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We're mid way through the season and so far, this might be best season hitherto. Dany has 8,000 deadly emotionless soldiers, Theon getting tortured by who knows, Robb Stark slowly bugging out, John Snow getting ready to go over the wall with his new army, and whole lot more. Let's see if this season finishes as good as it started.


Game of Thrones Season 3 Episode 5 Reaction/Review



Hey guys. Not sure if this will impact anyone's opinions on Jaime at all but I think it's helpful to keep in mind that he was only supposed to be 15 years old when he killed King Aerys. And his entire life from that moment on was shaped by that decision, to the point that he was widely viewed as completely dishonorable and unworthy of respect by pretty much everyone. That can definitely impact the kind of person you grow up into and there's a lot of evidence in the book that Jaime's experience with the Mad King made him very cynical, so that he came to lose faith in the concepts of honor and knighthood. The only ones who didn't turn on him were his family and so they became the only thing he would care about from that point on - even if it required him to be dishonorable (which everyone already thought him to be).


Ned Stark did not die for honour. He dishonoured himself when he declared Joffrey the true king even though he knew it wasn't true just to save his daughters' lives, but he was still beheaded because the king was reckless and felt the need to prove himself strong, instead proving to be stupid.


One of if not my favorite episode. I loved your debate! Jaime can bring it all out. Good. Bad. Evil. Honorable. It seems The farther he is from Kings landing the better and more open he is and more honorable.

Dub Dubious

I do agree with Rob about Jaime pushing Bran out of a tower. However, the reason Jaime killed Ned's men is because Catelyn kidnapped his brother Tyrion, but Ned took the blame and said it was under his order (Jaime didn't know that it actually wasn't).


DC was way off with Rob not killing his mom! That wouldnt have made a difference or got him anymore respect. Rob married a a random foreigner and loss respect of his men


i get what your saying but he would have died regardless for what happened in the throneroom


WOW I've never seen Rob this awake and excited before!!!!

Nicole Christie

are there full reactions for GOT?


i just love how heated you guys got with your opinions here lol - definitely shows how into the story you all are. i don't blame jaime for what happened with the mad king and i get why he didn't believe that ned would believe the truth of what happened, but it's tangled up in pride and insecurity. i don't think he's an honorable or good man and he has a lot to atone for, but i do enjoy his character. i really like the moment in the bathtub though - at that point i didn't like him but man i felt empathy. brienne is so honorable and good that just by being near her it makes him better too lol. great reaction.