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This is the first of early access for avatar the last Airbender! Watch some of us enter the world of anime for the first time!


Avatar The Last Air Bender 1 X 1 "The Boy In The Iceberg" Reaction:Review



LETS GO!!! 🔥🤘


Ah hell yea, this show is legendary! You guys easily have my most valuable patreon subscription now haha


holy shit this show is so good, I loved it when it first came out, still do lol

George Byrd

Oh boy I can already see Rob talking shit about aang for crying so much


omg when I saw the notification and what show it was I swear I teared up lmao! I love love love Avatar!



Kim Carragher

Wow sooo happy to see you guys reacting to this!! It’s awesome and you’ll love it.

Chai Tea

The greatest cartoon of all time. Watched it as a child and it changed my life. This show teach some life lessons and is so inspirational. I'm hyped to see y'alls reactions! :D


Glad you guys are reacting to this it was a favorite of mine years ago. Does anyone know currently where you can watch this show online or streaming service? Where did you guys find it?


Probably my favorite show of all time, excited as hell for this. But just fyi avatar is a nicklelodeon cartoon not an anime


Last I checked it was on Amazon Prime.


Ayye surprised af with the ATLA reactions! This was my percocet and cocaine as a kid. Totally caught off guard tho


This is the dopest show. Each bending style is based on a different kind of martial arts. By the way, it's Earthbending for me!


Avatar is a show created in the west that was heavily influenced by asian culture and anime. It was designed and created in the West. It was not created in Japan, and it does not have the style that English-speakers would call "anime“


Bro The Normies just finished wrapping up Legend of Korra. Their journey with Avatar is over. I didn't know what i was going to do. The I saw the notification's for this lets go!!!! U guys are about to witness greatness.


Lmaoo cocaine and Percocet 😂😂! This show is hella lit!!!


Yooo I didn’t even know that! That’s lit af! And I feel you on earth bending


wow what a surprise! Thank you for reacting to this, I can't wait to go on this journey with you. Avatar remains my favorite show of all time; cartoon or not. Watched it when I was 8 and it came out. Still watching it when I'm 20. It never gets old. I even have an Appa stuffed animal I got from the Mall of America.


My favorite of all time!