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One of the most well shot battles we've seen in a series was shown in this episode. So, we tried something a little different, let us what you think and time stamp the funniest part of this reaction. 


Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 9 Reaction/Review


Kim Carragher

Your silence when Ygritte died was the best moment of this video, cause y'all were so hyped at her pointing an arrow at Jon. I also loved how you didn't blame the kid - she did kill his dad, after all.


Yeah... she did kill his dad. Let's keep that same energy in the future *cough cough*


It only gets better from here.


My 3rd favorite episode in the entire series!


Up until this point my favorite moment had been Dany's takeover when she got the Unsullied and also Tyrion's speech during his trial. Both were very powerful moments. I'm excited to see you guys' reaction to the season finale! IG: @DJBombJahlaam


I can’t wait to hear what your second and first favorite episodes are. Don’t tell us yet though!!


Both really dope moments ! And got you! 👍🏼


Jaime’s speech to Brienne; Daenerys getting her army. Those two episodes back to back are great.

Garrett Puumala

11:36 to 12:46 reaction was A1


god if they thought that was an amazing fight, theys mind gunna be blown


I know it seems hard to believe but you ain’t seen nothing yet!

Cherrelle Olivia

Favorite moment was Tyrion’s trial speech. I have it memorized. Best moment in television history. I felt everything he said in my soul!


Hey guys great reaction...Hey Rob Dany dont have 200k in her army all of the dothraki together is 100k 8000unsullied


Favorite moment up until this point is definitely the sack of Astapor. Daenerys is such a badass and that sequence was so perfectly shot.


On and on about how bad Jaime is. So let's just look at it. Before he pushed Bran from the window he was responsible for saving, what 30, 40,000 people? Sacrificing his name and his honor, knowing that this would mean the world would call him Kingslayer and hate him for it. Yet he did it all for the greater good. He was the secret champion of the 7 Kingdoms. He saved. his entire family, the Starks, the Tully's, everyone? Beloved by all? Yet, he's the worst human in the show because he ALMOST killed one young boy for the sake of his family? Let's look at his family. He loves his sister. Has anyone ever bothered to tell you that during those times families intermarried all the time? Why do you think all of the royalty and nobles in Europe are related to each other? And during this period he has remained faithful to Cersei. He loves all of his family, not like say Cat Stark who hated a baby John and prayed to the gods for his death. How about hating Littlefinger? He's responsible for the death of Ned, Cat, Rob and thousands upon thousands of innocent lives since he is responsible for starting the war. He's also responsible for the death of the former hand Jon Arryn, the murder of Lysa Arryn, yet you like and respect him? RIDICULOUS!


Ridiculous and short sighted. Try at least to keep the events happening before you clearly in mind. Oh yes, Littlefinger is also responsible for the death of Roz, the whore he sacrificed to Joffrey to win his favor. By my count Littlefinger is far more heinous a character by a factor of about 50,000 to 1. And he ain't finished y'all.


Oberon never got his revenge. He didn't hate the Mountain, he hated the Lannister's, and if the Mountain admitted in front of everyone that Tywin gave the order he would then have at the least shamed Tywin and would Oberon never got his revenge. He didn't hate the Mountain, he hated the Lannister's, and if the Mountain admitted in front of everyone that Tywin gave the order he would then have at the least shamed Tywin and would have gotten some revenge. Better, perhaps he would have had the opportunity to kill Tywin at a later date. Rob, you hate Jaime so much, how about hating Tywin who gave the order to the Mountain to murder two innocent children and rape and murder Prince Oberon's sister Elia Martell? What's worse, pushing a young child from a window and hoping you kill him or raping a women, then murdering her and her two children? Try to follow the storyline and save your hate for someone who deserves it.


By the way, season one of "True Detective", "Mindhunters" or all of "Breaking Bad" are the shit.


Can’t wait till they get to the battle of the bastards .they are gonna go crazy


You do realize how easy it is to figure out what you are talking about?


I am starting to think rob is a psychopath


Do y'all have a moderator for the comments? some comments on here are spoilery.

Jose Flores

First Patreon post, just became a knight. Looking forward to suppoting you guys and enjoying your awesome content.