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So, with all the people chasing the throne, Stannis, Robb, Joffrey, Greyjoy, and essentially Dany, at this point who did you predict to be end up as the respected Ruler? NO SPOILERS! lol


Game of Thrones Season 3 Episode 7 Reaction/Review



Did y’all skip episode 7? I don’t see it.


We put the wrong number by accident lol sorry about that

Kim Carragher

At this point in the game I was between Dany and Robb getting the throne. Robb claiming the North for good and Dany coming not too long after and claiming the South. I mean she has DRAGONS


Tyrion knows Shae is going to be in danger if she doesn’t back off. He’s being watched guys. Remember Cersei threatened him. This hurts him as much as it hurts her. He’s not only obeying his father, he’s seriously scared for Shae’s life. Remember how he ran to her that night Cersei brought poor Ros in all beat up. RIP Ros. That poor girl was so played. 😢


The anticipation waiting honestly makes it better!


Damn didn’t expect this today, we are truly blessed 👍

Hamza Khan

keep laughing Rob you'll know what it feels like when you have to wait for season 8


In this time the leader of the household usually arrange the marriages for their kids and sometimes younger siblings Tywin is not only Tyrion's father he is also Lord of their family and Hand of the King. He have no choice but to follow his orders


damn why is patrick such a dick to rob? STAND YOUR PUNK ASS DOWN. Rob is THE BEST.


Pat completely believed Jon Snow. Do you guys remember when Jon was first captured and he killed the old Night's Watch guy

Cameron Trail

I gained a lot of respect for Jamie throughout season 3. Rob should get over the bad things we've seen Jamie do. Also, remember the scene where Jamie is leaving and he tells Lord Bolton "the Lannisters send their regards"? Y'all should remember that line

Kelsey Roberts

I don’t understand how much I can love Rob for his respect of the Stark girls and Dany but want to punch my computer when he says he hates Jaime. Where are these “hundred more wrongs” he needs to right? The only truly heinous things we’ve seen Jaime do is push Bran and kill his cousin to escape. At the very worst, he is morally unwell when it comes to Cersei and their children, but what man isn’t a bit nuts when it comes to their woman and children? He saved Brienne’s life several times now, saved millions of lives at King’s Landing, and punched out his man for stabbing Ned Stark in an unhonorable way. What more does he have to do???


can you fuck off and let them find out themselves?? they will probably remember that line anyways.


It’s bc of his smug satisfied face in those earlier scenes lol...he need to suffer more and be brought down a few lvls. You throw the word honor in when he punched his soldier but he attacked the Hand of the King bc he felt him and his family was better than everyone else

Melissa Vukelic

The wildlings guy who can worg into an eagle is a WORG not a waug. It just sounds that way because of they're accents. Just needed to clear that up cuz hearing you guys continuously say it wrong is driving me nuts! But I still love you guys!


I don't expect Rob to like Jaime at the end of the day BUT I was expecting him to be a bit more open minded toward the character about his backstory and the development. Not saying he had to respect him but to see that he does have genuine feelings which drove him to save those millions of people in the capital and also to save Brienne now. Idk that's just my opinion. Either way I like all you guys but Patrick is my fave just because he really tries to see all angles with various characters so far.


😂😂😂😂.....can Rob take off the cape for a sec. Keep the same energy for everyone. I actually like Rob's analysis however, he is no longer being fair and balanced #foxnews