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Master Oogway

I was already spoiled about darth vader from tiktok(guys make sure to have different email/google/search account from ur phone), I think ur right wellz the twins luke and leia were together I think. At least that's what the internet used say or maybe they kissed

Akash Rajan






Culper (Lukas)

Just make a free trial account on D+ and watch it.


So glad to be apart of this journey fellas! Glad to see you at the end of the Clone Wars!

Akash Rajan

Remember, Anakin actually never met Grevious in Clone Wars. It was Obi Wan who always fought him. This is actually the first time they meet


Yooo, I thought i had to wait until Saturday, this is a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.


anakin never met griveous in clon wars


Still my favorite of all the movies.

Reese Filer

FINALLY. Obi wan about to get the respect he deserves haha

Niranjan Namboodiri

Yeah Anakin actually never met Grievous in Clone wars.

Does What It Do

Palpatine was feeding Anakin those nightmares.

Culper (Lukas)

Disney+. Get the movie up on one side of your screen and this vid on the other side of the screen

Akash Rajan

Had mad fun watching this with y’all. 🔥🔥🔥 reaction


Make sure to watch Solo and Rogue One before you guys watch Episode 4 A New Hope

ZureZule Miyazaki

One thing to keep in mind, that scream Palpatine did as he lunged is an actual force power. "Force Scream" It dulls the senses and rocks your body, like a concussive blast. Mace was the only one able to keep up after it, and Kit tried his best but Palpatine's force powers are BUSTED OP.

Richard Dollar

So fucking crazy how they made 7 seasons and they never met once. Except almost when Grievous was traded for Anakin on Naboo

Rick (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-09 06:13:31 George Lucas (the man who created Star Wars) said Sidious didn’t hold back vs Windu, Windu beat him fair and square cause Windu is just that OP , Windu & Yoda are the top 2 jedi in the entire jedi order … anytime Windu is fighting a dark side user he has a advantage cause of his fighting style and that’s how and why he beat Sidious .. but Sidious didn’t let him win
2021-09-07 19:46:25 George Lucas (the man who created Star Wars) said Sidious didn’t hold back vs Windu, Windu beat him fair and square cause Windu is just that OP , Windu & Yoda are the top 2 jedi in the entire jedi order … anytime Windu is fighting a dark side user he has a advantage cause of his fighting style and that’s how and why he beat Sidious .. but Sidious didn’t let him win

George Lucas (the man who created Star Wars) said Sidious didn’t hold back vs Windu, Windu beat him fair and square cause Windu is just that OP , Windu & Yoda are the top 2 jedi in the entire jedi order … anytime Windu is fighting a dark side user he has a advantage cause of his fighting style and that’s how and why he beat Sidious .. but Sidious didn’t let him win

scampoli25 .

Thank you for not making me wait till Thursday. Can’t wait to watch this


Also I think mace used shatterpoint during that fight too plus he also known for using dark side powers too


Completely agree with Rob N jerry Ep 3 is the best Star Wars movie in my opinion💯


ahhhhh make sure to watch the last 3 eps of clone wars to find out wat happened to ahsoka. your gonna want to watch this


Why even say that? Of course they’re going to watch the last 3 episodes of clone wars.


Padme didn't die because she "gave up" she died of a broken heart. This is something that happened in real life too.


i feel you, Rob. ROTS is hard to watch when your fave is anakin...people who've never watched the clone wars always wonder how he could fall so easily to palpatine's manipulations but the war changed him, it changed everyone...the jedi went from peacekeepers to generals commanding an army, fighting a war against [and for] a sith lord...the republic and anakin were lost to the darkside the moment the clone wars began. I guess we just have to be grateful he trained ahsoka right...


yeah its actually crazy, there were two rhinos at the zoo near me and one of them died, the other one mourned them and gave up on life and died a week or two later. dying from heartbreak is real for sure

Does What It Do

when Carrie Fisher died, her mother died a few days later, nothing was wrong with her. But how sad for your own child to pass before you do. :(


Wellz screaming and singing over the entire ending dialouge between anakin and obi wan is disappointing especially for the other guys like damn let them hear that moment man. Annoying how they can't enjoy something without being hard stuck on having a favorite and least favorite character in everything


Glad Rob explained how the order failed him though. A lot of people don't understand anakins character and act like it's out of nowhere. Clone wars definitely helped.


jerry fallin asleep an hour in and kept waking up and falling asleep lmao, doing that fall wake

Darrell Henry

Couldn’t wait for Wellz to see Kenobi whoop Anakin ass. Undefeated shit over here.


Anakin did not kill Padme, Palpatine was lying his ass off. She literally died in childbirth, how can you get that so wrong 5 seconds after watching it?


They actually haven't redone or remastered any scenes, its a big deal when they do that and have to release and announce when its done. It looks so good because so many studios seek out out Lucasfilm or ilm for there cgi but George owns it so the CGI is crazy for its time.


Yes thats the death star at the end and Mace Windu was probably the strongest sword wielder to ever live so he beat Sirius fair and square, also thats Moff Tarkin at the end of the movie next to Sidious and Vader after the scene with Padme holding the necklace Anikan gave her in the 1rst episode.

Steffen K

Yeah it's called Broken Heart syndrome, it actually happens a fair bit to old couples that have been together for decades. People dying within a few days of their spouses

scampoli25 .