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Imo, Episode 157-180 is the best anime canon episodes...


Now y'all can finally say "parenting with rttv" fits this episode lmao. Great development in Sasuke and Sarada's relationship, the forehead tap never gets old. At least Sasuke was trying, this was wholesome. I love the family episodes in Boruto. This Jugo arc lowkey is lit.

Myles Xavier

i liked the himawara episode just cuz i can see the potential with her other eps too and maybe she even starts looking up to sarada too that be cool


Y’all only HAVE to watch the manga canon. A lot of these episodes that claims to be anime canon contributes absolutely nothing to the main plot anyway. Yes you can skip a lot of the anime canon


yo why was rob a villain for no reason.


Looks like Robs hate with Kakashi is rubbing off on yall lmao first off Wellz saying Kakashi is a clown he's always had his silly moments ever since Naruto mixed in wit his serious moments and then Pat saying Kakashi is washed up, lmfao false and Rob's ass is so fuckin annoying dawg like why u so worried about Pat and his shorties like his relationships isnt your business i know yall homies but how is it that serious to the point where yall have had full blown arguments just cuz Pat supposedly "never asks questions" even if he didnt so what everyone grows and learns, he was younger then and he is older now. Don't be judging Pat, again its not even really your business like that what he does with his shorties and shit and plus nobody is perfect smh Rob act like he so perfect how come we never hear about u and your shorties??? Exactly. And its even more annoying how they missed like most of the conversation between Sasuke and Sarada..Wellz and Evan was missing so damn much that they had to get them to stop arguing and I hate that Pat missed it as well


And no Rob Naruto is a good father we seen development in his and Boruto relationship in the Momoshiki fight and even before then they went out to eat ramen. Yea he spent the day wit Hima but when the end of the day came he not only gave him a gift but he spent time with him they were sparring. Rob even hoping that Naruto didnt wanna spend time wit Boruto smh its like he WANT him to be a bad dad he find anything to shit on Naruto about and if u guys watched ep 93 Boruto wanted to do his own thing and not be with Naruto because wanted Himawari to just have her moment with Naruto just them two. Ep 93 literally shows him being a good dad and even this ep where he was shown with Hima


Idk bout y’all, but Rob is hyper trifling for asking Pat about his shorties. Idc how close I am to anyone, I’m not asking them about their girls unless I knew them first.


Exactly like why Rob make such a big deal about it like @Tingz said it isn't his business I know Rob and Pat are close but how you gone judge me about my shorties and how is it that Rob looked like he was the one more mad than Pat lmfao. Rob actin like he Pat's dad or something 😂


Why was Rob yelling about irrelevant stuff during the episode....?


Same shit I'm thinking lol he a bit too invested in Pat's business, they missed hella dialogue


Man Rob ruined this reaction with his random argument and not caring about the show


does rob take meds


Rob needs to chill.

Whamz Rose

Robs funny as shit!🤣🤣🤣

Dino Morte

One of these dudes quitting soon? Y everybody in a rush jus watch every anime/manga canon ep and enjoy the Naruto verse while you still have it like wtf. I don't get the need to tell them to skip anything, why we tryna rush?




I think Jerry had something personal to deal with and idk why people want them to skip and rush so bad