues with Normies or Yaboiroshi

Dylan Hayes

They do this with so many of the other series too, not sure what we can do except keep complaining and hope they come on time

Dylan Hayes

Glad Jerry is back, always has the best commentary and reactions!