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Mutant and Proud!


Jason Charles

I swear this nigga wellz hasn’t chnaged how he views & consumes media from the time he was 12. Nigga only cares about coolness and fighting 😂 mans said FACTS so loud when charles said magneto could be stronger but don’t realize if he never met charles he never would have got there… he would have remained weaker than chares his WHOLE life if charles didn’t WANT to help him reach his potential… REMEMBER, this whole movie charles was stronger

Jason Charles

This nigga wellz man 😂😂😂😂 nigga said charles is delusional but is magneto biggest fan… MAGNETO the guy who has based his whole life mission on the DELUSION that all humans want the extinction of mutants. If we use the racism analogy that would be like believing all people not colored are racist which just isn’t true. We never would have got as far as we have believing such things. BOTH chares and Erik are EQUALLY delusional on the same point just on different sides. That’s the beauty of their characters.


1:27:20 Hank put all 10 of his finger toes in his mouth , geez. Might be the worst fumble in X Men history with Rogue.