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rick and morty 10



Rick and Morty season three here we come!

Chai Tea

I squanch you guys ♥


The thing you have to realize about Jerry is that in his eyes (and in reality) every single bad thing that's happened to them has been because of Rick. The alien under the house from the Unity episode? Rick. The aliens that made false memories of themselves? Rick. The wedding, being hunted down by the Fedaration, and Earth being taken over? Rick. To Jerry, Rick is just the asshole father in law who just pops back in his daughter's life after being gone for x years, crashes at their house rent-free, insults him every chance he gets, and takes his son on dangerous adventures in space with no notice. And he avoids any backlash from his daughter just by giving the weakest "I'm sorry honey" and she's completely on his side cause she has abandonment issues. We don't even know if this is Jerry is from this universe since they got switched up in Mortynight Run and Rick didn't bother to see if it was their original. Rick appeals to us the audience because we know it's a cartoon and can just buy into all the silliness that happens and know that everything will work out, but to Jerry who just wants to have a regular boring life with his family, Rick's the worst thing to happen to them.

Sheraya san

bitch i love Jerry (all of em)