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Honestly Gihun not going to his daughter makes a lot of sense. We’ve see earlier that he can’t just walk away when he knows people are being mistreated. An example of that was when he missed his daughters birth because he went to a protest with his friend. And he didn’t make it because his friend ended up dying. He probably knows that his daughter is safe in America so he’s doing what he has to do to make sure others don’t experience what he went through in the game. I may be reading to much into but that’s just how I see it

Daas Nahk

Ye alot of people project what they would do on to Gi hun when its always been his character to be this way


Nahhh go see your daughter and for once stop being a deadbeat lol This ending kills me bruh and fuck that old man too.

Julian Ares

Yeah I disliked Gi-hun from the jump but this ep made me hate him. And I keep seeing people trying to rationalize his decision like it was anything other than pure stupidity. He has no exp in law enforcement, he can't fight, and he's too soft. He's got 30+ mil now but what do you think they have if they can just give you that. You chose to play TWICE and now you want revenge??? For what? There will always be rich people taking advantage of the desperate and less fortunate just move on....

Daas Nahk

you acting like he didnt miss the birth of his own daughter because rich factory workers tried taking advantage of him and his coworkers before. He's always been this way your projecting your own feelings on to a character thats not you.

Julian Ares

I don't get your point.... Are you saying that one is to expect someone to go through all he has and remain the exact same?

Daas Nahk

Yep he stayed the same he kept his principles and still wants to stop rich people from taking advantage of others, heck id argue if he changed was that he now wants to stop that more than before and now he also has money which he can use


Gihun isn’t the same though, he literally could have spent the money and lived lavishly and gambled but he didn’t. He didn’t feel like he deserved the money. He probably has major survivors guilt. So finding out that the game is still going on and a bunch of other people are going to die, he feels like it’s his responsibility to to stop it.


In what way his he a deadbeat ,it’s not like he didnt love and spent time with his daughter

Julian Ares

I think y'all are under the impression that I don't know what the show is trying to pitch the audience with the character. But the issue is how stupid it is...Yes I get that he feels guilt but no one that willingly participated in those games would make the decisions he has made. What responsibility would you have to people that made the choice? By that logic he should try and save every person who chooses to make bad decisions...My whole point was that it's a lost cause and he should have learned by now to know when to let things go but he hasn't. No real character development.

Francisco Torres

Woo earned my respect this episode and Gi Hun reminded me why I hated his character from episode one lol took a whole year to help nk chicks bro, still left her mom effed in china where she will likely be sent back to NK and be tortured her whole life, somehow it goes over his head that he's being a hypocrite by doing a bet over the life of a homeless guy dying infront of him, sees a fellow broke man get recruited...does he offer to help pay his debt? No, just takes his card and goes have a pissing contest with the squid game cult...all while remaining a deadbeat 🤣🤷


Getting your throat slit is not peaceful. Drowning in your own blood is torture. Sang Woo was trying to win, not put Sae Byeok out of her misery.


Eh, yeah you're misunderstanding his character and what they're saying with the show. The show's implied that all the previous winners just took the money and did whatever with based off of how their lives were prior, hell one even became the Frontman. They didn't care about who died and what it took to get the money. Gi-Hun on the other hand, someone who believes in helping others, feels eternally guilty because of this. To you it feels stupid...because you don't care about helping everyone like Gi-Hun. It doesn't matter if they willingly did it, yeah no one would do what he did but that's the point of the show. Gi-Hun from a character standpoint is different from everyone who survived and pretty much everyone else who's played the game (sans Ali). He can't "let it go" because it's how he is. It's no different than revolutionaries in history who continued to push for change even if it forced them to lose connections with those close to them. Now Gi-Hun has the actual money to make the changes he's wanted to make prior in his life and now he can go head up with these people because he's got the finances. Yeah to you it feels stupid but that's the point of the show, you're not him.

Julian Ares

And that's my biggest problem with the people who defend his character. You act like he's a saint...he's the same guy who was stealing from his mother and in turn being the main reason she died. Not only that, when it came down to it he was willing to let the old man get killed for his own sake. And to top it off after he got out it took him a whole year to finally help the others families. So, Idk what show you were watching. Imagine supposedly feeling so much guilt yet never giving the money away...foh

Michael Royal

yea i disagree GI Hun shows this episode that he DOES care about people. he cant just go live with him family in the U.S all happy. when he knows the squid games are still going. and Woo was a dishonest, cheating bitch the whole show. \


Sae Byeok would have not gotten her wish if not for Sang-woo and I dont know how people dont see that. Lets say in a perfect world she got medical treatment she knew that would doom her brother and Gi hun cause he signed a waver for his life. They would have to compete against each other and essentially kill eachother which would have been 100 times more tortureous than the outcome we have now. Also slit throat is alot better then slowing dying and also lets not forget that they are known to cut people open alive and even burn them alive which they have done before. No matter what his reasoning was it was the best outcome and the most logical thing for them all to get the best outcome in the end sadly. For the same reason if Ali was the one that had come that far would any of them killed eachother to win the game?! from what we know so far no and at that point the winners lives would be over anyways. Sang-woo litterly did the most selfless act of the entire show in the end and Gi hun was really about to throw everything away for nothing. Sang-woo was inderectly the hero of the series in a way, which is terrifying and only proves how fucked up they all were to begin with if he was the hero.


Who says he's a saint? He's a multi-sided character like everyone else is in the world, at the core of his character though he's presented as wanting to do the right thing. You say he stole from his mom and yeah he did that and that's bad but what you didn't comment on is him paying her back when he returned home before she told him what's going on with his daughter, him telling her that she shouldn't work so hard and him saying he'd take care of the bills. Like, you're not looking at the full picture because you've got this one-sided view of him. To his daughter, he should have seen his daughter but with that said his daughter's being taken care of by his ex/her mom and a man who was honest enough to even provide him money given he needed it, still he should have seen his daughter. At the same time, like he said at the dinner table she's ok given who she's with. With that said that doesn't mean that he can't do great things nor does that mean he isn't generally a good person at heart given he wants to take down an evil organization who's using people's struggles and problems for their own fun. He's got good and bad like everyone has good and bad. The whole "idk why he feels guilty" thing, man how old are you? Many people in the world feel guilty for others even though those others did things willingly. You can have a friend get into an abusive relationship willingly and feel guilty about it because they're doing it to themselves. You can have a family member be an alcoholic and feel guilty about it but at the end of the day they bought those bottles themselves. This is just real world stuff. Yeah he felt guilty because he feels for people even though he's done bad things himself, that's called a complex character. He's got survivor's guilt because he survived and everyone else died. The game itself has changed most people and for a little bit it changed part of him, still it didn't change all of him because unlike everyone else who's won (supposedly), he's got survivor's guilt. That was the whole point of him not killing Song Woo, he didn't change himself. He mostly stayed the same on the inside and in turn he felt bad for surviving while everyone else didn't. Finally...yeah he didn't give the money away because the guy was in a depression following the end of the Squid Game. He didn't shave, he went back to living his old life, he didn't touch the money, after the game, his mom passing and his friend dying he was out of it until he saw the old man. He was just in a depressive state feeling guilty about everything but because he's so depressed he didn't want to do anything hence why he looked like a bum. Man...it's easy to see. If you don't see it you don't see it but when people get in depressions they really go through these things. You might not like it but hey, it happens.

Julian Ares

Speaking from experience I know what depression is...and I know what guilt is but to simplify it for you if you go rob a bank and feel guilty afterwards but still keep the money what does that say about your character? He's not multi-dimensional he was selfish in beginning and selfish in the end. The reasoning behind the selfishness doesn't matter and suggesting it's fine for another man to raise your kid while you play Superman....how old are YOU? There are numerous roads he could have taken after you won and he chose the most selfish and pointless one. But it seems a lot of you are filling in gaps with your own head cannon for some reason making him more complex than he is; so I'll leave it at that.


I'm gonna respond to this one more time and I'll leave it at that because everybody's got their own opinion and it's cool. Man, one person's depression isn't the same as everyone's, you can't say "well I was depressed and I wouldn-" like you're saying right now as if it's a universal answer when the reality is yes, a ton of people get depressed and they stop everything due to that depression. That's the whole point of him looking the way he looked, it's a visual clue to tell us "he's fallen off", like that's just context clues. He didn't touch the money because he was just impacted to that level to the point where it took him seeing the old man to get him outta it. You can say he was selfish all you want but then the guy won't even shave or get a haircut, that tells you how depressed he is lol. He ain't even use the money to get a haircut, I mean really now. If you can't understand how he's so depressed that he was living worse than he lived before, the fact he had no life in his words, I don't know what to say. It's just easy to see how bad he fell, you just don't respect it because it's not what you would do. You're not him and how you would act isn't the same as him. Someone above said people keep projecting how they'd react to other characters and this is just one example. For me? It's clear he was so depressed he didn't wanna do anything hence why he was living bummy. Anyway, see yall in that next One Piece triple drop. I'm outty 5000 like Lupe.

S.A. Jones

Why did it take me 40 min in to realize there acutely showing it also ….smh good show fells good show.

Apiz Timo

So no one ever thinks about gi hun mental state huh? After all that he been through.. Just look at soldiers who go to war.. A lot of them got ptsd when they got back from killing people and they do it for their country.. But gi hun was in a game that kills people for money.. And his last game? His friend kill himself just to let gi hun win.. Oh and gi hun mother died..he thinks its his fault because he was out playing squid game killing people for money to help his mom but she died because no one was there to look after her.. And gi hun was depressed for like a year..but then suddenly gganbu calls him.. Turns out the old man who "sacrifice" himself to let him pass that marble round was the mastermind behind it all.. And you guys think he is in a good mental state to look after his daughter? Sorry for my bad english . But you get it..


Yea sorry but they not gonna read this so you just wasted your time typing all that

Devin B

@Kman did you forget about the rule where the majority can decide at anytime to not play the game. Sang-woo was worried that Sae Byeok and Gi hun would decide to not go through with the game so he decided to get rid of that option by killing Sae-Byeok. What he did wasn't the best outcome cause he wanted to win up until he was facing off with Gi-hun.


You just have this large "not my problem" mentality and you hate Gihun because he has always been someone to try and help others with problems. Just say you're a guy who likes to sit by and watch bad shit go on even to those you care about and move on. You hate him because he is a better person it seems.


Julian you either like to double down on being wrong, or you watched the bollywood version of Squid Game because you're just factually wrong, it hurts.

Nem Kos

Out of all the langages my man kn087 chose to speak pure facts .

john segun doe

obviously theres a tight time window to go back tot the game. I was initially heated but it makes sense he wants to stop it and only has til 12 am.


Wellz hate for the main character makes this unwatchable. Can already tell he's gonna get a lecturing on youtube with mad dislikes lmao.

john segun doe

smfh julian its a damn shame lol. i truly pity ppl who watch brilliantly made shows/movies and yet miss so much to the point it ruins their experience. You completely misunderstood Gi-hun's character and his development ENTIRELY to be coming to those conclusions

Michael Diaz

I love how you guys are always dumb. lmao fr tho you be like “Man you knew people were gonna die. What’d you expect?” like desperation and manipulation don’t exist. They THOUGHT they were willing to go cuz they really needed the money for big problems even though they didn’t to play the games to do it. So of course they’re gonna be freaked out by all the death and wild out at different moments like when your WIFE dies regardless of how illogical it seems. Emotions don’t have to be logical. Then y’all are asking what he even played the games for if he’s not gonna spend the money and saying you’d at least use the money. Because you don’t understand that one major part of it was to save his mom…. Who’s dead now. And also that regardless of why you went in to get the money, you’re still traumatized by forming bonds with decent people and then losing them. As well as losing a friend you’d known since childhood. And then losing your mom anyways when the money was to save her. Unless you’re heartless, going through that just to get money makes it hard to want to use that money. He’s ducking depressed and cynical. He’s got almost nothing but his daughter now. Why would he want to just enjoy the money knowing he’d dancing on the dead bodies of others? He didn’t consider that he would directly be responsible for the deaths of others and probably assumed multiple winners could make it to the end if they just survived whatever games there were.

Michael Diaz

I kinda get why he went back to stop the games. It sorta reminded me of Neo from Matrix. But I did feel kinda bad that he said he was gonna visit his daughter and just bailed. But I suppose one thing is more important than the other. And I feel like he turned into kind’ve a badass. Transformation reminded me of Eren Jaeger. lol

Chris2Cold _

This man tryna save lives yet y'all say He don't care he is able to make sacrifices y'all could never do like a true hero