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Hey guys. This isn't a "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME" question.

When I post several pictures at once... like, within a few minutes of each other... Do you see them all in your email?

Like, is each patreon post a separate email chain, or are they all layered in the same "correspondence?"

You guys know what I mean, right?

Just need to know if you guys have been missing any of my stuff because I'm posting them too fast, or if the way I'm doing it is okay.

Also, has anybody else been having.... strange technical problems with this patreon lately?



I've been getting spammed over the past few days, I had over 50 emails from your feed at one point but it was all for stuff you had already posted a long time ago. Not sure what's going on?


.... Well that's odd.... The EXACT same images? I.... OHHH wait, I think I know what's going on.... I've been lowering m y "$5 tier" posts down to $3, since I've changed the tier prices since I started.


There does end up being some spam of emails, but it's usually just a few at a time. I get the emails right at the same time as I get notifications from the post for patreon, but it's not unmanageable.




Oh wait, you said this ISN'T a "what do you want from me." :P