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This Game Of Thrones Arya Continues Her Training, While Tyrion and Jorah Run Into Some Problems On Their Journey. Jaime and Bronn Find His Daughter and Sansa Finds Out How Ramsey Feels About Her in Winterfell. 


Game Of Thrones Season 5 Episode 6 Reaction:Review



Will the full reaction be uploaded today?

Garrett Puumala

Sorry you had to react to this one guys. The. Absolute. Worst. Episode. Ever. Well, it can only get better from here. Here's to the rest of the show!


Patric always picking up on the fashion :) and poor rob he really gets affected when it comes to Sansa. Just remember the woman in this show are strong.


Rob 😢. He was so proud of Arya and then the poor guy covered his face and never recovered after that last scene. That just solidified Ramsey as the worst piece of garbage so far in this series. Loving the predictions though. It’s always fun to watch it all play out as to who’s right.

Kim Carragher

it's funny how you expected Sansa to remain a virgin because, in the books, she still is. This was a MAJOR shift from canon and many people were upset because of it. People were even upset that the show made Theon the focus of the rape scene, but honestly I found it a relief, because like you I don't think I could bear to actually SEE her get raped. She had so many close encounters with sexual violence and for it to actually happen... yeah it was hard to watch. It definitely solidified how I felt about Ramsey. Making Theon watch. That evil ass grin. So much for Littlefinger's "he's already in love with you".


I think GOT broke Robcity.

Kim Carragher

Patric don't worry about that Skywalker guy saying you're spoiling things by watching ahead. You're very thoughtful - in fact you're ALL very thoughtful - and it shows. You actually watch the show, listen to what it tells you and draw an analysis from it, unlike some people who just wait for the show to tell them things. It's why I love you guys so much, I just adore the way you pull things apart and piece plots together long before they happen on screen. I love how you try to understand every character's motivation even if you don't like them. Although one thing: Cersei isn't stupid, she's just not as smart as she thinks she is. For one, she holds Littlefinger's word at face value because she doesn't see a man from no noble house as a threat. She underestimates people. A LOT. But when she estimates them well, she's quite a threat. For instance, she knew Ned Stark would be too honourable to outmaneuver her. She knew Tommen would be easy to manipulate, hence why she's bothering to do what she's doing now. But she throws her power around, taking it for granted. "Power is power" shows how little she truly understands it. So.... smart, smarter than most, but reactive. Bites first, asks questions later.

Biscuit Bunny

Poor Rob...I feel your pain. That's how I felt watching this episode......Strap in....GOT is wild. I agree....Ramsey is the biggest piece of sh*t on this show. Don't break Rob! Keep watching...it's worth it! I love your analysis! So smart and in depth!


don't worry guys. it's game of thrones. truth and justice will uh..something something


depressing ass season. i dont think rob can handle episode 9


is there a full reaction for this episode ?


It was so sad seeing Rob being unable to watch in the end. Many fans had the same reaction. Seeing Ramasy tell Theon to watch her become a woman almost felt like he was torturing us to look the same way he was making Theon look.


At least ya'll have gotten through the worst episode of the show.

Sheraya san

sansa is the worst character in the show to me and even i felt bad for her here


Season 5 in general is disappointing because some storylines don't make any sense, but thankfully Season 6 and 7 we are back on track


Patric: Honestly I thought she was gonna be a virgin for this whole show. Ramsay: If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention.


i just noticed that Season 5 are actually the most down moments for most of the main characters you'll see Cersei Jon Dany Sansa and Arya in the worst way, that make's the season 6 one of the best seasons (season for revenge)


I think that's why people don't like 5. It's not so much the quality drops a whole lot. It's just so dark.

Garrett Puumala

It breaks everyone but we still watch it especially because we have to find out how it ends!!!

Garrett Puumala

It is hard to tell what Ramsay wants here. Is he raping Sansa out of spite? He is really hard to read, even when compared to Varys/Baelish. I want to believe Ramsay Bolton is more than just the personification of evil but I can definitely see the "joker" type characteristics in him. Is that all or is there more to this guy?

Garrett Puumala

Patric mad smart dude he is so insightful and it is awesome to see how in love with the series all these guys are. These analyses after are what we love and why we love this content. Keeps me hooked for sure.

Garrett Puumala

Insert "If you want justice, you've come to the wrong place"-Tyrion Lannister quote

Garrett Puumala

That's why they are the "dreaded" episode. I personally love the layout of each season

Garrett Puumala

Yeah. They had to divert some characters' story arcs for season 5 to make writing season 6 and 7 less difficult. I personally don't mind.

Garrett Puumala

Gotta break the characters down before they can be reborn. It's like the bootcamp of GoT

Jose Flores

Rob in the sunken place lol