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In this episode Dany has a tough decision to make that may change the direction of her rule. Jamie gets put in an interesting position and looks for help from his old friend. While Tyrion and Arya continue on their separate missions. Watch This Episode To Find Out More! 


Game Of Thrones Season 5 Episode 2 Reaction Review



Robb Stark's comrade didnt kill an enemy! He killed 2 unarmed kids who was already locked up in a cell. Dany should have had him locked up for now and not killed him in public. but you cant have people breaking out your prisoners and killing them.


I’ve had a lot of time to think about Dany and her decisions in this episode, and while the first time I watched it years ago I thought she was wrong, I’ve now changed my mind. She had a very hard choice. She didn’t execute him just because. He broke the law, the law that states what he did is punishable by death. The Harpy was going to face a trial, and likely would have been found guilty, but that’s not the point. She can’t give special privileges to only the people who support her. If she hadn’t executed him, it would have sent the message to the former slaves that they can do whatever they want with no consequences. She was stuck between a rock and a hard place, and she made the decision she thought was right. It infuriates me when people, both on the show and viewers, compare her to the mad king. She is nothing like him. She does not enjoy killing. I will be very interested in seeing how the react to what Jon does in the next episode, as the reactions are typically very different from the reactions to Dany.


Dany had a hard choice to make and imo it was the right choice , hissing and all , it was right.


damn, after some of the predictions at the end, cant wait for the next seasons

Kim Carragher

This is exactly how I feel. There was no need for a trial for the man she killed because he openly confessed to his crimes. He doesn't understand law, saying that he 'helped' her because her hands were tied, instead of acknowledging that she was trying to show how a proper justice system works. She continued that justice system with him, trying to respect the laws of Mereen (murder equals death)but because the only system the people there understand is A Life for A Life, and that the slaves thought themselves in power now with Dany as their righteous avenger, their bubble burst. Jon Snow would be hard pressed to please such people. Unfortunately, it does reignite the righteous anger in Dany. Fire and Blood always makes an appearance in Targaryans, even the kindest of them. I understand that imprisoning him would have been better, but that wasn't the law. As she said "the law is the law". Now, there's issues with that mentality too - if the law isn't protecting people properly then it needs to change, but given the balancing act she's doing, there would've been an uprising from both sides if she changed Murder Equals Death to Murder Equals Imprisonment. Dany is screwed here. The people who love her want her to kill the masters. The masters want to kill her. She also trying to prove she's nothing like her father. A real balancing act.

Kim Carragher

There's no winning for Dany. The people she freed don't understand what freedom really means. Choices yes, but also consequences. The masters understand it, which is why they're so good at manipulating Dany, knowing she'll try for the high road - but they reject the consequences part. They're richer and smarter and will always have something up their sleeve. Daario is kind of right, you should have them killed, they won't listen otherwise. But Dany is trying to give Westerosi values to a civilisation that actively, on all sides, does not want it. She is trying to be like Ser Barristan says she should be, but I think her counsel is sorely lacking in the absence of Jorah, who sees nuance in everything. While Ser Barristan probably, an honourable man, probably supported the execution of the freed slave, Jorah might have had a better solution. Or hell, just would have been a friend.

Kim Carragher

Exactly! Ned killed a man who was pretty innocent, but he broke his oaths and so the law said he had to die. The guy wasn't evil or cruel, just scared. Ned didn't take pleasure in it and neither did Dany. She actually was following Ser Barristan's counsel by killing the man, cause she would be breaking the law by imprisoning him. I''m not saying the law is right - but she couldn't ignore it. Change it maybe, someday down the line, but not now.


Daenerys biggest flaw of arrogance at its highest moment.


You made some very valid points, it wasn’t an honorable way of killing him. The whole crowd disliked it. And he even killed the person for dany! He said “ I did it for you because I know your hands were tied” dany wanted to kill the son of harpy but wanted to be politically correct! She showed more mercy to her enemy than she did her comrade that’s what we had a problem with.


And you also can’t have your mother releasing your biggest prisoner and not sentencing her to the same or similar fate.


TBH This is the season i started to disliked dany


She showed the same mercy to both: none. The Son of the Harpy was awaiting trial because he hadn't confessed to his crime, so his guilt needed to be determined in a trial. He most likely would've been found guilty and executed. Mossador confessed so a trial wasn't needed. He admitted freely to his guilt and was then executed. The law is the law: that's Daenerys' whole point, that we must be treating the former slaves the same as the former masters.


A lot of people did because on one hand she’s like cerci (she means what she says and does what she says she’s going to do) then on the other hand she’s like Jon snow (trying for a better future, trying to be merciful when she can and trying to fight for those who can’t necessarily fight for themselves). This was the season that started Flip Flop Danny which in had her lose a good majority of her fandom.


Why is the full review of episode 3 up before the fair use one?