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Knov sneaks in to East Gorteau and witnesses Pitou en up close and personal. He finally realizes the threat they are up against and cries of fear for his team. 


Knov & Morel! Hunter x Hunter 105 & 106 REACTION/REVIEW



Oh shit, back to back. Thanks guys!


And niggas was saying y’all fell off w the HxH reactions 🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️ I see ya 💯


That confused me for a while too. I didn’t realize it was Poufs until my like 3rd rewatch. Part of me even still thinks it’s pitous lol just cause my first time watching they show Pitou in the scene taking Knov apart instead of Pouf


Rob: “Knov’s only scared cause he don’t got any WILLPOWER”—- I commented that before watching. I’m actually disappointed he said that shit


That was Poufs En btw. Pitous En is red


Togashi is different from any writer, he made the game the king is playing for the show


I laugh at this scene with knov all the time man mans was bitch made

Jacob Schreiber

Knov saw poufs en not pitou, also he was using zetsu so his defenses aren’t up which is why it had such a big impact on him.


106 is one of the best episodes because it shows how quickly a calm and calculating person can lose control just like that


Knov was using zetzu, no ten to shield him like gon and killua had when they saw pitou


Pouf's en not Pitou's. She cant use en while healing.

Isaac Godoy

Lol figures Rob would wake up to throw in his “willpower” comment


Knov was using Zetsu, similar to how Gon and Killua were walking into Hisokas Nen in the beginning and almost died from just being in it. He was near Poufs En which is 100x worse, while being defenseless, so he basically lost his mind due to that. If Gon and Killua were in Zetsu when Pitou attacked Kite they would’ve either passed out or died from simply being near her. They had their Ten (the nen shield) up though, that’s why even tho they were scared and ran away, they didn’t lose their minds like Knov


LONG comment about the "Knov was using Zetsu" claim: Being in Zetsu means that all the aura nodes of the body are closed, including the ones in the eyes. Meaning you can't use your nen abilities or even see nen while in zetsu (most recent example of this is Gon being unable to see Pitou's nen puppeteer that was controlling Kite because he was in a forced state of Zetsu due to Knuckle). Yet we see Knov use his nen multiple times and he even says himself that he saw Pouf's aura. Knov was clearly using "In", the advanced application of Zetsu, that allows the user to conceal their aura without stopping the flow of it. Uvogin used this in his fight against Kurapika (he concealed the presence of his aura with In and then hid his physical presence with that smoke screen to land that arm shattering blow on Kurapika). So Knov had full use of his nen/nen protection while in the palace. The break down had nothing to do with being in Zetsu, it was meant to show just how terrifying + powerful the royal guard truly are. Seen lots of people rag on Knov for being a coward over the years, but this moment actually made me like his character. Adds an extra layer of realism to our cast of characters. It makes sense that not everybody is going to be as strong willed as Gon, Killua, or even the rest of the people going through with the palace invasion.


If Pitou used her En it would’ve lit up the entire palace and surrounding area instantly, she couldn’t use it though she was healing the king. It was Poufs en which isn’t nearly as big at all


Rob is like a pokemon, only saying one word in response to everything "WILLPOWAH"


I agree with everything beside the fact of nen protection part of In. I feel that although you are able to use nen still, the Ten surrounding his body isn’t nearly as strong, since he doesn’t want to be detected. So maybe it wasn’t Zetsu, but he definitely had his defenses lower than Gon and Killua did using Ten


Knov is a real one. He sacrificed his sanity for the mission and if you put most Hunters in Knov's situation they would probably be too shook to even get inside the palace let alone all the way to the central stairway. Also the King ripping his arm off and nearly killing Pouf was crazy but just makes him that much more of an interesting character.


Guyssssssss, according to my calculations we are just a week away from.......


when knov saw poufs en it was the equivalent to being naked in a blizzard,even tho he was having a mental breakdown he still managed to place all the portals knov is a real one.


Saw a comment last episode saying Rob had changed. So much for that theory...


That was Poufs En


Dude went solo into a building with 4 of the strongest people on Earth, I'll give him a break


He was not in Zetsu! Zetsu is closing all of your aura nodes... You CANNOT see Aura without the nodes in your eyes being active... He clearly stated "One LOOK was all it took"... Meaning he WASN'T in Zetsu... this is just some BS excuse Knov fanboys use to downplay how pathetic his breakdown was... He showed up swagged out in his nice suit talking trash to Killua because he ran away yet he bitched up quick just looking at Poufs Aura...


Regardless of whether he was in Zetsu or not, if he was detected he was going to be tortured for eternity, nobody to help you, alone forever in their hands. He gets caught, it's over, the King knows where every single one of them is, they get picked off. The plan fails. What's wrong with being afraid of this? Knov is the only reason Killua and Gon actually are in this trip, it's not like he goes out of his way to hate them. He just made a little joke, in bad taste, yes but they survived after being in the presence of Pitou's En because of Kite. The fact that they survived, and the fact that he is one of the strongest characters in the world, and having 2 other beasts with him made him think this was not even a battle. Killua and Gon are fighting because they don't look at the situation correctly at how out of their league these ants are. They look at only the positives, which is foolish. They think, they will save the world, bring Kite back and it's easy as that but they don't look at how the enemy also tries just as hard to win and the enemy is out of their league. Knov sees it from a more realistic perspective. And SPOILERS The only, and I mean the only reason why any of them are alive in the end was a factor out of their control and one they didn't know they even had(King's feelings for Komugi). Otherwise, the King would have destroyed all of them. Even the Royal Guards were only beaten by sheer luck. Gon putting a condition on his life to go beyond any human, Youpi and Pouf getting killed by saving the King and being near him. So I think his fears were justified?


The king really tried to test komugi’s gangsta 😤😤


They should watch 7, 8, and 9 next time so they can watch 10 and 11 together.


That was Rob's best reaction in months