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The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 9 ReactionReview.mp4


Lalisa Truong

Rick is so kind honestly, which only shows he has his humanity still. Now like all things, there's always going to be a good and bad to things. In this case, Rick's kindness almost got them killed with the swarm of walkers. Daryl being so angry and an asshole just shows how much he cares and how much Sophia's death really affected him. How I see it now, he's lashing out at everyone in order to keep them at a distance, because ya know, keep everyone at an arm's length and you won't have to feel this kind of pain again when shit goes down. It makes sense. When Shane lied to Lori about Rick being back, I can understand he was doing it to bring her back in order to keep her safe (her leaving in the first place was so stupid for a number of reasons), but I think the intentions behind it was also not completely selfless. There's definitely no denying that Shane did this for himself. He didn't do it for Rick. It was more about Shane being in love with Lori than about keeping his best friend's wife safe. That's definitely something to keep in mind. Poor Glenn. He admitted that he loves Maggie, but also realizes that his love made him selfish in a moment when Rick and Hershel needed him. Eh, healing up Randall and setting him on the road with some supplies is fair enough imo. Sure it may be suicidal to do that to him given his leg will still be fucked up but hey, this is pretty kind of Rick to do. At least he's giving some sort of chance as opposed to straight out killing him. That was some Lady MacBeth shit there at the end with Lori to Rick!


WHats up RTTV Its good yall have different opinions on decisions ppl are making in the show bc it more realistic. When Rick saw him he was like "he a kid" and wanted to save him which is very questionable but not crazy...think about it this way Glen was in the same group as Daryl's brother Merle right. Before rick met them..What if Merle was in the bar and got killed by Rick and Daryl was outside the bar and shot at Rick like in this episode and left Glen behind bc remember you arent choosing who in your group everyone just trying to survive. Just bc the kid was with these "bad people" dont mean he is like them


I'm definitely team Rick but his decisions this and the next couple episodes pissed me off.

Justin Neason

That whole discussion at the end is killin me lol, that's why I love this show tho. But look, at first, Rick is good to a fualt, but you can trust him because of it. Shane is smart, but he's also fd up to a fault, so the only people that can trust him is Carl and Lori.. Which still aint true, because he only cares for them selfishly. He don't care if they love Rick, they whole father/husband, or if they care about the group. He's willing to kill the people they care about for his personal reasons as long as they alive. That's like Rob tryna kill Jerry behind yalls back cuz he only really care about Wells or something. You can't have that in a group xD


yea Rick is still too kind and caring for that world. Maybe because he has't been in it as long as everyone else or if its just who he is. He needs to learn how this new world works or he won't make it far, he has to toughen up.

Dave Canon

Rick pissed me off in this episode too. Ricks a good guy though. That’s why he let Randall live. Was that a smart decision? You’ll have to wait and see 🤫


this girl still in shock took me out i forgot all about beth

Michael Saylor

Don't guys got any more episodes to come out today?


You see, the thing is... Shane is a sociopath who really believes that he is capable of experiencing emotions like love and concern--when in reality he only cares about himself. Truth is, he only feels these emotions superficially and selfishly. That's why he is so convincing to not only his group members, but to you guys watching the show, where you become convinced that he is making the best decisions for the group, when in reality he's making decisions that are the best for HIMSELF and THOSE HE SEES AS AN EXTENSION OF HIMSELF (i.e LORI AND CARL). He sees Rick's family as his, as possessions of his that he's entitled to, and that's unhealthy. As much as I dislike Lori, she needed to tell Rick that she gets weird vibes from Shane.


THAT'S RIGHT, TELL'EM ROB!! Kids get a second chance.

Jack's World

Damn I really was fucking with Rob this episode. Yeah Shane’s been doing a lot of fucked up shit for sure, not denying that, but Lori is a Snake to pit Rick directly against him like that. If Rick & Shane truly are as close as they’ve made it seem, they could potentially have come to some sort of understanding checking each other’s faults if she hadn’t basically told Rick to kill him.


Its obvious Shane is too far gone for that now, hell, check his first reaction Rick being back, not quite a happy face.


Rob's an idiot with his dumb comparisons. If you save an african child soldier in our world, you just hand them over to an authoritative group and everything's good. In Rick's situation they have to take the kid back to their farm causing all sorts of problems on what to do with the kid next. If they let him stay he might be a threat, if they let him go he probably dies anyway or maybe brings his group back with him and they kill everyone at the farm. Learn to think before you make dumbass comparisons like that.


Hughhhhh just 3 more episodes 😬😬😬🤫🤫🤫😂😂😂 can’t wait to see how wellz react to s2 ep 12 not gonna say to much tho 😂

Nia R.

Shane DOES NOT get a free pass to stalk, disrespect, almost rape, obssess over and not take no for an answer with Lori. All his positives do not outweigh his negatives. He's slowly becoming a sociopath.