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Dany and Jon in the same room!? You know its about go get good!


Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 3 " The Queens Justice" REACTION!


Joe Mags

As Jon first set eyes on Dany, it was at that moment he wanted some dragon tail lol

Biscuit Bunny

And it starts...The Story of Ice and Fire


Dear Rob, Dany is not “stupid” ... she doesn’t know Jon. She also doesn’t believe in what she hasn’t seen. I don’t recall Jon popping off at Ned when he beheaded the soldier that deserted in Episode 1 talking about “let’s hear him out though!” That soldier was the only witness to the threat at that point. The only reason you guys are on Jon’s ballsack right now is because you are watching every aspect of a TV show that the characters within it haven’t seen so a couple of things 1) Jon is an idiot. He needs the dragon glass and the Dragons (which she doesn’t have to give him) and his strategy was shit. He needs her more than she needs him. 2) Dany is not going to drop all her plans for some random guy from the North which is all he is to her at this point. 3) Jon was the one telling Mance to bend the knee for Stannis in order to save his people so I find it interesting that the man who knows the “big picture” has all of a sudden found pride 4) Dany is not on a power trip ... she’s business as usual ... Jon is on a pride trip. Jon has to bend the knee regardless (either for Cersei or Dany) so his emotional strategy is trash considering Dany is the better option. Also, Rob, Dany doesn’t know Jon is a Targaryen so the whole “he’s the heir!” Thing is completely irrelevant to this convo . You barely caught it yourself on that episode.

God Enel

Which is super disturbing cause they are related big rip


I don’t disagree with that Joe lmao


@Marcus ... it’s not disturbing at all ... Targaryens control whole dragons with their blood ... incest makes sense for their family because the more “watered down” the blood is the less control you have over dragons .. it’s never been a big deal for them

Sheraya san

Rob is so hypocritical; Dany had more of a reason to be resistant to Jon than Sansa did (Jon isn’t Danys king like he is Sansa’s) but he defends everything Sansa and trashes Dany & calls her stupid even though she’s way smarter than sansa and has been through way more. but i’m glad he came around in the end, it’s sad Tyrion had to explain Danys side for the Jon snow fanboys to understand Danys perspective when it should’ve been obvious. Jon didn’t even offer her anything he just expected to use her armies and her dragons and that’s it? ehhh.... that’s not a smart way to negotiate


Lol it means another incest 😛 . Dany’s losing at this point coz her and Tyrion aren’t up to conventional War compare to Jaime Tarly’s and Euron. wait until dany really lose her shit 😜. and shout out to my girl Lena and Indira that Cersei-Ellaria scene is a lot. Indira Varma says so much with just her eyes, and Lena Headey makes Cersei’s fury somehow as sympathetic as it is terrifying. I also love how the awfulness of Cersei’s lipstick is deliberate & explained. “at first I was like nah she’s not wearing lipstick what’s that”


Rob and Jerry pretty much have it spot on with how Gma admitting she killed Joeffrey changes things with Cersei. Notice how Cersei wanted to have sex with Jamie after torturing Ellaria Sand and her daughter. And how Jamie looked at Cersei before she woke up. Jamie legit loves Cersei. But Cersei is just turned on by having power and excersing it by means of fear and torture. They'll see in these last few episodes where Cersei and Jamie's relationship goes. Jamie's done a lot of bad things but you got to give him some credit. 1. He killed the Mad King before he burned Kings Landing with wildfire, and now is permanently labeled an "oathbreaker" for saving a bunch of people. 2. He saved Brienne and even went back for her when he didn't have to at ALL. 3. He consoled Tyrion when he was awaiting trial, trying to get him to admit the crime and be sent to the wall, which was dumb (Ned died that way) but Jamie was trying to help. 4. He prevented Gma from having a gruesome death and gave her painless poison instead. 5. Pretty much anything bad past S3 he's done he did because he really loves Cersei and their children, its not out of hate or because he's a sick power-hungry fuck like Cersei.

Sheraya san

also shoutout to Diana Rigg who played Lady olenna. phenomenal portrayal, amazing work

Sheraya san

why would you tell them “another incest is coming” that’s a spoiler wtf?


Wellz key revelation at the end of season 6 is clearly dictating their opinions.

Jasmin Holmes

@Marcus I like how everyone is okay with cersi and jaimie being together but have a big problem with shipping Danny and john.


Yazz my boy Jon ( the heir to the irone throne is in dragonstone, dragon knows what's up to, I really hope Jon creates lightbringer by stabbing dany in the heart😁

Reaction Junkie

Love this channel! Great reaction guys!


Nice catch on the hair Pat. On a DVD commentary a hair and makeup artist said they made Daenerys hair and braids more complex throughout the seasons to symbolize her Dothraki tradition of earning a braid for a victory. Back in earlier seasons she had only 2 braids, then in season 5, 6 she had 2, 3 braids. So by season 7 her hair has many more complex braids symbolizing her victories throughout the seasons. I love subtle things like that, where they don't beat the audience over the head with info, you have to figure it out.

John Conti

Jaime was never on Ary's kill list by the way.


jamie giving her the poison is the same as Jon killing Mance at the wall. It was mercy from a worse fate

Chantelle Miles

Yeah Jamie wasn't on Arya's list and there's more than just Cersei left ...there's Sir Illan Payne (who chopped Ned's neck) the Mountain, Thoros of Myr & Beric Dondarrion. The Red woman is also on Arya list. When will episode 4's full reaction be coming out btw?, cannot wait for that one


So what if they’re biased to Jon, that’s their favorite character. Are they not allowed to react and feel how they want to feel. They don’t agree with how you feel, and that’s fine, people can react differently.


Jamie might have been a dick and done dickish things, but hes not truly evil. Tv show didnt explain this but Jamie threw away his honour and reputation and killed Aries saving Kings landing from Wildfire, all the while knowing that people will look down upon him and hate him. Jamie didn't even tell anyone about the wild fire not even Ned or Robert, he just let people look down upon him


Jamies might have been a dick and might have dickish things but Jamie is not truly evil. The TV show didnt cover this, but jamie threw away his honour and reputation and killed her areys saving everyone in King's Landing from wild fire all the while knowing people will hate him and not look down upon hi for killing areys. He didn't even tell anyone about the Wildfire. Ned started judging him as kingslayer and oathbreaker while Jamie didn't even try to explain himself


This was the season where I began fucking with Cersei. Call it an anti redemption. Also I don't think Bran has it out against Jaime. He prob understood it as destiny. If Jamie didn't push him out the window, he wouldn't have become the three eyed raven


Can we get seven deadly sins 2x12 edited version?

Kristy McDowell

I rarely complain. But if they can upload videos everyday to YouTube why can’t they upload on here? They say Patreon is always 5 episodes ahead. It’s only 3


For SDS started as 3 and now is only 1 but they said by the 8th everything should be fine....hopefully.

Rebel Pilot

also bigger things. what will revenge do for him? unless it gives them an advantage he wont care


why does jerry lame ass not like Circe was it cause she got ned stark killed and rob still talking that retarded shit


It doesn’t matter to me - they probably should have just been honest when they posted the schedule that they weren’t going to be regularly uploading over the holidays. Instead: “The plan is still an episode everyday of the week (Monday - Friday ) for Game of Thrones and Avatar The Last Airbender. Also, The Seven Deadly Sins 3 times a week Monday, Wednesday and Friday. If for what ever reason within these next 2-3 weeks one of these videos do not drop on its day. We will make up for it within that week!” Which obviously didn’t/isn’t occurring. I think if they were more upfront about things, the issues that arose with the half episode split and then this week could’ve been avoided.


the only problem is you guys complaining about these things which is absurd to me. it wont affect your life or change anything major if you wait 3 or 5 days for an episode. y'all need to chill


btw goblin slayer finished up


Rob got on them new Pedophile 7's I see. lol jk


Thank you guys! That was a great reaction throughout the entire video!

Aaron Boone

I guess 7x4 coming Monday? This “early access” isn’t very early considering YouTube is almost caught up.... smh


I believe their schedule doesn't include episodes on the weekends so yea probably Monday.


You know what’s crazy is that I honestly didn’t care about a schedule. Literally a month ago, you guys were dropping a video every 2-3 days including weekends and it was chill. We got content when you guys wanted/were able to give us videos. I gave ya’ll support cause it was quality reactions and different from those other “services” and content creators that someone can pay for and get certain things. But, and correct me if I’m wrong, then it was suddenly “mon-fri” out of nowhere. I checked and real talk didn’t see any update for that other than it just randomly being a thing. And that would have been chill too, but it was stupid inconsistent for a while and instead of owning up to it or even just basic communication, we got a few empty promises. (Don’t get me started on full length) Then this whole “holidays” thing... and the shade in one of your avatar episodes where you were stressing on us trusting you guys... man, if it’s too much work, you could EASILY bring on an editor or even pull some volunteer moderators to help clean, but this doesn’t even need to be said. I hope you guys can figure it out or at least just be up front, because I WOULD return. Your energy and reactions are what caught my eye in the first place, but as is, I’m not gonna support what’s going on here. Much love and happy holidays boys. I’ll catch you on YouTube from now on

Nigel W.

Rob getting mad at Jamie for killing g ma 🤦‍♂️ my guy, Jamie made sure she would have a painless death where as Cersei would’ve made her suffer ! Give my dude jamie a break sheesh


Will probably upload 7x4 part 1 on Monday, then 7x4 part 2 on Tuesday night or Wednesday T-T lol


Yeah I canceled my subscription, just gonna wait for it on YT. I found a really good channel called "Eric Reacts" whose doing GoT currently, you could watch him in the mean time :)

christopher b swanson

i loved your show, but i have canceled my subscription, cool group but cartoons and slow content release makes this a boring channel, thank you for the time, good luck in future


I like Petyr's advice to Sansa but at the same time I feel like that is a really good way to make one paranoid about everything. Kind of like Lysa Arryn was. I can't help but wonder if he gave her similar advice that made her the way she was. I did't read the books, yet, so I may be wrong.


Happy New Year from New Zealand! I hope that you are enjoying your holidays and I look forward to seeing your reaction to s07e04 of GoT sometime in the future. :D


Wow a lot of y'all people on here are like spoiled little children. Don't get what you want and you're automatically whining about it. Do you know how hard it is to coordinate FIVE people's schedules and do the editing involved in these videos, all during holidays? Give it a goddamn day, the video will be here soon. In the meantime, maybe get a job or a social life so that the #1 most important thing you worry about during the holiday season isn't whether these boys are a day or so late in dropping a video. I understand we pay money and expect a certain schedule in return, but anyone who truly supports them and what they do, would take it a little easy on them and, I don't know, maybe wish them Happy Holidays instead of threatening to drop them on Patreon. To the boys of the Round Table, THANK YOU for all you guys do for us, and for putting in the effort to turn out these videos so that we may escape our shitty lives for a half hour a day. Hope y'all had a great Christmas and have a Happy New Year.


The videos are already edited, they live together, and they are having no issues uploading to youtube. Dumbasses.


Okay well admittedly, I was not sure if they were done recording and editing all of them yet... but that doesn't change the fact that if you truly support and appreciate them and their work, you can wait an extra day or two. Spread love, not negativity. If you feel betrayed because you paid for one thing and got something different, then you have the option to quietly leave out the back door.


Oh, sub is already cancelled, doesn't expire until tomorrow. They are deliberately not posting them in order to gain another month's payment from patreon people who are only here for GoT. Its shitty to do it at all, but definitely understandable. But the fact they are blatantly lying about it, I just think is shady as hell and they don't deserve to have a successful patreon. So while I'm still opening this page, I'm going to try and convince as many people as I can that these chumps are actively trying to be sketchy af and you shouldn't re up the subscription. Already probably close to 500 people who cancelled their subscription.


Oh, sub is already cancelled, doesn't expire until tomorrow. They are deliberately not posting them in order to gain another month's payment from patreon people who are only here for GoT. Its shitty to do it at all, but definitely understandable. But the fact they are blatantly lying about it, I just think is shady as hell and they don't deserve to have a successful patreon. So while I'm still opening this page, I'm going to try and convince as many people as I can that these chumps are actively trying to be sketchy af and you shouldn't re up the subscription. Already probably close to 500 people who cancelled their subscription. They have already finished the show, they did that before they went home. All finished and edited, just need to click the upload button. They know 7x4 is a HUGE episode that many people will want to see right away. That's why you shouldn't expect it today, it will drop tomorrow, and only people who will be able to see it are those who pay for another month. Which is a slap in the face to everybody who paid for this month with the expectation and guarantee of the page that GoT would be finished this month.


Oh and let's talk about the fact everyone is paying for EARLY REACTIONS, but yet the YT channel after today will only be 2 episodes behind. I get these guys have good reactions, and that they seem like pretty cool, chill dudes. But they are STEALING your money. Whether or not you care about 5 bucks isn't the point. It's principle. It's the same thing Comcast, and EA do to their customers and they are the 2 most hated companies in the world.


Lol Madulla, shut up! Idk why you feel compelled to fill the comments up with your whining and complaining. When you compare RTTV to most other reactors, they got us almost 7 seasons of GoT in like 3 months time, where as the rest take 6 months to a year depending on how many episodes they post a week. Think about all the reactors that post just 1 episode a week. They’re making so much more $$ than RTTV because they only post once a week. No one is stealing $$. If people want to cancel their support for RTTV, they can whenever they want. Don’t pay $5 and just wait a couple of weeks to watch the rest of the episodes if that’s what you wanna do. But seriously though, you need to stop bitchin about it!


The problem with people like you Madulla, is you see this simply as a subscription, rather than support. Grow up count dracula!

Jesse Mathe

I can be disappointed and appreciate a fun reaction a week late to the party. Thats not the point. Some are loyal to a fault within their subscribed interests. That can be a bit unnerving when it surpasses any acknowledgement or recognition of its audiences vocal frustration. If they don't feel they had any intention or bad attitude after the comments went nuts that's perfectly cool. Pretending you don't notice it and stretching it out instead of acknowleging it is didsapointing to our intelligence. Blaming it on the holidays in 2018 when 20 min on a phone could type a genuine statement of intent is childish to the audience. We aren't watching theater live so were not assholes with opinions heckling something that's taped before hand. were paying customers who went to a show and the projector broke and we had tp wait a night to here there's no refund for the second half and I need another $5 for tonights ticket. shit comes up... the lack of addressing it is disappointing. But if your the film buff chastising a crowd that felt screwed your kind of a dick just as much as the dude who's losing his shit about shit happening. Why is it happening? is what's making it worse.

John Conti

Well season 7 episode 1 is already up on youtube for non-subscribers so at this point we are only 2 episodes ahead for paying members instead of the promised 5 which they stated Patreon's would always be, so a little disappointing.

Alex Mills

season 7 on youtube already lool what a joke. KARMA always comes back around to people who do shady shit like this. that energy yall dishing gone come back to you in 2019. hope yall have a shitty year.


But that is the thing. Patreon isn't meant to be customers paying for a product. It is for viewers who enjoy watching the content of reactors and are willing to support them in doing so. They have lives. Whether it's around the holidays or not. That is my point. People get on patreon and act as if they are being cheated out of something when content isn't posted when expected or in a time that fits their (the viewers) schedule. This isn't Netflix. Once people start realizing this, the better for all of us. If you see it is as a subscription, then cancel and leave. No need to comment on it. Send them a private message if you feel it's necessary, but the rest of us don't need to see all the complaining. It's pointless since this is simply meant to support RT TV for their reactions. If they take longer than desired, Patreon gives us all the "cancel payment" option. If any of you who feel the need to complain, please message me and I will walk you through the steps to do so. If you'd like to stay and continue to see their content weeks prior to it being on YouTube, then just be patient. My word you all are sensitive and whiny.

Alex Mills

if every fucking video they diddnt advertise head over to patreon to get five episodes ahead then i would i agree with you. i aint even pissed they not uploading everyday, if they wanna not upload vids for a YEAR i wouldnt give a fuck it aint my life but STOP UPLOADING TO YOUTUBE!!! NOW YOU ROBBING US. youtube should be getting B.O.B 6x9 today but they tryna keep momentum going over there because they getting paid off views so they on season 7 already. anybody who doesnt see this is dumb as fuck and would probably DIE IN GAME A THRONES, DO YALL LEARN ANYTHING OR YALL A BUNCH OF SEASON 1 SANSAS!!!


When you start taking people's money you are obligated to fulfill your end of the bargain, whether it's the holidays or not. That's called ethical business practices. I still love y'alls reactions, but I just have to cancel out of principal. I'll see y'all back on YouTube.


Holy crap guys we’re still complaining about this?


This is laughable. No one is taking your $$. You willingly gave them your $$ in support of their channel. They are providing content sooner on Patreon than YouTube. This requires time and effort. Someone needs to be paid to be able to produce content as quickly as they do (and better equipment). For those who willingly give their $$ in support of their channel should understand this before agreeing to it. You'd think that was common sense, but it's almost 2019 and people are lacking intelligence more and more.


Look y’all, she come home and Niggas is sitting in her chair. People everywhere talk about I’m queen Cerse, I’m Jon Snow King of the north. I understand this, she don’t know was going on so she got to listen to what people saying, but when it comes down to it that’s her motherfucking Kingdom so if she say bend the knee and you give me resistance she got the right to look at you with the side eye because people trying to get something from her, the grey joys even Euron before he went to Cerse was going to go to Dany and ask her for her hand in marriage for them 1000 ships and he ain’t shit. So she doing right and Dat Niggah Jon Snow King of North better figure out how to LOCK IT DOWN🤣


I mean it’s her or Cersei ... so ... he needs to bend it and STHU so he can have dragon help


"the night walkers" lol