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We are moving to california will be driving from the east coast to the west coast so we won't be able to record and upload videos during that time follow us on instagram to see our trip live @robcityrt @patricrt @well_rt @Wilkins_rt we are getting a beautiful new setup and camera just so all the content can be better for you guys! Thank you see you in Cali Patreon family!



Thankyou for your reactions Have a safe trip! I hope moving goes well.

raeven b.

Have a safe drive over, guys! Man, moving SUCKS, but this should be an exciting one, since it's to Cali, dang! The fun awaits! <3


wait, are you moving or this is just for the summer?


Safe travels!


travel safely and can’t wait to see the new setup


Happy moving, guys! Cheers to new beginnings :)